Join me for an evening of Deliveroo orders as I find out whether cycling for Deliveroo can be a good side hustle in 2024?

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    #UberEats #Deliveroo #GigEconomy #CycleCourier #UKFoodDelivery

    hello everyone pend productions here and today I’m back doing another AES and deliveroo shift I have just accepted an order from kakaro on my way into town so I’m going to go head there to pick up that order it’s not the best paying but it’s going an okay distance and it means that at least I’m being kept busy in this early stage of the evening it’s currently about a couple minutes to 5:00 p.m. on a Saturday so hopefully it’s a good one this evening and I’m hoping to find out whether e and deliver route is still a good side hustle in 2024 um and hopefully this evening will give me a good kind of barometer or demonstration of what it’s been like so far this year especially now that we’re into the new economic year with it being April now that can sometimes be a bit of a slump here I find uh on delivery and Roots at least recently for me uh in the last couple years so we’ll see how it goes this year uh and see how it goes this evening so order collected and I’ve got to go up the Paris Avenue for this one uh so it’s a decent route uh I think going past either past or through Bedford Park as well so should get a little bit of nice scenery if we going through I’ll double check this out now if when we get a bit closer so made it to the Paris Avenue looks like on the SAT now we going past the park rather than through it on this occasion so I won’t get quite so much of the pretty scenery but having a Treeline street is quite nice at least briefly and ran over a squirrel oh my gosh I saw the squirel run up the tree and thought better put my fingers on the brakes just in case and then I just saw it Dart behind the car thankfully it turned pretty quickly obviously both me and the scroll have been avoiding uh reflexes because that could have ended badly probably more so for the squirrel than myself but still gets your heart racing that does I’m getting a bit of deja vu here I came up this road the last time I did some deliveries um so yeah I mean you you frequent the same places a lot of the time but I don’t always come up this road so yeah it definitely is a bit of deja vu coming back up back up here so I earned £350 for that order uh and that’s about a mile and a half of riding so here and back you know to town and back I mean it’s going to be about total journey of 3 miles so more than a pound a mile wor that let go again for CH I just I don’t know what it is till I get there that’s the trouble otherwise I would like if I know it’s not like a crate of beers or something it’s just not worth going up there or like loads of milk cuz it’s just too heavy all that liquid when you’re on a bicycle so sometimes those Supermarket orders like the one coming up there are just not worth doing and they like close to it so it doesn’t take you you know out your way to go and find out what the order actually is and whether you can actually carry it safely or not safely more so for my back rather than Road Safety although that is also a factor I suppose oh corumba they’re quite good quite quick usually I’ll accept that so Kumar order collected and we’re heading down to Kempston with this order so again it’s a bit of a long uh trip not as long as it could be I suppose but a decent length and uh it’s mostly along sort of separated bike Lanes which is quite nice um oh German donica B is open uh they opened this week so I guess I don’t know if they’re set up for Liu yet I’m sure they will be at some point when I used to live in Brighton uh longer term viewers will know that I used to live and work in Brighton rather than Bedford where I now am uh when I used to work there they were on delivery and Uber when they first set up uh so yeah I imagine the GDK here will eventually set up if they aren’t already it looks quite busy in there so I guess some people are like oh let’s try that see what it’s like and this time we get to go along the river for a bit so again we get some nice views I wonder if it would be flooded under here probably not we’ve not really had that much rain recently if you remember my previous video it was flooded under here no it’s dry which is nice so I’ve completed that second delivery order uh heading back towards Bedford now I’ve just ridden past some restaurants I was kind of of hoping delivery might offer me one of those orders but sadly not it might offer me one as I go past this park which might be worth turning around for but if not I guess I would update you when I get back to Bedford okay I accepted another order it’s uh a food order from one of the pubs in town so we’re going to pick that one up again they usually have it ready when I show up which is always nice this person seems to be stopping be nice if I used their indicator like I’m going to get to this bik trop and yeah we will be going to pick up the order so delivery order collected I’ve been out for about an hour now and I think this is my third order so far tonight uh so getting a few in and not having to wait around too long for them I’m just having to come back to town each time which is the uh slowing factor I suppose but we are going staying pretty close to town with this one actually so so as I was saying before my camera battery decided to empty itself uh I’ve just swapped to a new one that uh this order is going to be a much shorter distance than the last two so that’s nice should be able to get it done quick and get back to another restaurant quicker which kind of does help your earnings if you’re spending less time traveling um and obviously less time waiting at restaurants so immediately upon having completed that order I’ve been given another one this time from zezy which is about the closest the restaurant could be to where I am currently uh so it really