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    Gaming backlog –

    0:00 Intro
    29:13 Career Intro
    40:10 Kart One UK Nationals Round 1: Glencairn East
    1:13:51 Kart One UK Nationals Round 2: Glencairn West
    1:35:02 Kart One UK Nationals Round 3: Chesterfield
    1:59:14 Kart One Championship Round 1: Dubai Kartdrome
    2:33:45 Kart One Championship Round 2: Glencairn
    2:58:01 Kart One Championship Round 3: Chesterfield
    3:23:42 Kart One Championship Round 4: Summerton

    #ProjectCARS #SimRacing #LetsPlay

    so uh I can explain um hi how we doing so uh th this this thing it’s time for story time before we uh get into anything else first of all welcome to the Stream so you let’s take a trip back to 2014 shall we there’s this little well even before 2014 maybe even so there’s this little company uh they make video games um they made some really cool racing video games in fact they were pretty uh pretty good racing simulators um on the computer for the time well one of the people that uh helped with making those games in some way um uh made his own uh racing game studio and they made some more racing games those weren’t those were more of a arcade style but they still uh were in the realm of a realistic racing experience in terms of the content in the game and then after three games of that they decided hey what if we made one of I’m not say this is not my opinion this is this is part of story time I don’t know why I did that what if we made a racing Sim and it was like nothing you’ve ever seen before it was the ultimate racing simulator we’re gonna have the community help out with us uh we’re gonna we’re gonna completely self-fund and published this project involving cars unintentional there uh and we’re even going to have the community help us out and uh even help us with funding because crowd funding was huge back then um anecdote side note Cars the cars and project cars that’s an acronym you know what the acronym stands for Community assisted racing simulator so uh uh thank you for thank you for the Super Chat Tater um uh so they went and they started development on this game and they had a bunch of help from the community allegedly help from Real Race drivers as well with the the feel and everything and stands for Car Store AG that’s funny um and this game was being super hyped up and there’s one person in particular that was Loosely following the the development of this game who was super duper Omega excited for this he bought into the hype so badly and he so badly wanted this to be everything he thought it was going to be that person’s me by the way I [ __ ] was sold on this game you know why cuz they said that this game was going to be the closest thing I have seen in my life to what I would have considered my perfect racing single player campaign in a video game I pre-ordered this game I played it day one and I was sufficiently WellMed this this game had problems um [Music] yeah this was kind of one of those games that were um uh they were pioneers of what is the current gaming trend of release it now finish it later um I don’t I wasn’t part of of the crowdfunding campaign car I don’t think so I just pre-ordered the game um but uh yeah I played this day one and I tried my best to love this and it had some problems and I went light on it I was like it’s all right but you know it’s got some issues the iron out whatever the racing game Community was far more harsh to it uh they they [ __ ] dog piled this thing oh my God probably deserving considering what we know about Ian Bell now uh there’s a reason why a lot of people myself include call him Ian bellend the dick um so yeah but the story doesn’t stop there so I played this game a little bit for a few hours I was like well they tried they got close the career structure is exactly what I wanted to see the everything around it so I sheld this game for a long ass time but every now and then ever since this game released in 2015 every just every few months to a couple years I get that little itch in the back of my head it’s like I kind of want to play project cars kind of want to play project cars kind of want to play project cars so I would either boot up project cars or it’s sequel play it for like a couple hours and be like I’m going to play through this game this time it’s going to be great time and then I don’t make it too far and I drop the game uh I did this um I can’t remember when I joined Blue Sky now as like some point last year I I put I uh I installed this game to my Xbox series X I’m like I’m going to play through this game now you know what I really want to just do it and then I played it for a few hours and I stopped playing it I want to play this game chat I really want to play this game and the only way I can actually play this game is by forcing myself to do it by making it a let’s play so fast forward to today April 22nd 2024 I’m playing project cars now here’s a couple more things one um this is kind of a little ahead of schedule so the original plan I had I was going to play project car s but not yet I was going to wait until I finished Dirt 3 uh the PSP Need for Speed games that I’ve been working on that’s stuff however the itch got got uh worse you know how that itch got worse the YouTube algorithm you know what the YouTube algorithm did to me it showed me British Club racing and oh my God British Club racing is [ __ ] cool and it made me want to play project cars again so I’m playing [ __ ] project cars thanks 750 Club in [ __ ] England you bastards so I’m playing Project CARS oh by the way so um you know how I pre-ordered this game it was on Steam I bought this game twice cuz I have a physical copy for the Xbox but wait but wait there’s more this game had DLC guess what you can’t buy anymore because the licensing for all that DLC ran out the DLC so I you access the DLC to this game in the year 2024 you buy another copy of project [Music] [Laughter] cars so um I have procured the Game of the Year Edition which comes with all the DLC in the game I have purchased this game three [ __ ] times now I’m playing this [ __ ] game [Laughter] I had to deal with Dirt 3 to get the DLC deal with project [ __ ] cars I sound mad because I am because I I’m playing Project CARS damn it so anyways project cars developed by slightly met Studios ended up getting published by Band damco which was which is interesting um released like I said in 2015 to uh mixed response the game was a little lacking in content there was even some a bunch of coming soon stuff in the uh single player campaign when it first dropped but they eventually uh fin finish the game and now we’re going to play it so yeah there’s also going to be a Wii U version of this game some the [ __ ] how but that got cancelled as if the Wii U could play this freaking game anyways I’m going to put the that back on my shelf I’m going to change scenes and we’re going to play project goddamn cars for the Xbox One on my Xbox series X with my Logitech G27 steering wheel I’m fine I’m fine I am slightly mad as an understatement s but yeah yes oh [ __ ] all right I am stoked to play this so I have a completely brand new wipe save so I’m probably going to have to like mute the uh music before I can actually mute it in the game we’ll see but I’m going to press the A but well what is represented as the a button on my steering wheel to start the game going to load going to play the intro scene we’ve already seen that from the race Spectrum below a style that best describes your experience and skill level note that you can change and go deeper into any of these options at a later time by accessing options and help yeah that’s what happens whenever you load this game with a brand with no save file you get thrown straight into the so what kind of experience do you want um so we have three different options here we have novice uh that has uh you know more assists slow AI amateur take a little assists away make the as slightly faster Pro handly mode Pro manual gearing no driving assists or on screen guys damage now affects the performance of the car fuel depletion tire wear yeah we’re going to go with Pro preset we’re obviously going to adjust our settings uh as we go along I should probably also calibrate my pedals I haven’t project cars has now been tailored just for you now choose where you want to begin you can access common areas of the game via the quick access menu voiceover lady really said project cars is uh oh God oh God turn off the music turn off the music turn off the music turn off the music I’m pretty sure it’s copyrighted turn it off turn it off turn it off um thank you for the five [Music] bucks uh all right we’re safe we’re safe from copyright now um but yeah voice over L really just said uh every copy of project cars is personalized thank you for the five bucks gravy um and again thank you Tater Todd for the $10 Super Chat earlier uh so all right you need more drugs or fewer drugs if I had drugs in my system I’d probably be way more calm but here’s our main menu um we have a bunch of different options here we have our career mode on the left which is going to be I’m kind of excited I’m not going to lie uh we have solo mode which is your quick race mode pick a car pick track go blah blah blah we have online mode I don’t know if the servers are still up I don’t care to try uh to look uh and this is like the community tab where they hold online events uh I don’t care how many cars are in the game don’t know um and then we go over here to my my home can go to my garage check out all the cars that are in the game um uh you know sonok I did the exact same thing in project cars 2 it also sucked uh but can look at all the cars that in the game and because I have all the DLC thanks to the Game of the Year Edition I have all the cars in the game plus I think there’s actually a couple exclusive cars with the Game of the Year Edition which is interesting um uh profile driver Network allows you to track your accomplishments and progress compare your stats with friends view your highlights and share content your profile shows a breakdown of what you like playing your Affinity with particular cars Motorsports and tracks your online performance record and online reputation compare this with friends to see the unique driver Journeys you’ve both taken I must compare my driver Journey with all my friends who have played project cars on the Xbox um so I like what she said this is our stats screen shows our play time uh in terms and it breaks everything down by discipline and cars and mod and qualifying and racing and succeed in your chosen Motorsport and you’ll learn accolades accolades attract the attention of Scouts for other teams that may want to hire you and specific companies and organizations who may want to invite you to take part in special events check back here to see which accolades you’ve earned and monitor your progress towards achieving any historic goals yeah uh how long is it probably take me this will probably be a long long one this is also another reason why I really wanted to play this I haven’t played like a like a realistic circuit racing game in a while for a let’s play um the last like circuit racer I played was Evolution GT I can’t remember the last like like more simulation style uh game I’ve let played I think yeah I think GT Sport was the last one um but uh also I’m just going to say this right now I forgot to say it in my intro rant I don’t care what anybody says you can call this a Sim you can call this a not sim I don’t give a [ __ ] your voices are heard by zero people shut the [ __ ] up not a Sim shut up no one cares it’s a hardcore Sim you’re just get shut up no one cares video game it’s got realistic driving me who cares I specifically remember one instance where I was like I was um I was kind of like uh teasing like oo I’m probably going to play like a more serious like simulation Style game in the near future and someone’s like I can’t be project cars cuz that game’s not a Sim her he her he her he her he her shut up shut shut mouth your words do not matter to this I’m getting I’m getting too toxic here anyways um what did the voiceover lady say about this I’ve already forgotten but this is our kind of career goals here um I’m hopefully I’m going to complete all these in this game we’ll see about that hopefully that’s the goal and then if we go over to the subtabs we have have accolades um which involves progress through the career we have three different categories gold silver and bronze uh endorsements brand deals and then invitations which we’ll get into that and the highlights tab lists all your favorite photos and replays that you’ve saved yeah this is our replay theater all right okay let’s look at the options for real now I’ve turned uh turned off the music um so gameplay authenticity steering assistance off breaking assistance off driving assists allowed we have all none or real I’m going to turn it to real because if a car has abs in the [ __ ] real life I’m using the car with abs in [ __ ] video game so two elsts uh damage I’m going to do something unique here normally I would do this full damage hardcore oh my God this game has issues this game has issues I’m going to turn the damage not fully off we’re going to turn it to light damage which I guess is performance impacting light damage we can also just turn it to only visual damage or completely off I’m going to turn on light damage okay okay okay uh mechanical failures I’ll keep that on sure [ __ ] it why not tire wear we can set it to uh real tire wear length or we can increase the tire wear up to seven times normal or just completely off or we can set it to a slower wear little option I really like in this game I set the assist to whatever the car you’re driving has yeah I like that AJ really nice single races of full damage maybe I do like when when uh more realistic driving RAC driving games have like uh a real assist option so if a car would have abs or TCS in real life you’ll it’ll automatically set it to that um uh anyways fuel usage we can turn that either real slow or off no uh multipliers for fuel consumption uh Auto engine start I’m going to keep that to yes because I don’t want to push a button to start the engine I’m lazy flags and penalties we’ll keep that on I have a feeling we’re going to have issues involving that UDP I don’t know what that means so I’m going to keep it off and the game doesn’t explain it to me uh anyways on screen guides in display we have our HUD level we can set it to light Telemetry off or we have two full options with a mirror or with with or without a mirror DPS Dr Uranus description protocol oh [ __ ] very good uh guiding line that’s the racing line can turn it to just a breaking line full I’m going to keep that off uh turn indicator I’m pretty sure that’s like arrows to show you hey there’s a turnup coming like in an arcade racer mostly um companion apps oh okay and keep that off track map obviously I’m going to have the track map on I like having the track map cycle lap info that’s too vague for me to understand so I’m going to turn it on uh starting grid lights on or off keep that on cockpit wheel and Driver inside interior cam yeah we’re going to keep that on caul mirrors on uh opponent names just set that to multiplayer only or off either way it’s off uh I don’t really care to have like the names hovering over the drivers it’s just kind of distracting um pit engineer that’s kind of our that’s going to be uh communication radio communication we’ll keep that on um if he actually talks to me it’s this game has issues um display units I’m a filthy American so we’re using uh we’re using bald eagles per Daytona 500s um for uh for our units for our measurements so uh yeah and that was just the gam playay controls again I’m using my G27 via the drive hub adapter which uh tricks my Xbox series X into thinking that I’m driving a G9 using a g920 so cool automatic clutch keeping that on I can’t heal toe so for old cars just nah I’m good uh manual gearing um okay yeah it just has manual automatic the [ __ ] is a healthy relationship I don’t know I’ve been single for over a decade it has taken a massive hit on my mental health uh inverted gearing guess that inverts the gear but like buttons I guess I don’t know I don’t know anyways that’s fine uh let’s see pedal calibration you know what that looks fine actually let’s start okay let’s calibrate all my things depress the pedals as far as possible all right there we go good uh wheel calibration let’s turn this [ __ ] turn that [ __ ] all the way hold the wheeler than 90 degrees clockwise or anticlockwise all right sure 9001 degrees of steering lock that’s fine this is a 900 degree wheel so that’s fine works for me all right configuration dead steering Dead Zone yeah [Music] sure dead zones I might have to adjust the brake Dead Zone because I have been having intermittent issues with my brake pedal sometimes but not all the time but only sometimes um the best uh example of that is my ex NASCAR xinity race at New Hampshire in heat 2 that’s not on the second Channel yet but I had break problems with that um sensitivity blah blah blah force feedback I like running light force feedback it’s less loud and it’s also less shaky uh I’m going to turn it to 50 for now that’ll work RPM gear display I believe that’s the uh shift lights whether I turn that on or off because I have shift lights that I never see on my wheel but I’m going to turn them off or turn them on uh input mode I don’t know what that means Advance sure let’s turn oh okay yeah whatever that’s that’s fine all right and then our control assignments let’s see throttle use the accelerator for throttle break use the break for break um anyways uh clutch for clutching shifting yep the the paddles are the bumper buttons uh it has I yes gear 7 because I have I totally have seven gears on my H pattern I wonder if this game will make me use the H pattern I actually don’t know for like cars that have an AG pattern um see I should probably set these stuffs it’s probably automatic it’s fine um do I need a request Pit Stop button probably not we’ll we’ll we’ll look at this whenever we get to cars that have more the [ __ ] ERS and DRS and [ __ ] [Music] um uh oh right these are button assignments I’m an idiot uh camera I’m only actually I could probably remap this once I cycle through the cameras um look behind button I’m probably not going to need that at any point um cycle mon Motech LCD okay goood display cyle lap info I’ll probably rebind these at some point yeah I haven’t really played actually played played this game in months so I don’t exactly know what all I need this is a lot of video options for a console game I’m not going to lie so I’m not touching the [ __ ] except for heat Haze I’m turning that [ __ ] on because heat Haze looks cool um everything else I don’t know what the [ __ ] vignette is so I’m just going to keep that off I’m I don’t know anything about any of that so Tusc raise that is a word I know what that means the sun raay um makes the corners of the screen darker oh yeah I don’t want that we’ll keep that off camera options this says our fov options I’m just going to leave that at stock or default because I don’t give a [ __ ] high- speeed Shake definitely not no shaky um yeah that seems fine seems fine to me here’s our audio options it’s all maxed out music’s turned off because it’s copyrighted blah blah blah Xbox help credits okay so there’s our options this is our open the DLC store page so all that it has been a half an hour it is time for me to actually start playing the video game and by that I mean it’s time to get into the career mode and start reading a bunch more menus so who’s ready to start a new career in Project CARS cuz I sham project s p project that’s me I’m simp baby let’s go thank you for the resub pig um yeah let’s do this this is your chance to follow in the footsteps of your favorite racing Heroes create a driver choose your starting point and then aim for Glory climb the Motorsport ranks quickly to claim the Ultimate Prize dominate one particular motor sport defiantly against all Challengers or become a multi-discipline master and prove you can compete in all forms of racing complete all three of these historic goals and you’ll be on your way to entering the Hall of Fame alongside Your Heroes I’ll be the greatest of all time yeah let’s [ __ ] go I genuinely I’m kind of hyped so let’s create our driver our forame well obviously we’re going to be the Czech Republic’s finest girl walls I mean duh good old div goobar oh yeah this game has like fake Twitter so we can set our fake Twitter handle I know exactly what I’m setting it to uh I don’t know this will work oh did it censor it what the [ __ ] it censored it God damn it all right fine game said no fun allowed oo that’s a good idea Thunder balls all right [Music] [Applause] girl this is very important I must have the perfect fake Twitter handle yeah let’s go we got past the sensor let’s go woo we did it thank you thunder nationality again the Czech Republic looks finest girl balls and I like how our car number choice is on a slider kind of goofy but hey it works we can go from 0 to 99 obviously I’m going to choose number 91 cuz that’s my racing number because I’m lame and I didn’t have a racing number so I’m like I need to choose an actual racing number H well I was born in 1991 there you go 91 that’s it so here’s our uh here’s our three main historic goals um we have to win the lmp1 World Championship within 10 seasons after starting from the lowest tier uh starting off in caring Lewis Hamilton’s racing career progressed through interc Continental a formula a formula Renault Formula 3 gp2 and eventually a Formula 1 where he became 2008 World Champion and the the youngest at the time to ever hold the title at the age of 23 wasn’t Louis familton so [ __ ] cool oh read chat for once listen don’t be a dick Pig I didn’t even realize I said set my name to dka divka God damn it I thought y’all were just being a funny it’s fine it’s fixed that doesn’t mean be a dick though [ __ ] off um anyways and then when defending champ defend a championship for three consecutive years at tier two or above Pizza Pizza uh something about do Michael schoer dominating Formula 1 okay yeah cool uh Triple Crown win three championships in three different motorport disciplines a tier three and above Travis Pastrana is their example for this throughout his career Travis pastron has tackled and succeeded in a wide variety of motor sports previously driving in the NASCAR Nationwide Series Pastrana has previously won championships and Awards in rally Motocross motocross freestyle in sports pastr did sports car racing I think the game is telling is spreading misinformation here I I do not remember pastrami racing sports cars rally absolutely he still does that [ __ ] um oh he did date okay that makes sense well I guess that ticks the Box same I NASCAR Nationwide Series baby remember that time pastr did NASCAR and he’s cuz he’s like ah NASCAR is easy and then he did NASCAR he’s like saying easy Chief uh [ __ ] H today I learned thank you T-Bone anyways as our our goals here’s our I I div copar um now choose from one of the many starting points for your career you can start in any of the available Motorsports and by competing successfully you’ll receive contract offers to participate in another motor Sports I’m absolutely paraphrasing AJ but it was kind of that sort of a tone he had he went into NASCAR I was like ah this is easy they’re just going in circle and he’s like okay there’s a lot more like to this than I initially thought and I don’t think I can do this so this is an interesting career layout I’ve seen people [ __ ] about this on the internet the same people who want instant gratification and everything for nothing you can start ever the [ __ ] you want in the career if I wanted to start at the top with LMP 1s I could do that right from the get-go but people had a problem with that weird yeah I like how the F Formula 1 Representatives is not is tier 2 lmp1 is the ultimate of Motorsport [ __ ] you Formula 1 but we have eight tiers here we can start from the top or we have endurance racing lmp2 there’s we have these split into multiple different discipline so we have uh sports car racing prototypes we have GT Racing and we have open Wheels as well there’s a GT5 category okay and then tier and 8 we have uh the very entry level of Motorsports carding and that’s where we’re going to start our career in tier eight with the cart one discipline congratulations a team is interested in hiring you as a driver yeah take a look at and sign the contract so we can begin released in 2015 when wack and lp1h was the absolute Peak this is true oh yeah the Janetta is I forgot about that um all right so we have two contracts here we have one from torque Riders founded in 2009 from Spain um or we have dark Nitro that was founded in 2010 from the UK uh let’s see what they have to say so uh cart one contract offer deer gr balls uh glad to finally make your acquaintance we would like to extend an offer to you to come and drive for torque Riders next year in the cart one your previous experience put you on our radar as being an individual that we can that we believe we can support fully within the team this font is very Compact and hard to read for me and whom you can get the best out of our 125cc shifter cart if this sounds like something you you’re interested in we’d ex we’d be extremely happy to get the ball rolling up ball rolling on drawing up a contract if this is of Interest we would be grateful if you would accept our offer Joey Joey I’m not attempting to pronounce that because I might accidentally say a slur and I don’t want to that’s bad yeah like like the cosplayer with the big boobs Jessica it’s her dad it’s her Spanish dad anyway that was torque Riders we also have dark Nitro car uh dear girl balls as you may be aware dark Nitro currently has a spot available for a driver next season and after careful deliberation your name came up as the perfect candidate uh therefore we would be delighted if you would consider joining dark Nitro next season to drive our 125 shifter cart to the championship Victory let us know at your earliest convenience if this interests you and we’ll get the contract ready wishing you all the best and hoping to hear from you soon Brent Hopkin autograph animations copies the sign perfectly and gives up halfway through oh yeah it doesn’t even bother with the [ __ ] it just [Music] goes to be fair that’s how I signed things I get started and then I just kind of give up after the first like two letters is that Ian Bell signature doesn’t look like it looks like a j then again signatures are stupid I don’t know people people just scribble and like this is my signature this uh increases the value of this item by like $50 million Jan Bell John well I think I think I’m going to sign with dark Nitro so let’s sign with dark Nitro welcome to the world of cart racing oo this is where many successful Racing Champions started out and a great place to learn the basic principles of competitive racing you’ll start out in a short national series followed by the entry carts Championship each round features a Sprint race and a main race M points are scored by the top eight finishers okay bonus points are awarded for fastest qualifying time and fastest race lap time oo the pit Lane is open for refueling repairs and tire changes it’s time to start your carding career let’s start carding this is your Career Dashboard yeah here you can read news articles from SIM racer reporting on the various Motorsports Seasons that are currently running and see what your fans are talking about it looks like you have a message waiting already in your inbox ooh isn’t Sim racer an actual like blog or something I actually don’t know because I don’t follow Sim racing because everyone’s a [ __ ] [ __ ] best way to describe it anyways there’s a fake Twitter on the right I’m not going to bother reading fake Twitter because I really don’t give a [ __ ] about fake Twitter um so here in the home dashboard we can look at our calendar and set up our car as well I’m not touching that [ __ ] because I don’t know