isn’t far back to there and yeah that one’s again not going a massive distance so should be able to knock a few more out this time so zzy order collected it took a little bit of a weight but not the worst weight I’ve ever had probably about five or so minutes it just feels longer when you’re waiting um so yeah order collected it’s not going too far either um s of staying Within sort of close to the town center so yeah that’s not too bad so zzy order delivered and I just accepted a Pizza Express order which came in again just as I delivered the previous one so it’s busy enough we’ve just not got a boost at the moment uh and so far I’m staying a little bit closer to town which helps in terms of saving distance traveling back bringing past P Express no it’s here it’s a little bit hidden sometimes uh and they like us to go up the back so that’s what I’ll do so Pizza Express order collected and it took me too long to wait for really I waited about 10 minutes oh now there’s traffic so I’m going to miss the first light yeah it’s just annoying when you get those ones I had another Rider there I was talking to um and yeah he was a while he was probably there for about half the time that I was so yeah it’s a bit frustrating when you get those it would be like better if the apps or the systems somehow will like give you the order once it’s actually ready or close to being ready although I suppose sometimes I don’t know how long it’s going to be for a rider to show up so I don’t know but when it’s busy like a Saturday night and this Riders about I do feel like they should wait a little bit either way we’ve got the order now and it’s paying a decent amount as well for the distance it seems at least compared to the orders I’ve done so far this evening so I thought I’ll stick with it it is nice in summer working in Bedford for delivery when you get to ride down by the river uh especially when it’s not too warm not tooo cold you get some daylight you get nice views and as long as the swans and the geese pay out your way it’s not too bad riding along there so yeah nice if your deliveries take you along this route which this one does and oh I’ve got a Nando’s order coming in I just delivered the pizzza express order uh it was quite a good journey down here pizzza Express still paying so much as this one was saying it would have done I’ll do it though it’s not too bad Nando’s again is one of the first restaurants I get to in town and if it looks like they’re pretty quick basically if there not a bundle of rers outting uh it’s worth doing I don’t actually have to go into the building so that’s always good it’s also near near 7:00 so nearly been out for 2 hours at this point I’m hoping to do a couple more orders um we’re currently on 20 so about10 L an hour at the moment so based on these first two hours that’s quite good although when I checked the first hour I was on about7 something so the second hour has definitely been better than the first still no boost on deliver is there one on Uber no no boost on Uber either in Bedford uh tonight although the only ORD that I’ve had offers from on Uber were from cesco and I just didn’t want to do them tonight so the people there who were working told me that it’s going to be about a 7 minute wait so I’ve decided to reject the order looks like there’s a few Riders waiting over there opposite the McDonald’s and the nandos as there often is a lot of riders waiting around there um I don’t know I prefer to wait down here cuz it’s a bit prettier and there’s less traffic and there’s about an equal amount of restaurants to be honest uh Here There and sometimes I get orders from over there I’m getting one coming now actually as I say all of this from Nando oh I’m not doing that that’s an insane distance and only 5 quid I just got5 for that last one I did which was nowhere near that far another n no I don’t want to go up there that’s claen that’s too far really uh stay online so yeah it looks like Nando is busy but it’s because it’s a long way and nobody wants to deliver from there at the moment so I am calling an end to the evening now just because I’ve been waiting around for 20 minutes and not had any orders which aren’t going to different towns which is just too far like £5 to a different town is just too much uh distance for the money so it’s just not worth staying out when it’s like that uh so final fees were 20 and 2 which for the time that I earned that in was actually quite good I earned it within 2 hours but in 2 hours 20 minutes the extra time waiting around to see if it would get good again uh just isn’t quite so worth it really um I mean it’s good you know it still is good but I can’t say that the average earnings are amazing for that but yeah not too bad I think in the broader context if I answer the question in the title is deliver room and ubber still a good side hustle uh I’d say your mileage may vary but I’d say that yeah it’s worth a go as a side hustle in 2024 um especially for me today delivery was the year of the two that changes depending on the day and depending on the city as well but yeah I would say it’s worth a shot as a side hustle still uh I hope you enjoyed this video if you did Smash that like button and subscribe to the channel if you want to see more like this and I will see you next time bye [Applause] [Music] he [Music]


    1. Nice one. After seeing a couple of other riders making YouTube videos, I have also started doing it, and I am gradually discovering more. I'm glad to see that it is a bigger community than I thought. Keep it up buddy 😁

    2. How long did it take you to get on Deliveroo? I did all my paperwork for it 3 months ago and still haven't heard anything back. I got through on Uber eats, went out for 2.30 hours around the hot spots on the map/my town, had 0 orders! It seems like more people just aren't spending their money like they did pre-pandemic.

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