how to set up cars this is where contract offers invitations and messages from your team will appear it looks like you have a welcome message from your team oh how cute a welcome message all right so we got two emails both from uh dark Nitro um I think the newest one is it filters out the newest to the oldest this left to right so um them racings like real racing Taylor Swift to me I like the thing and intensely hate their things fans that’s me with everything love love playing video games love listening to music hate the people that do the same CU they’re all bunch of bastards um anyways so from Brent Hopkin uh divka hello we’re absolutely thrilled to have you on board with dark Nitro thanks for accepting our offer we’re here to win so anything we can do to help just shout uh Shout Out the Devil and then also from Andrew Tudor part of dark Nitro uh greetings Andrew Tudor here I’m your race engineer for this season last year was tough one for us was tough one for us grammar um human uh but now we have our new 125 shifter cart and you to drive it things are looking bright for the upcoming season I’ll be here to help make sure your car is always on in top shape and that the pit crew are well trained and ready to do their part the rest is in your hands no pressure I know you’ll do fine though so let’s get out there and put some laps in yeah all right uh oh yeah we can uh filter these by a c by all of them by team by contracts by invitations okay cool uh results this tab shows results from every Motorsport in the career calendar here you can track your race results and standings in your current series view results from previous events you’ve raced in and see results for all the other Motorsport races that are happening in the world that last part is cool so not only can I look at the standings for what I’m currently participating in I can also look at the standings for all the other [ __ ] that’s happening currently is cool of course there’s nothing right now because it is the beginning of the year and then our overview um we can rewatch The U the carding video um and then it has the rules for this discipline so we have two races a Sprint race main race Sprint race grid placement is randomly decided so no qualifying uh the main race grid placement is decided by each driver’s finishing position in the Sprint race so wherever you finish in the Sprint you start that’s where you start in the main uh each race begins with a standing start for the Sprint and a rolling start for the main interesting uh top eight finishers receive points using the following scale 15 12 10 8 6 421 interesting excuse me and then bonus points for fastest lap uh five bonus points for fastest lap in the race all right from a Sorting Hat beautiful if I stream PE cars too soon it’ll be entirely your fault yeah I’m a bad influence let’s go all right let’s look at our calendar the career calendar shows the Championships series and events for all Motorsports being held throughout the year right now you’ll only be eligible for the Motorsport your team is currently participating in if you want to enter other Motorsports you’ll need to impress the teams that race there and sign a new contract with them the start of your season is today so let’s get some more information on your first event yes let’s also hey it’s booba clock let’s go all right so the time has skipped to um my first uh race in January January 14th getting started early um so we have so so on this calendar we can see just everything that’s uh available and it’s a lot of stuff but the only thing that really matters to me right now is uh this lit uh this event on the schedule that I can actually see and is not being is not translucent is fully opaque there we go I figured out the words um yeah first round of the cart one UK Nationals here you can see all the sessions that take place on this day M you can only enter sessions that are part of your current sport okay you can drive skip or simulate any of the practice and qualifying sessions if you skip qualif ifying you’ll be placed last on the grid for the race mhm when simulated a result will automatically be calculated for all participants you can also scale the length of each session within the minimum and maximum length limits mhm all right so here’s our EV I I really like these event posters by the way I really enjoy these event posters UK carton Nationals so round one of three um showing both of our Sprint and Main race sessions we can only we can’t we can only enter the Sprint race right now because we can’t we can’t skip the Sprint race um so uh we can enter um we have some locked options we can simulate to the next session that’s if we have like practice or qualifying sessions uh jump to the next event select a car if there’s multiple Vehicles available certain aren’t um anyway session length yall know what I’m about don’t don’t even don’t even pretend that you don’t know you know what I’m about full length baby uh opponent skill we can lower it to zero where I have a feeling they probably don’t even know where the throttle even is or or goes all the way up to 100 for Ace setting it to 100 and uh allow restarts absolutely because I’m going to tell you right now this game has problems shit’s going to get wacky um restarts will probably be a plenty anyways uh no restrictions on this event cuz there’s I guess some events have a requ ired contract or series restriction or progression restriction wo 200% races I wish Roberta actually no that’s a bad idea chase that cup again woo let’s go uh but let’s head to Glenn k for our first race of project cars the East Circuit of the carting track it’s kind of kind of hard to tell oh okay this is your first career race you can make any final adjustments to your vehicle setup change tires and finalize any pitting strategy before the race starts you’ll notice that the simula and Skip To End options are disabled the number on it indicates the minimum duration that you need to drive before you can simulate the rest of the race all right tap the drive button as soon as you’re ready to start your race just tap it tap the button all right let’s go already boarded that’s a you problem so here’s our pre- erase menu we can edit our tuning sh up again I’m not [ __ ] with that we can also edit our force feedback interesting and then a summary H cool uh edit our pit strategy there’s we don’t need pit stops here we’re we’re not making pit stops here uh we can view see so these locked options online Lobby kind of obvious why it’s locked uh time progression real Time That’s locked real time uh we can look at the format again um then simulate is locked skip to end of session is locked restart session we can do um then at the top right it’s showing us the current weather and the weather forecast of the race so medium Cloud for the whole race as well as the temperature I’m guessing ambient temperature 86° um and then we have our starting grid here uh Ryan Dunn is on pole jackass reference anyways um yeah here’s our lineup Benny Dean Alex Delaney oracus rhen Adam bunter I guess I drew sixth on the grid uh yeah actually you know what yeah that’s that’s an interesting uh thought 86 degrees in January in Scotland sure why not uh and then we got 12 drivers in total we’re starting we drew six climate change baby let us go for our first attempt at our first race cuz I have a feeling things are going to go wrong quickly cuz one I’m out of practice two this game has issues but let’s race I can see my foot all right so our default view is I think bumper cam or first person oh God shift it I’m using Chase cam though oh oh oh oh God oh God I forget how to drive cards oh God this is fine it’s fine I I’ll cycle through the cameras when we get to uh something with a practice session so probably in like three streams this is fine I got to remember how to play this this is also very [Music] loud oh was I that’s one thing I forgot to do pre- stream and that is audio balancing so game loud as [ __ ] all right this is just the practice it’s fine oh my God we are flying ooh ooh ooh yep okay all right good try uh okay one turn down the game this is the loudest Xbox One game holy [ __ ] all right while I’m stuck in the wall I guess we can cycle through the cameras Oh this is still very loud holy [ __ ] um so this is the chase cam I’m going to be using here’s our bumper cam actually that might have been a the uh Hood cam here’s our bumper Cam and we have a first person um or no that was dash cam this is first person I think this is the helmet cam which is cool uh there’s this this is certainly a thing all right anyways all right let’s turn that down more anyways uh restart the session t on yeah okay hopefully that that should be a much uh more tolerable volume I [ __ ] jumped the start I tried to game the system all right I need to like get my [ __ ] together [Music] here try to remember how to drive this thing so easy with the throttle easy with the brake easy with the very easy with the steering very easy with the track I’ve overtaken someone that was a lot of chaos and it was it yeah my brain got overwhelmed very quickly there it’s okay all right just got to remember this is a 10 laap Race the lack of practice is definitely not helping but that’s fine that’s what the restart button is for also High Keen it this this is my uh aotech cosplay or role play I [Music] guess we’re up to Fourth and AI are brave bra than I there’s so much this is definitely one of the car tracks I struggle with the most in this game I’ve driven almost all of them but this is one I struggle with probably the most because of all the undulation and just abrupt elevation changes I think abrupt elevation changes is the best way to describe [Music] it like even though like West layout of this place is not as tough for me all [Music] right two St fire sure I don’t [Music] know I don’t know [ __ ] about caring I just know they’re really really really touchy and have like no suspension all right we’re halfway through our Sprint first Sprint race we’re in fourth still just behind Benny Dean going to try to oh the chassis flexes here suspension yes all right if I can set up a move like a good move on Benny I can definitely score a Podium here anyways if you’re W me to uh explain all the HUD elements uh good [ __ ] [Music] luck the driving itself is overwhelming enough you can you can see it you have eyes oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we’re good oh Benny’s coming back I don’t think [Music] so we might be able to steal [Music] second oh no that’s what I was worried about damn [Music] it it’s okay we got two laps I can still get a podium [Music] [Music] and we got a decent gap on Fifth Place God damn it it’s so hard to set up that move that’s like my only really good passing opportunity oh okay final lap of the Sprint we might have to sell for [Music] fourth unless I can oh damn it I went for the sneak mistimed it I still got him though get [ __ ] Benny oh God the finish line is like on the entry of turn one use the bumper let’s go that’s cing baby y podium debut hit the pace cart yeah all right hopefully the audio is Balan is better never would have guessed this it’s okay zero literally no one guessed this correctly during the pre-stream literally zero people all right oh damn it I guess I won’t be able to look at the full results because I think it’s tied to the uh right analog stick and I do not have a right analog stick for this wheel um but I can restart the race I can look at the replay I can save the replay which is absolutely what I’m doing do an instant save ear splitting but it’s fine get better if we had leave the Buzzy dudes probably um TI to the d-pad I’m currently using the d-pad I’m scared to push buttons oh it’s why press y oh maybe if that thing saying that said why maybe that would should have been a hint Chad I’m not the smartest I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed anyways dun wins with Orion racing uh oracus rod in second for team salamander 4 minute 21 race time damn done one by 3 seconds I uh bullied my way into a Podium um oh I have a teammate Bruno rufino is in the other dark Nitro cart he ended up ninth all right 14 seconds first to last there’s your results R results the drivers are listed in order of their finished positions along with the points that each driver earns if the series asss team points then you will also see the team points on screen okay so uh here’s the points earned from this race um so I guess I got the fast lap so I got a fivepoint bonus which which means I’m tied with a race winner ran done very good good start who needs to win when I can just set up a banger lap once Bas accumulated points earned in the races so far use this table to track how you and your team are doing pursuit of the championship Crown you can advance directly to the next round or you can return to the career dashbo and continue the lat okay so here’s the total points uh Dunn gets the tiebreaker because of his race win I guess yeah five bonus points for fast lap when winner gets only 15 that is quite the uh do not play under any circumstances secret anent Clank and Ratchet and Clank size Matters I will now go out of my way to play those games unless you’re trying to get me to do that in which case no so that was the Sprint race um so as was mentioned in the regulations uh the main race uh starting lineup is set by the Sprint race results so uh I’m starting third in the main race the main race is five laps longer at 15 laps instead of 10 and uh yeah now we’ve experienced our first race in Project CARS let’s just keep going here oh yeah it’s a rolling start for the feature race as well I guess because interesting how I’m gting up on the outside I guess because it’s the cleaner line I don’t know I got [ __ ] by The Rolling start so immediately down to Fourth that’s fine 15 laps also it’s a little later in the day now I like the time of day change oh we got the swo on Benny what a swo oh what a what a start what a start yeah rolling start it does mention that the uh the the main races here are rolling starts [Music] so the the Sprints are standing the mains are rolling all right we’re up second done [Music] done I’ve taken the lead oh [ __ ] I’m in the grass we’re good run away oh that’s what happens if you turn sharply in a cart boy does it turn [Music] sharp play one that be B the same uh-oh all right we’re good just trying to get a rhythm here so uh I guess now that I’m this the chaos is kind of died down a little bit uh I can explain more of what’s happening on the HUD so on the top right we have our lap timer in very small text Jesus Christ forgot how small the Hut is um but it goes by sector uh if a sector shows up green that means I’m faster than my best lap shows up red that means I’m slower now we have our mirror in the top Center which I think runs at a lower frame rate than the rest of the game which is [Music] fine uh on the top left of our track map the white arrow is my car obviously I like how detailed the track maps are by the way cuz it’s not just the like actual layout of the track it shows like grass and like uh off trck roads and stuff it’s actually really really nicely detailed I like it a lot [Music] um but uh so the white arrow is the player the white circles are the AI right drivers uh the green circle represents the driver in the position behind you for instance Ryan done and then if I wasn’t in the lead there would be a red circle in front of me indicating the person in the pig position directly in front of me [Music] then at the bottom left we have our basic race info um including uh lap time Gap to the drivers in front and behind in the green and red as well as their driver names uh position as well as Race distance which we have clicked off half of the uh main race here and then the bottom right right is our pack so we have our gear we have just a basic motch tack I guess so we have our speed uh in the smaller TXS to the left of the larger gear number and then the 0.9 to the right of that I believe that’s my fuel um how much fuel I have and then the the green rectangles are tires and tire heat so if they’re green that means they’re not overheating and working at Optimum temperature I just lapped last place sucks to [Music] suck actually carrying third gear through here kind of keeps the car cart a little stable a little more stable which works for me and that’s your tour of the project cars HUD all right four to go in the main race also if you’re wondering where I got the font for the timer from or at least what was the uh inspiration of it it’s it’s the very [ __ ] Pencil Thin font used for in this game [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I always like to match my uh timer font to a font that’s used in the game it’s one of those tiny little uh features that I’m sure no one else notices but I know it’s there I do it for myself much like the timer itself I do it for myself I’m a stat [Music] nerd it’s the little things it’s the little things that matter all [Music] right oh oh oh don’t [ __ ] do that they say you cut the cost [Music] anys I don’t know what else to say I think I’ve gotten everything off my chest about this game that I wanted to now we just kind of settle in to the project cars experience TM the project Community assisted racing simulation as we come to the finish line and take the win first win of our career in the feature race what’s the imer immersion uh anyways I wean what the [ __ ] is this YouTube don’t forget on April 25th your aniso 7 will go offline oh for the update okay cool I mean I don’t currently play gt7 so that doesn’t affect me but hey more content so I won by 5 Seconds over done remember I set the AI to 100 which is the highest it can go uh yeah it took me a second like is this person just being stupid or is this like update maybe have they re oh yeah did they reveal the Scot vgt I actually didn’t look at that if they have oh my teammate finished last that was who I lapped or wait no hang on what happened here did he get a penalty so so Bruno finished on the lead lap but he’s being scored behind Jin and whom I laed I’m not sure if that’s a game error or if he got a penalty that’s just not being um displayed it honestly could be either cuz again this game has issues I st crash it said he completed all all the laps so oh well he’s not scoring points anyway so it doesn’t matter but um [Music] uh Octavia wagon Hill Climb super touring car I mean that sounds hot but still um so scored maximum points got the win plus the five bonus points for uh it’s also very real so it’s not a concept well that’s kind of lame but still scota and GT is hot oh actually shows the fastest lap uh things so here’s our Podium uh I guess it shows the podium by points instead of race results so I I technically got the win for race one because I got I tied in points with dun sure [ __ ] it why not and I actually won race two got the five bonus points on each I actually set my best lap in race two of 256 not bad so so here’s the total points 35 to 27 overdone so an eight point Advantage hi Comcast how you doing uh arus raden in third with 22 and you see the [Music] rest so back to the dashboard after our first event let’s see if voice over lady will say anything she does not okay cool so now we have some news for uh from SIM racer here lobar takes the win uh WI a Glenn Karen East put difficult lopar into first position in the cart one UK national standings um as the dark Nitro driver finished ahead of Rivals Ryan Dunn and oracus Roden with more points on the board Lop TI’s performance moved dark Nitro into a solid place in the championship after the first round for that team’s Championship that doesn’t exist I want to look at this oh that’s hot that is a hot piece of car right there good Octavia touring wagon that is beautiful car and endurance GT um I mean it’s not the ordinary for teams to have like subsidiaries in the lower tiers right look at Red Bull uh anyway second difficult optar pushes to Second after Glenn Karen East Wind when when did Glen Karen East put difficult difficult opar oh that must be a race one thing race one news second place because so I know what that means yast I because I technically won because I got 20 points and they gave me the tiebreaker for the race win for some reason because of the fast lap this game has issues um but I was technically second in points from that because Dunn won the race and I’m pretty sure the tie bregger is based off of race wins so that’s why so that second that middle one is based off of the race one result and then oh now I see what you mean now Ki I was thinking like a team oracus Ronin finishes top and endurance GT class round one with a win at Road America West forces oracus Ronin move themselves in first position the TRS 1,000 GT Durance driver standing Championship one only victories mid all right when did this happen that’s important to know because if this happened like days before the cart race that would make sense although why is he doing like top level GT and racing and like and carting like entry level carting that’s weird um I’m not going to lie I saw a fake Twitter handle that said Alpha and Omega and I thought that said AJ Omega for a moment like oh [ __ ] AJ’s in the game team lobar all the way boom anyways we have new mail in the inbox from uh Andrew Tudor ah that was pretty close great drive though we’ll take a look at the car and see if there’s anything we can improve there that must have been after race one I’m in the game EA Sports so now we can look at the uh results here um per round as well so we have the overall standings to the right and then the per round results in the middle uh and then we can also look at results of other series that are currently ongoing so lmp2 pan Euro trophy the lmp2 America trophy which has a three-way tie uh TR Nations 1,000 LMP endurance European endurance Championship the try Nations 1,000 GT endurance American Endurance Championship lmp3 us semipro Cup and the lmp3 UK semipro cup cool okay so this is the one oracus one while also being in the cart series cart championship cool let’s head to our calendar collecting news and race results all right so just one week later on the next Saturday we have our next race um let’s see when was the it looks like the uh LMP endurance was the day before the cart race it must have been he must have taken like I don’t know where it was but I guess oracus it wasn’t too uh long of a uh too large of a distance between these two where he could participate in both oh yeah we got updated news now for uh things that have happened winning an endurance to finishing third in cards incredible Craig flippi or filippini pushes the first after Watkins Glenn short win in the lmp3 US rookie cup okay Ivon Perez an lmp3 Rook uh UK rookie cup Anthony low wins I’m guessing the second race in the lmp3 US rookie Cup oh yeah it also reflects in results because we got more stuff now cool feel feel oops I backed out feels like a feels like a active like world of racing with this I really en enjoy enjoy this being able to look at the standings getting new about other things that are happening and see it on the calendar it’s nice it’s nice and I enjoy it but it’s time for me to do some more racing so let’s head to round two of the uh [ __ ] was this called cart one UK Nationals uh we’re going back to Glen Karen obviously we’re going to run a different layouta I fixed that merch win God if I knew how to do merch so Glen Ken so 10 lap Sprint race 15 lap uh main race again keep everything the same let’s just go yeah we’re doing the West layout this time which is actually not the fully uh western part of the track o we drew fourth place on the grid uh dun starting sixth Championship implications it is 67 degrees and foggy so without further Ado let us head to Glen Ken West and race look at my foot go all right here we [Music] go wait on the Green oh oh hi how you doing [Music] sorry big contact it’s good thing I have it set to light damage uh-oh I don’t I don’t remember this track too well apparently how much I had to slow [Music] down it’s fine o I do like with the lighting and like the foggy WEA the how much the backfire glows actually really cute okay oh still still working on relearning Glen Karen West except for this oh for chicane a lot less uh undul than the East circuit oh going to try to step an over under there on uh on done couldn’t quite get it got to be very careful with how I try to attempt overtakes yeah you know yeah that was a pretty bad [Music] cut honestly having my lap time invalidated it was I got away with one with that small of a penalty the carts are a very unique experience but that’s because carts are very unique [Music] vehicles can get disqualified to cut too many times and that’s why I don’t want to other than it’s you know just straight up cheating oh we got the throttle get [ __ ] done there we go finally got back around done we are back on the podium however the top two are quite a ways ahead and there’s only four laps left four very short laps left woo over [Music] steer this chicane is so sketchy how just oh yumpy it is how many warning is allowed I don’t know I don’t feel like testing it out oh meanwhile as I fling my cart into the grass several times I guess we’re testing it out although I didn’t get the uh warnings it’s [Music] fine it might depend on the race length as well I’m not sure that’s me just making baseless assumptions or [Music] guesses all right I think I’m closing on the lead Duo but I’m out of time so we’re on the final app I finally figured this track out just in time for the race to be over same no matter what okay I’ll go [ __ ] myself you know I thought maybe slightly mad would be like okay but I guess not all right so Benny Dean wins Alex Delaney second 2.6 I ended up behind so I was closing on him but ran out of time ran out of laps Ryan done fourth jeppi cuchia Katon branter these are names Tommy chetham and oracus rhen eighth maybe he should stick to uh endurance racing because apparently he’s just not good at carting um so those are your point scorers in this race my teammate 10th place and we got the we got the same result as race one on Glen Karen East I finished third but got fast lap so I’m credited with the win very cool that extends my point lead even further three fastest laps already hell yeah so now I have 15 points overdone so I have a win minus the fast lap or win and no fast lap overdone so let’s head to race two 15 laps rolling start grid formed based off of race one Sprint race results uh looks like the fog has cleared up so now it’s just light Cloud it’s a minor overcast son is poking through the Gap in the clouds we are ready to go yeah Comcast just had a moment let’s do this feature race at Glen K West is a go in the UK cart nationals [Music] I got 15 laps let’s be oh [Music] patient nice and smooth mov and [Music] steady wins the [Music] race oh [Music] oh excuse me sorry I thought I had to move there I was hoping to outbreak him but no dice we going to have to do something Thrifty get around them it’s really hard to pass in carts I I will say this slightly mad definitely nailed the the fact that uh cing is very difficult in terms of making [Music] overtakes track position is very important come on oh drag race into the turn one again I went super late and Brave on the brakes holy [ __ ] all right up to P2 that only took me four to pull that off and we’re right behind Delaney now I read the name Delaney the first thing that comes to mind is Callin [Music] Delaney wrestling fans know I tried that in P cars too Harry it didn’t go well it went very poorly [Music] defending NASCAR champ Ryan Delaney I’ll allow it that’s [Music] funny all right 7 down eight to go these cards are a workout man jeez [Music] even even even virtual carts are a [Music] workout so chat I bet this was unexpected considering no one in chat guessed the game correctly during the pre-stream [Music] my again this game just kept calling to me just kept calling to me I finally answered picked up the phone and this was kind of an emergency let’s play because I itch was too too much to ignore had to scratch it I originally I well the whoops I [ __ ] that one up I cost a little Kur fuffle there it’s okay but uh I was originally I was going to do uh startup Final Fantasy 4 but again like I said in the uh the intro this let’s play I started watching Club level racing in Britain and it I just what made me want to play this game more and more and more so I went to eBay bought the Game of the Year Edition and uh this is basically an emergency let’s play that’s going to take up the entirety of 2024 this is going to be the the extremely long game of the year I guess I’ve muscled my way around Delaney oh hey tank [Music] two to go that’s murder I think yeah it definitely was an attempt not on purpose [Music] though it’s okay Alex is [Music] fineac okay see I thought so but like whenever people type like intentionally [Music] like make weird reference I don’t know how to explain it but it was very diff like it it can kind of [Music] lose but once you [ __ ] up a Game’s name enough it kind of you kind of lose what it’s even supposed to be in the first [Music] place it long as game you ra P I don’t know Grand Turismo 5 that took several hundred hours that was at least like 3 400 hour [Music] effort as I win by 3 seconds Delaney second Dean third dun fourth guia fifth Ranstead or chetham Roden round out the points and Bruno finishes 10th again my re my my restart my teammate endures yes but I don’t have to uh do many endurance’s length of grinding in order to do endures so they’re it’ll balance out anyway perfect 20 points for this race win and fast a slap we’re off to a really strong start there we go confirmation I got fastest lap in both races and I set my best lap in race two again 20. 815 so that’s round two of the cart one UK Nationals complete and my points lead is huge uh 23 points now overdone which is more than a race plus fastest lap damn I think we’ve won there’s a very good chance I won oh we got an invitation email from Galo Riv Network updated all right second round success is div G optar beats Alex Delany ltar Victorious and Glenn Karen West and then there’s I’m not going to lie seeing fake Twitter type wdir balls it’s very good I enjoy that a lot anyways we have two new emails one from Brent with dark Nitro I don’t want to jinx it but this could be the start of a streak keep it up consistency is everything out there we’ll do everything we can to support you no problem Brent I’m on it and then from Galileo invitation to the Glen Karen cart club trophy I guess on March 11th or the 3rd of November depending on how the dating Works in this game uh hi there divka we’d like to invite you to come and participate in the Glen Karen cart club trophy on behalf of Galileo the event starts on 311 and it’ll be a great to have you behind the wheel representing our team hoping to see you soon John Manson November 3rd okay I had a feeling it was day month but I couldn’t remember so we got our first Invitational event invited to our first Invitational first of many um there’s a lot of those in this game so here are the updated standings with the round two results I think we’re I think we’re looking good here think God damn it keep backing out to the main menu instead of tabbing back over so check out a calendar doesn’t kill all events it doesn’t um to my knowledge once you unlock an Invitational event it’s available like forever on that date all right so February 7th now so we’re off a week and then we’re back for the finale project cats meow um other things happening in the racing world I’m not going to I’m not going to spend too much time on this but I really enjoy this we have a lot of stuff happening now we got GT3 rgt8 German cup uh GT3 agent specific got a bunch of GT3 stuff started up lmp3 lmp2 lmp1 Regional things Euro endurance we have GT and LMP endurance uh American endurance lmp3 semipro o and Formula 1 has started up or formula a excuse me P roject Clyde B Kim Lim won the first round there’s a team called jet dog funny Arrow bull Keenan is that your team paging at aerot Tech you and Red Bull and Cahoots here in Formula a let’s go Arrow B Keenan racing team complete the requirements for one or an event won’t show the you Clara shadower 19 rounds damn all right anyways let’s uh let’s go back to racing here finale of the UK cart nationals legally distinct Formula One yes we’re going to Chesterfield this one so uh we can look at the other things that are happening on this day like the lmp1 Euro Masters which I do not have uh access to those are quick races 15 minutes and 20 minutes lmp3 us Semi-Pro cup lp3 America trophy or LP2 America trophy yeah but we’re just racing carts at Glen Karen or not Glenn Karen this time Chesterfield so let’s head to Chesterfield 13 turns I vaguely remember this track the s’s are going to be interesting ooh the lottery we have drawn pole our teammate is starting last Benny’s second D is starting fifth we got we won the lottery All right so 87 degrees ambient temperature medium Cloud Let’s Race the Chester Field [Music] here we go green flag oh slow off the line Benny got me off the line but it’s fine can I get my first race one win holy [ __ ] okay Benny was way faster through the s’s than me oh I forget how much I have to slow down for these turns oh we got right oh I’m trying to remember this track just on the Fly okay considering I don’t remember where I’m going that was a decent first [Music] lap oh don’t okay don’t try to don’t try to be a little cheeky [ __ ] and cut through the grass just kind of clip the curb cart don’t like that this mine [Music] doesn’t then he’s trying to drive away Gap is like about 1.2 at the line [Music] I can clean that [Music] up figure out what I’m doing there I’ll be in really good shape oh oh that was almost disaster holy [ __ ] that was really goddamn close all right I actually gained on Benny that lap G back to under a second it’s very small attack so it’s hard to read [Music] but whenever I’m on these longer straights I can at least look down at [Music] it it’s a nice little track a lot less uh violent undulation than Glen Karen that’s for sure these are real tracks by the way real cing tracks which is cool at least to my knowledge got right up on the back of Benny then he pulls back away in the S’s [Music] [Music] we’re here halfway through the Sprint got nothing for him this time [Music] [Music] Drag Racing update for Horizon 5 [Music] interesting oh the sneak oh the sneak got him through the one oh there’s only one lane through there so you can’t get me back on my weakest part of the track [Music] at least my weakest part of the track is on the part of the track where it’s nearly impossible to even think about [Music] passing helps out a ton all right three laps to go in the [Music] Sprint racing GT I wasn’t paying attention ET cars kind of neat huh kind of weird that that they’re adding that to Horizon but it’s still neat variety it’s the spice of life who says we can’t have uh GT and drag racing cars in an open world driving game the world is your [Music] oyster oh [ __ ] [Music] right then he’s right on my ass [Music] unsurprisingly kind of Biff these last couple laps I do my usual take the lead in and forget how to [Music] drive all right final lapow as much every part it is really [Music] cool 50 Life races in goath for fun hell yeah all right so the Finish board shows up as soon as I get like start the final sector it’s a little bit jarring but it’s fine I win first Sprint race win let’s go fing did it Benny Dean settles for second two seconds behind me we got jeppi done forth Rutland bunter chetham and bran stter round out the points and Bruno finished last unfortunate all right and I got fastest lap so maximum points and that clinches the championship for me so we are cart one UK Nationals Champion with One race remaining and Benny is taken second from uh done three wins and five races let’s make it four out of six so lining up on Pole weather is hazy now sunny but hay uh 50 15 more laps at Chesterfield let’s do this rolling start from the pole our sweep here we [Music] go all right Benny got the jump on me just like in the Sprint race but I’m wasting no time oh I muscled him out of the way that was a little dirtier than I was hoping for but got him right at the start oh my God the Sun is bright through the haze girl balls for the [Music] win pleas force feedback I have forceed feedback set to uh 50% I’m using a Logitech G27 [Music] so I have a gear driven force feed back [Music] [Music] wheel it has served served me well for nearly a decade [Music] continues to serve me well provide me fun and immersive racing [Music] experiences we are pulling away these cart scrubs ain’t got nothing on me clean yeah once you get the wheel dialed in it’s it’s a whole new experience a whole new [Music] world it’s great there are absolutely days where I’d rather just use a controller and not use my like use a couple fingers in my thumbs and not my entire body but that’s what options are for it’s great all right four laps down roppi is taking second and is also 3 seconds behind [Music] me he we are we are spanking them here carding Pro Prodigy girl balls [Music] I’m having fun I’m having fun with the video game that the internet doesn’t uh want people to have fun with I’m really excited to explore like everything this game has to offer so I haven’t really properly explored that [Music] yet done mostly caring in like some Invitational events and like some lower level car racing um yes but I think they uh they like killed it Harry unless they decide to like make like I don’t know ghost games make project cars for project cars IP is essentially [Music] dead [Music] great yeah I mean I understand the hate cuz there is a lot of like there there’s a lot of Jank in the game and this game has issues but at least from my little bit of my limited experience it’s still a fun racing experience it’s not you know I’m still it’s not the ultimate racing game that I it was being hyped up to be pre-release and that I was hoping it would be but it still has a career structure that I greatly adore and I really want to really really want to sink my teeth into this it it almost pains me that this is only getting one stream this week but we’ll see how I feel after I finished Dirt 3 Dirt 3 is a top priority right now in terms of finishing a video game [Music] all right nine down six to go tank this has already been answered the answer is [Music] yes cuz uh in a crazy turn of events slightly mad broke away from EA because EA wanted to own all their [ __ ] and they’re like no [ __ ] you so they went off and did their own thing and then code Masters bought slightly mad Studios and then EA bought code Masters so uh guess what EA wins the [ __ ] decade long con this kill isue [Music] umk yeah they tried to make it marketed as like a sim a racing Sim but that was also like approachable by casual gamers it didn’t really play out that way uh Ian Bell’s kind of doing his own thing now isn’t he like a [ __ ] therapist or something li like a licensed therapist there’s also apparently a studio of former like slightly mad uh developers that are working on uh a GTR game a GTR [Music] Sim like GTR series Revival I don’t know if Ian’s heading that operation but therapy from Ian Bell because uh the same reason people suck Elon musk’s dick they’re stupid and indoctrinated into thinking some rich [ __ ] is wiser and better than he actually is slly that console listen tank I don’t think you understand the sheer stupidity of the Common [Music] Man the mad box was that going to be like the new Ouya or some [ __ ] appears to be evolved in GT Revival DCR Revival develop shift [Music] three unfortunately uh EA they would have to go through EA first and also they pretty much already made a shift 3 it’s called project cars [Music] 3 like for all intents and purposes project cars 3 is shift [Music] 3 I wi Mario Kart character is this uh I don’t have a joke for this orange Lo Luigi I like orange Luigi as an answer I won by 6 and a half seconds I’m I forgot that bamco published this game K Elden ring oh Bruno finished last again some teammate good thing there was no teams championship cuz we’d be [ __ ] I’d be carrying the whole entire team on my back all right well a win fastest lap again for maximum points so we scored maximum points in this round 40 so there we go actual top step of the podium this time cuz I actually want race one can’t believe you left out Ridge Racer in that tank in that handshake how dare you and his best lap of 33 427 missed only 20 points all series yeah was true final results Champion defal optar second place Benny Dean third place Ryan Dunn in the cart one you UK Nationals an armored Core wone midn maximum 2 Tao no teten your third one uh this one is extremely different where project cars 3 was shift three this is like an attempt at like more of a simulate a Sim racer I say attempt yeah 110 points out of a possible 120 [ __ ] smoked them [Music] Jesus No Love Light [ __ ] [ __ ] congratulations Carl you tried all right we got awarded a silver Accolade for wining cart one UK National you have mail let’s see what the mail is from Brent Hopkin I don’t want to jinx it this could be the start of a streak oh it’s literally the exact same email as last time literally the exact same email the the good old control C control V email link like love live all right difficult op pushes to first after Chester Field win finish his top in cart one round three yeah all right I’m already seeing some repetition in the Sim racer uh headlines that’s fine that’s fine so uh here’s the full results again 35 3540 110 points out of 120 possible Benny Dean second Dunn third Jee takes fourth Alex Delaney Rhoden current Uh current uh 1,000 GT endurance leader sixth in this cart series and all but two drivers scored points one of those being my freaking teammate Bruno unfortunate unfortunate oh well all right so I believe let’s see what happens when I uh go to the calendar here we ski to March and our next championship the cart one Championship so that was our regional championship and we get about a month almost a month off and then we get to do uh International carting but we got an Accolade so I believe if I go to my profile here uh one here it is I’ve spent 0.43% of my time engineering very cool I’ve driven 35.9 miles in the shifter cart with four wins eight starts four wins oh it’s right it counts the restarts I’m like wait a minute because I I reset the first race twice so it has eight starts that a six um let’s see so I got there it is I got a silver Accolade one the cart one UK Nationals our first of 56 silver accolades yeah and here’s our first invitation L care C Club trophy that’s in November though then the rest of these shows uh what the unlock parameters are and we’ll unlock all these over time that’s fine all right well I guess let’s just keep going here um actually you know what my bladder is full I’m going to take a quick piss break and then we’ll begin our first round of the cart one champ I killed the microphone my bad all right um anyways like I said I uh yeah let’s get to carton it’s fine cart one Championship 7th of March first Saturday in March c um we’re going so this is a five round Championship with the Sprint in the main Race 10 laps and 15 laps still and uh we’re going to the Dubai autod Drome so already heading to Middle East [ __ ] money propaganda land all right also have round four of formula a on this on this day got form the be at [Music] Dubai interesting all right so time for cart one Championship let’s do this time for our first bit of international racing all right so ooh we’ve we are getting really lucky with these uh grid draws front row baby alongside Robert D dibl Nick crane mati Lala D brw Anthony small Michael lip Sergio T De Lorenzo wonder what the T stands for Paul sharp horn Jett car kude I don’t know Paul Walker so first we had Ryan dun now we have Paul Walker interesting and Stephan Tapper so 12 cart field um yeah 87° light Cloud let us begin here we go yeah here we go this is the first race of the championship let’s make it a good one oh hey I have Team Communications now oh I jumped that I jumped it I that was a perfect jump I I rolled oh [Music] [ __ ] Bel Game Dev therapist necromancer for [Music] real oh Jesus Christ hi how you doing what’s up Shenanigans at Dubai Diva jumps the start chaos [Music] ues oh I didn’t even know there was a yellow flag somewhere I also don’t remember I’m I’m trying to remember this track and uh I’m starting to remember I remember there’s a lot of uh turns that have like late apexes because of how the radius uh shortens up anyways I guess we have a race engineer now didn’t have one in uh in the UK cuz we needed one for the international uh [Music] paring oh really bad exit from dbe or dibl keep I got to remember the B is before the L not the other way around weak let it your pres oh Jesus I think I found his weakness it’s uh oh it’s it’s turning in general oh [Music] di there’s a lot happening right now it’s like the chaos at the uh first Glenn Ken [Music] race whiskey can keep Co fizzy for four hours well then interesting Discovery oh man D is struggling oh oh the crossover oh contact oh [Music] dibbly where’s Keenan I need I need him to uh explain if this uh amount of chaos is accurate for cart [Music] racing You by one second try and extend the gas we need bit more more buffer okay this is because of all the penalties I’m probably going to get some contact I fun you know I was about to do the funny rejoin and I realized I probably shouldn’t do please put in gear thank you i’ we had a complete stop to shift back into forward gears well fact your aage car oh no not again the double spin all right well that sucks unfortunate developments in this [Music] race out of my way Mr [ __ ] [Music] my shifting oh speaking of Paul Walker guess who’s in last right now it’s it’s about to be [Music] me damn it all right I think I found the limit I think I have found the limit I guess let’s just get the fastest lap points [Music] and because this is a five round 10 race series I’m not too worried [Music] about finishing last I’m not going to restart the race that’s for sure unless something goes catastrophically wrong in these next 4 and A2 6 and 1/2 lap or 5 and a/2 Laps like math I I got there eventually [Music] that was in the wrong [Music] gear all right [Music] Paul why is his name Paul Walker he’s clearly not walking he is driving a c currently set that’s the r keep it up false advertis SM my head your you messed up the [Music] exit all right not last woo oo I clipped the sand that was almost really bad I I’m scared of the curbs now trying to stay off of [Music] them you know if I’m fast enough I can still probably score some points [Music] here stay off the [Music] curbs keep the pressure on [Music] and we just put the pressure on this person that’s a second and a half in front of me on the [Music] road use your slip stream to get close to on the St then dive up the inside of the breing for the slow all right the race engineer is man explaining racing to me now maybe he needs to after that I I just killed somebody they are in the wall oops [Music] oopsy I done Dilly [ __ ] up the goal is to race clean however I’m not good at that that we buy I’ve heard like vague references to it while watching a little bit of the spa 12 hour oh oh was that what uh what you doing up here Anthony David [Music] hydrogen nice over great work we’re back in the points the girl balls cannot be denied we are on six points right now unless somebody beat my fast lap which at this pace I kind of doubt here’s worth of rain from one storm yeah that’s uh that’s the desert for you okay your pace has dropped off a little bit cars are still good when it rains it rains a lot it may not be often but oh boy get out the last corner on the straight hey remember how I started on the front row in [Music] this my God they like panic and slam on the brake whenever they go onto an exit [Music] curb chat I might be on to for a top five after everything that has happened my like 50 spins and crashes and [ __ ] I got to run back never mind never mind never mind don’t do a flip I almost did right there Badger thank you for the Resa all right let’s at least try to finish in the points and when things go wrong in a c they go really wrong these things are extremely [Music] Twitchy and [Music] reactive no [Music] okay p8 after all that the fact that I still finish in the points is kind of crazy so mati utala got the win for team salamander I still beat [ __ ] Sergio is my teammate I didn’t realize that until now who’s in the front end I am not touching the setup screen also uh carts have no suspension so I can’t soften the suspension that doesn’t exist anyone by 3 seconds damn seven for seven in teamm battles yeah this is my first not Podium all it took was me spinning and crashing like 70 uh thousand times [Music] all right well still decent points cuz I got the fastest lap bonus so that’s fine it’s just fine I ended up tied with dibl who I uh was fighting for the lead with I think that’s funny all right well we got work to do CU I finished eth in the Sprint race that means I’m starting eighth in the main race but we got 15 laps so let’s go for it oh stretch oh this is going to be an awkward start isn’t it I like how the the uh the end and not was not uh uppercase oh yeah three wide in the cart that’s safe that what could possibly go wrong it’s like going three wide middle and [ __ ] NASCAR heat too and yet I did it anyways it worked not going to do that again on purpose but it worked holy [ __ ] we are carving through the field immediately up to [Music] Fourth oh oh all right [Music] [Music] touche wait AET has carts like as vanilla content I I I don’t remember [Music] that race room and I might have like driven some of the free content like five five minutes but no oh well that explains it all if it’s if it’s a mod yeah it’s not going to there there’s a very high chance that it’s not going to be perfectly accurate with the tuning [Music] settings especially since aeta doesn’t uh have native cart [Music] support you’re just one second behind come on you can yeah race room is uh I it’s kind of it it’s the because of the uh the way it’s it’s priced I kind of had to choose either RAC room or iRacing and I chose [Music] iRacing of course now I choose neither cuz I let my iRacing subscription uh run out [Music] [Music] anyways we’re fighting for the lead here took me no time to get up [Music] front your pce is dropping in and out a little bit try refocus line up consistent lap times do not know what TSW is yeah it looks good for what it is it’s just I don’t have the time or money for [Music] it train oh okay I didn’t realize there was a world attached to I thought it was just train [Music] Sim Engineers give me advice as if I’m driving like a normal car [Music] ever the Sheamus I don’t know man bondage Undertaker at Daman priest that’s going to be hard to [Music] top yeah train Sim is stupid with its monetization and train nerds are stupid for paying for it [Music] time for a while Jesus make sure you wake up in time for boob a [Music] clock bisexual he probably also said that but I definitely remember bondage [Music] Undertaker you’re leading by one second try and extend the [Applause] [Music] Gap you’re currently setting the fastest La of the race keep it [Music] up oh I guess uh Drew trying to do like the the fat shaming angle since that’s what like actual people were doing cuz they don’t know how [ __ ] Muscle Works or anything they don’t know how the human body works in any way they don’t have a single muscle in their entire body [Music] [Music] oh Jesus Christ it’s fine it’s fine still in the [Music] lead nine laps to [Music] go we’re definitely making a statement here in Dubai and that statement is I don’t know what the [ __ ] I’m doing but apparently I’m fast when I don’t [ __ ] up [Music] uhoh thing is oh [ __ ] like he’s not even fat he’s just thick he’s just got beef instead of being just [Music] cut slack unfortunately Virgin uh virgin in sells on the internet uh only no hat it doesn’t matter how long they haven’t been [Music] [Music] there it’s God I [Music] wish imagine if I if I uh completed this game I would I get a pink vits in real life man you know if the impossible ever happens and I actually like am able to make a living wage off of this [ __ ] whole playing video games in front of an audience thing work uh stuff I have to have a pink yits SL yits vits SL yars at some point in reality [Music] great work out there sa is really strong we’re putting a good Gap second the deed would have to be done oh absolutely like now that I have a million dollars time to do the most like obvious and expected thing I should [Music] do get an echo hash from my friends up north yeah some some you know yarus or yarus adjacent as long as I can make it Pink [Music] [Music] ah man my shoulders are being very uh uncooperative right [Music] now uncomfortable knee [Music] problem speaking of not having a muscle in my in in their body hi I’m a [ __ ] mess [Music] [Music] look car if I had [ __ ] off money I don’t think it would matter that would be a thing I only do if I had [ __ ] off money one that was the I just went purple I I just pbd by a second and holy [Music] [ __ ] we’re [Music] zooming you know tank because of that I thought you were about to go into an anecdote that had absolutely nothing to do with anything we were talking about there is some relation at [Music] least by the way if you do do that don’t do that it’s annoying it’s like hey speaking of water man I really love uh cut dick I don’t know I I didn’t think of the punch line before I started [Music] speaking hot pink hell yeah speaking of dick I really love water stay hydrated Kings and [Music] Queens on on what what am I coming on here all like food [Music] sorry I’m sorry to dip into religion here but uh I [ __ ] love [Music] tacos drink monster build a good Gap to Second I’d say we’re building a good Gap to second I have a 10-second lead now we still have three laps to go soggy biscuit monster isn’t he a supercars driver that’s a reference the Chaz [Music] moner leave our biscuits alone okay you got a warning for the race director for cutting the track try and respect the track limits keep it between the white lines dude this is divide I respect nothing here [ __ ] that great job you cut the [ __ ] out of the track even though you actually didn’t but uh you’re doing good I can already tell the race engineer is going to be a very funny uh addition to this experience he’s going to be like Stefan from our racing except less coherent somehow [Music] put them into the [Music] sidewall I love when it’s when I’m in like the current sector of a lap uh for like the uh the split Gap it just says wait wait we are calculating you’re on the final lap I was PB by half a 10th all right final appp of the main race this track is significantly longer than the the ones I drove it in the UK I keep wanting to say road as if this is a motorcycle the ones I drove in the UK [Music] oh I tried to take that Full Throttle that was almost a disaster was very a Vera and a win they cannot mash the power of girl balls skill issue to be honest well hell of a way to end the race [Music] oh my shoulders isn’t currently being abused by their this is true this is true ah I’m like instinctively like looking forward like leaning forward when I’m driving with my wheel and it’s it’s hurting my neck I won by 18 seconds over utala godamn they’re still coming across the line teammate ended up sixth so at least my teammate’s in the points and everyone’s made it to the Finish 38 seconds first to last the Gap from second to last is only slightly larger than the Gap from first to second by slightly I mean by 2 seconds God damn unsurprisingly fast fastest lap howy Q are oh hell yeah skill issue all right I improve my fastest lap from between races by a second and a tenth 53 896 damn quick and all that with an eighth a first in two fast laps I am one point behind one point out of the lead after the first round that’s why I wasn’t too worried about my result in race one right there incredible incredible oh we got a new invitation from Red Raven racing got three emails all right so we got one from Brent after the first race hey divka few things went wrong out there it seems called for a team debrief to get a sense of what we can do to improve going forward let’s learn from this here’s the debrief stop [ __ ] spinning everywhere get off the curbs yeah perfect uh fastest lap record and then just after race to just a quick email from Andrew great one mate thanks anyways from Red Raven racing invitation to Road entry Club UK cup I’m excited to invite you to come and race in the road entry Club UK cup as the driver of our team Red Raven racing event starts on the 9th of November uh Charlton day is our race engineer and he’ll make sure your car is in tiptop shape for the race hope to see you there Peter Heyman we’ll see we’ll see like grid Legends at some point I’ve like play I can’t remember if I’ve played any of grid Legends at all or not and I definitely have it on stream but I can’t remember if I have like in general so there’s that hey we can look at the results of uh our previous series cool I wonder how our boys doing in the uh TR Nations endurance oh they haven’t done their second round yet okay well lobar Victorious at duar Dubai cart Drome tell is great to be on the p it’s what keeps us going yes okay well let’s go get one week off and here on the 21st we head to our next round wait for spawn a month was the 24 next month card drone marel is pretty fun it seems like a fun track from what I just drove oh [ __ ] we’re going to Glen Karen oh boy here we go oh six hour oh okay damn they run a lot of endurance as a spa cuz the 12h hour was just this past weekend so we’re heading to Glen k for round two we got round two of the try A’s uh LMP class endurance serious holy [ __ ] if you saw you saw I’m not going to spoil it though the Moto 24 Lal o o all right looks like we’re doing the full course now Glenn Ken this all be interesting didn’t get a good uh uh good draw on the uh grid position starting eighth but Lala is starting right behind me in a row behind me so so that’ll be interesting 91 degrees overcast Let’s Race let’s see what Glen Karen full experience is like see how much I remember of this probably nothing all here we go okay I didn’t jump the start this time go we got a good launch though immediately up to sixth just immediately pass all of Row [Music] three [Music] oo very similar to the start the East circuit even though we’re now just going onto the East portion of the circuit I just bump that guy off the road I’m [ __ ] myself it’s fine that’s full hair pin all right not bad for first lap still went net plus two [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] [ __ ] nice and easy I’ve not been exercising much patience in these past several races I need to like do that more [Music] especially these carts oh God okay we’re stopping oh we we [Music] stopping we we’re spin oh my God okay get out of my way ran out of patience I’ll wait until I get a clean passing opportunity Bonk Bonk Bonk Bonk Bonk Bonk [Music] yeah the uh the ambient temperature is very uh not accurate that’s for [Music] sure or even if it’s a track temperature measurement still not very accurate for this time of year in this location localized entirely within this carting facility [Music] H well it’s okay oh I just drifted that hair pin in my cart I’m actually [Music] God that is a huge just like oh God okay take a little easier over the bumps than the [Music] yumps gotcha sector one is not [Music] nice oh I almost rolled he’s very much on two wheels there I’m now down to seventh I’m back behind my [Music] teammate different liy but uh same racing suit holy [ __ ] [Music] sorry all right I need to learn how to be safely aggressive in sector one apparently [Music] OU my SP Dron God damn it they lift so early that it keeps throwing me off all right just so just a little teammate murder it’s fine it’s [Music] fine oh that wasn’t fine blue hor oh that’s a [Music] teammate all right three to go it seems my race engineer is dipped I guess he just doesn’t like Glen Karen [Music] [Music] like trying to focus [Music] here maybe steal a top five at the end here salary is too high for Club level clearly [Music] [Music] too moist for his dry skin [Music] I know I can only think of one spot where I could pull off this pass this this hair pin and I’m too far away all right we’re going to take [Music] six well unfortunate that’s how the crumble cookies I beat my teammate so we’re still perfect uh team record Paul sharp horn won this where did uh oh lutalo finished 11th outside the points unfortunate TOA Chas all right got fastest lap so we’re still 9 for9 on fastest laps 9 for9 out on beating our teammate and 9 for9 on fastest laps and with the Lalo’s zero points I actually take the points lead by seven over uh Carl Rood not bad all right on to race two rolling start heavy Cloud 86 degrees 15 laps for starting sixth let’s do this the tub thumps let’s get right into it here we [Music] go 15 laps of Glen Ken so we got to be careful with how slow they take this first seor very timid especially with the field as compressed as it is oh and I still hit him still hit the back of dibl no [Music] teammate crashing the car is not good it’s not what burnout told me [Music] come on drag race flip stream outbreak into turn one Arrow up [Music] Fifth I’m just being very careful here so I’m not just abusing Vine buttocks of the person in front of me [Music] so I’m definitely faster I just got to pick and choose my spots like that just like [Music] that you know what tank okay I think I [Music] understand counter question is car is car gas good for health [Music] absolutely not [Music] [ __ ] exhaust fume my car’s being on fire mate yeah project cars 3 is essentially a shift three if you remember the KN for Speed Shift games oh [ __ ] me oh oh [ __ ] me this is fine everything is fine where is the lambo Chevy hammock you tiny [Music] [Music] maning still [Music] you buffoon you [Music] fool gilber godfried you fool. [Music] MP4 oh look like Comcast had a moment I saw that thing go from red back to green my uh my connection [Music] strength hereby larsy but my name’s not Kyle I’m not racing [Music] NASCAR [ __ ] got him it’s being a got him we’re on the podium [Music] now oh jeez all right we’re good I didn’t think that move is going to work with how I was cutting the turn or cutting into the turn it [Music] worked now up to Second just like that Paul sharp horn is in the [Music] lead personally I prefer Steve flathorn better better [Music] tone that’s a music reference joke joke [Music] reference get NASCAR get btcc [Music] fair enough I didn’t even think about Steven lson mostly because I don’t watch them [Music] [Music] pulls just far enough ahead where I can’t get him into the hair pin and then I’m too far away to get any sort of dive into [Music] T1 that would have been an ambitious overtake attempt oh I threw it too [Music] hard you cannot scandy flick a uh a cart by the way doesn’t doesn’t quite work [Music] out okay mate your teammate is now P6 looking good for the championship point oh hey my engineer came back he just [Music] arrived almost had him yeah we’re working on pretty good he was getting a pint probably like oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we were racing today [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m I’m sorry thought that was tomorrow let’s put the [ __ ] headset on [Music] oh oh that okay I found the bump I found a pretty severe bump [Music] there jeez [Music] y things were going so well and then they uh stopped going well very [Music] quickly BL do they even sell glizzies in the UK [Music] yor sure pudding [Music] is you play Wii Sports uh I could I’m not going to but I [Music] could all right the good news is I’m still in the points it’s one point but that’s still that’s more than [Music] zero Sports he he’s probably like gone in death on Wii Sports in like 15 different [Music] videos hey remember what I said about being in the [Music] points gzy King [Music] well you know sometimes the crumble [Music] cookies and ends up being stale we got stale cookie this time that was supposed to be a nonsensical metaphor like that that was on [Music] purpose it’s a being open raisin I mean op raisin is still good but it’s definitely no chocolate chip still disappointing oh well we will take this L sharp horn ends up winning two second victory over uh car [Music] rude Jesus Christ gravy well I my uh my beating my teammate streak has ended at nine unfortunate my fast lap streak is still a perfect tin baby let’s go Five Points I may not have stepped on the podium at all in this round but I got I got the bonus bonuses bonus diseases primary pistol like her here he Scott has definitely done a video on like the wi branded games like Wii Sports we fit we play or whatever probably in there I am tied for the points lead despite finishing eighth and last let’s go we are still in there we got an Invitational from Southern storm all right so shame good race let’s regroup tomorrow and debrief on what went wrong what went wrong I crashed a lot I forgot the toothpaste method for cleaning discs or whatever all right let’s see invitation historic GT4 M1 Pro car challenge oh okay think I’m ready for that after that the performance sure we would kindly like to extend an invitation for you to come and come and participate in the historic GT4 M1 Pro car challenge on behalf of Southern storm the event starts on the 4th of November and we would love to see your particular skills and expertise behind the wheel as a representative of our team looking forward to see you at the race Brent Hopkin wait is that the same Brent that’s the same Brent Hopkin that it makes sense now that’s the same Brent Hopkin that’s part of uh part of my cart team tape method for blue discs what about the red disc does it have a high speed ring so uh anyways scored 14 points I guess I did finish sixth in the race one tied for the points lead luckily lutal also did did even worse he didn’t score a single point so the top two from round one uh the the points leader scored zero and then second play scored three in rate or four in race points plus the 10 from fastest laps incredible you know you want to oh we got three rounds to go Yanni n nurin let’s see what’s going on the rest of the racing World our GTA German cup is wrapping up is anything actually okay formula rookie UK challenge is done it was only two rounds Craig Jorgenson is Champion for HSM racing fora rookie us challenge is also done willhelm cidal that’s the name jet dog and HSM also wins the uh formula rookie German challenge as well with Philip Wraith this is a real thing that happen three points separated top oh [ __ ] yeah oh Four Points separated the top or no three points separated the top five God damn yeah that was that was a close fight holy [ __ ] anything else finished up their season uh the P2 Pano trophy is over Victor Ludo quins with a second a sixth and a third over nurak who won both of the uh final two races last round must have been double points or something oh no it’s a multi- format probably that that might be it if there’s anything else complete I’m interested in checking [Music] this G4 UK nope nope what’s happening in Formula a they’ve done four rounds so far four different winners this isn’t real F1 there’s four different winners in four races rosmus Salomon Monson the [ __ ] it’s leading these are some names let me tell you any that’s what’s happening in the project cars world see you later later Clara thanks for hanging all right is now April April 7th so that was a one exactly one month break how the [ __ ] did that work out oh okay I see how this is the calendar doesn’t so each month just starts on Saturday or Sunday or whatever I was like how the [ __ ] is it the seventh every time I see how this game has some issues yeah anyways let’s head to round three of the cart Championship we’re going to Chesterfield for our next two races form OFA C British is we’re running at Alton Park oh hey the GT uh endurance series is finally doing their second race wonder if our uh carding rival will do well there our UK carding rival yeah we did counters aren’t real first of the month is always a Monday [ __ ] you right hey we rolled a whole position it’s going to be foggy 70 degrees got dibl in second uh where the hell is Carr there he is eighth place’s kind of hidden gy zero I would not disagree with that although I have not played enough of this game to uh fully agree there’s a reason why this game kept calling to me and why I’m playing it today despite its issues and somewhat broken promises that was not how I expected to take the oh okay Michael said [ __ ] the chicane on taking the lead or [ __ ] these s’s or this multi chicane whatever you want to call it [ __ ] this particular stretch of road I’m taking the lead [Music] all right at least I have experience with this track so maybe I can do a little better old ass M shows [Music] me yeah if you’re playing this on a game pad this is definitely probably not a good experience at all especially with the carts cuz these things are very touchy even with a wheel they’re very touchy oh we’re diving got them take that I’ve Tak Jesus Christ the mirror is dark I can barely see him and he’s right behind me filling up the mirror [Music] oh you know once this game is over that opens up the floodgates for PE cars [Music] [Music] too always been nostalgic to me me getting me into [Music] racing hell yeah [Music] there’s always that soft spart in everyone’s heart for their gateway drugs I mean that in a very like good way I mean for me it was NASCAR 98 Grand turiso One Porsche [Music] Unleashed multi class n um two might I don’t think this one does I could be wrong [Music] God Nintendo’s a for me stop it car stop it just like how Sonic has gotten a lot of people in the furry porn [Music] um not me though I was immune to the bat titties [Music] jpg actually gravy that is correct cuz Pokemon has gotten me into [Music] jrpgs must have draw more of it I remember that [Music] short and Shout Out Sonic shorts those are fun [Music] videos they old holy [ __ ] wait it’s only a decade old I figured to’d be older than [Music] [Music] that I remember watching that [ __ ] alongside Super Mario Brother Z on new grounds in like pre-2010 [Music] Le I I feel like it was 32010 could be gaslighting myself oh 14 [Music] okay you know flip is keeping me honest here he’s staying pretty close behind me cuz I’m driving like a maniac but shorts are all some high schoolers o ouch me [Music] bones final lap the first of the Sprint race [Music] in the final [Music] sector yeah haven’t played the new one yet Frontiers is good I like Frontiers a lot it kind of It kind of like it Peaks pretty early and kind of falls off gradually but man PE Peak the the Peaks are so high with Frontiers I wish I could I wish I could just play the First Act of that game for the first time again just the beginning up to the first boss hi Comcast how you doing I won by a second and a half only my second ever Sprint race win and both of them have come on this track interesting oh and uh P2 in points finished last when do you go to the other cars uh after this season is complete which we still have two and a half rounds in carts at [Music] least and I I now have a 20-point lead 11 straight fastest laps damn right all right well here we go starting on pole for both races welck of the draw guys cured up a bit let’s go some invitationals if I choose to uh participate in them cuz I don’t have [Music] to wonder when it was first uploaded to new grounds because I’m pretty it might have been on new grounds first oh this is fine this is just a reenactment of race one [Music] almost except we I got five extra laps do a dispatch of Michael lip [Music] almost buses [Music] it oh there we go easily in the turn one like he wasn’t even [Music] there oh he’s looking he’s looking nope I don’t think so [Music] Devil May Cry 5 I own that game but I haven’t played it yet the only Devil May Cry game I’ve played was the uh reboot attempt as terrible as the riding in that game was it was a really like gameplay music and set piece wise that was a fantastic game the writing was the worst [ __ ] thing imaginable though [Music] probably new grounds February 27th 2008 so yeah it’s been around for 16 years damn it can legally get a driver’s license in America crazy uhoh grass moment [Music] this old as the [ __ ] R35 that’s funny he 3 years old godamn I was just a couple months away from 17 [Music] and now I’m turning 33 in a few days [Music] [Music] help oh we damn lip’s got nothing for me in this race before I pulled out a 3se second lead maybe he’s allergic to the sun maybe that’s why he was so fast in the Sprint [Music] race yeah voice acing wasn’t video game voice acing wasn’t as big of a business back then so they just hired any schmuck Mega Man 8 being one of my favorites still we have to top do w we let’s go Mega Man they should have brought him back for Mega Man 11 SMH my head even it’s like an optional voice op like voice pack [Music] that would have been the funniest [Music] [ __ ] try to like force myself to lean my head back so I’m not straining my neck as [Music] much got too much of the elfan Evans lean going on [Music] kiding old sucks tell me about it [Music] [Music] LA 10 uh-oh we overshoot on that exit it’s fine got a 6sec lead we’re cooking [Music] going to be as long as I don’t do something horrific it’s going to be my most successful successful track so far four wins and four starts with four fastest laps [Music] [Music] I’m very much in the zone right [Music] now high five 5 five is that the uncle howdy [Music] thing you’re like the new teaser uh-oh I was adjusting my microphone I see I’ll proceed to not click on that cuz I can’t right now I’m driving a [Music] go-kart got up to 80 mph [Music] oh yeah the the cusc rays are very nicely uh rendered in this sun rays fancy word uhoh good it’s fine we’re good it’s fine have a 10-second lead [Music] there’s one thing that I would change like just right now it was if I could have a full track map that’s very much a personal preference and not having it in no way hinders The Experience from my experience it would just be a nice to have [Music] oh we’re good oh I’m forgetting how to uh I’m [Music] [Music] forgetting all right four for four at a what’s the name of this place I don’t remember [Music] cby of the cars 93 damn Chesterfield thank you couldn’t [Music] remember all right 12C victory over Michael lip dibl third and my teammate in last all right that’s the dark Nitro spirit and cars rude came in second in points leaves with zero added to his total unfortunate so fastest lap confirmed W both races fastest lap perfect 40 32.8 I think that’s can’t remember if I went faster here or in the UK round or UK uh series here anyways I went from being like one or two points ahead to uh having a 38o lead I literally gained nearly an entire round’s worth of points in this round cars Ro scored zero and only dropped one spot holy [ __ ] these random grids really are uh really do affect a [Music] lot hey we got a new invitation from salamander that’s one of the cart teams tial optar finishes top in cart one round three Victorious at Chesterfield thas zulberg Larson Victorious at BRS hatch in GT4 UK all right so couple emails here from Brent we’re halfway through the season now I want to see more points on the board both for yourself and the team keep pushing dka I’m on it then from Andrew great job out there we’re analyzing the data tomorrow but from what I saw there are some those there were some fast laps you put in there come by my office and we can look at the reports well I mean I have a perfect fast laap record so far in my cting career so anyways invitation historic GT5 320 turbo pan Euro Cup that’s a mouthful he there my name is Dave Bloodworth what a name Bloodworth and I’m the manager of salamander our team signed up for the historic GT5 320 turbo Pano Cup on March the 3 and would love for you to be our driver we believe that your experience as a race driver will give us a great chance to win the event look forward to seeing you at the race Dave Bloodworth that he has a metal as [ __ ] name so with a uh perfect 40 we are in good shape with two rounds to go very good shape so let’s Advance the calendar so we’ve got invited to a race that’s happening next season we’re getting a lot of these invitationals like several months ahead of schedule like we’ve gotten some invitations for races in November and that one’s taking place in March like literally like 11mon Advance invitation incredible speaking of a full month after that last round it’s time for the next round O before I do I just remembered something we got here lmp3 rookie class Renault UK Cleo cup oo and then formula rookie Euro trophy I want to see what happened in the GT endurance race where is it there you are how Roden do he finished in the back I guess me kicking his ass in the UK cart Championship really [ __ ] with the psyche he’s never going to recover from this anyways we’re going to Summerton for our next event for our next 10 and 15 lap races got Asia’s Pacific formula C going to sakito it’s not Suzuka trust us Roden w and Cleo cup at snon also happening on this day cool well let’s get to uh let’s go to Summerton get the carton oh this is in the US I was expecting UK with a name like subt Summerton but nope we’ve drone fourth on the grid 98° we must be in like Arizona or California or something in the desert summer in the UK you know what you’re right Skelly was right in the name anyways uh we drew fourth Paul Walker starting fifth I forgot he was in this um I think Michael lip took second in points and he drew eighth so here we go I wish the United Kingdom was real here we go let’s do this oh immediately into the dirt cuz whoever was starting third oh got the lead [Music] oh oh okay that first sector gives me strong Sonoma Vibes with the two hair pins connected by a carousel oh I should not have followed them off off the track they [Music] go oh we’re good [Music] South Carolina oh this is a fictional track I guess there are some fictional tracks in this game didn’t expect one of the one of the cart tracks to be W I [Music] guess unless it is real Google’s gas sliding you [Music] wow oh [Music] jeez [Music] really even the Dubai [Music] one yeah this feels more like Arizona [Music] California like [Music] aesthetically okay so Dubai is like the only real one [Music] okay today I learn oh jeez I was just ass packed oh sharp horn oh my God exactly like this [Music] right this definitely looks like a location that could that would host an FD [Music] event he Clint really [Music] hard all right four down six to [Music] go so I can make an actual charge towards the front uhoh we’re [Music] [Music] good right I’m starting to actually like learn the track now too small for f [Music] yeah you you have a point Carl oh oh [Music] okay sure thing [Music] Paul he’s tracking key cars oo that would actually go hard [Music] actually now that you mentioned that it kind of makes me think of the horse thief mile at Willow [Music] [Music] Springs I thought it was going to take a more defensive line I was going for a bold move [Music] oh [ __ ] oh yeah it is in the game I know I recognize Willow Springs from the uh the intro video which shout out to this game actually having a full intro video that [ __ ] was like getting snubbed away already in like 20 before 2015 no Thief like horse thief Jesus car [Music] like if it had more [Music] uh like you changed the genre of like background music in the intro video honestly it could have passed for a GT intro I actually really like dug the intro video to this [Music] game whoa ooh right [Music] oh my [ __ ] god the the uh intrusive thoughts one [Music] they intrusive thoughts win that’s just Carl is the intrusive thoughts [ __ ] is a mile I don’t know but a horse stole it apparently or someone who steals horses owns [Music] it all right final lap [Music] oh and that got autom moded get [ __ ] [Music] tank get [ __ ] it’s been a while since we’ve had a funny from twitch [Music] automod thank you for providing the funny tank oh my God he’s all over the track mostly off of it [ __ ] up oh I got him oh we’re going to steal one at Summerton you weren’t lilac think it’s this CH stolen we really is just horse thief mile at home cuz I just stole oh that win from uh Stefan Tapper but hey my teammate finished in the points barely but he’s in the points hey Steve all right and my fastest lap streak continues we’re we’re still batting a thousand on fastest laps and I now have 100 points and once again the people who were up at the top at the point standings other than me either scored very little or almost like almost didn’t score any points cars rud is still stuck at 40 he’s been stuck at 40 for three races now yeah I’ve well have I clinched I have clinched so we have three races left which is with adding the fastest lap points is 60 so I haven’t quite clinched if by some miracle I finish ninth or worse in every remaining race and Michael wins and gets fastest lap he could still beat me by Four Points however he finished sixth in race one just need six points and I’m going to hit five of them from the fastest lap so how’s it going tonight really well I’m having fun having fun let’s have some more fun 15 more laps here at Summerton why is it called Summerton if we’re racing the main it should be called springton that’s to make my head false advertising [Music] excent I have a leftover uh bees chder before I started the stream it was good Close Street track this kind of does have um Nevada desert Vibes to it like aesthetically [Music] oh big dive oh he wasn’t ready I tapped the Tapper I’ve taking the lead [Music] [Music] like you add a bunch of like the pro street festival [ __ ] everywhere like this could pass for like a uh a cing track in the Nevada desert [Music] location yeah yeah can tell me all I need is eighth and the fastest lap and I win this [Music] Championship I think I’m going to do better though I think we might uh just straight up win the race I only need six points but what if I scored [Music] 20 oh I’m not paying attention oh oh I looked away at the worst [Music] time oh it’s fine [Music] all right we are in the zone [Music] now 43544 new Fast lap [Music] [Music] what if I just didn’t turn would that be funny [Music] one third of this main race [Music] done five down 10 to [Music] go we continue to dominate [Music] [Music] the entire squeal [Music] it’s an interesting line I’m taking but it works is how the radius kind of decreases at the end of that left-hander so late Apex [Music] very interesting track uh-oh that was almost bad that was almost really bad you I’m not really pulling away that much I only have 3 and a half seconds on a taper [Music] it’s like I’m dominating but like I’m not like decimating them on [Music] Pace that was somehow in my fastest lap 43221 okay I don’t know how I pulled that off considering how much I [ __ ] up over here [Music] unless the split time is for compared to my previous lap I don’t [ __ ] [Music] know threw it in there well this one’s definitely an improvement 427 found nearly half a second that lap six to go [Music] [Music] tr’s getting really dusty especially in that uh middle [Music] sector oh found another 10th if only I was 100 slower or 1,000 slower a 42 [Music] 665 ooh I’m contributing to the dust problem [Music] [Music] I don’t know how Dynamic the actual like track is and like in terms of like rubber buildup and dust build up and stuff I don’t know what the technology was at in where the technology was at in 2015 [Music] looks nice [Music] though all right now I’ve begun begun the decimation [Music] uhoh [Music] uhoh track all these things and only use it for graphical effects that sounds about [Music] right cuz definitely I definitely don’t feel any less grip on the uh what looks to be a very dirty inside of these uh [Music] Corners oh [ __ ] it’s fine we’re [Music] good here to go [Music] damn two tin up in sector one moving I don’t know how I’m finding so much more Pace [Music] unfortunate okay now I’m just being dumb all right no more pushing even though there’s only one lap [Music] [Music] left it’s not where the track goes I’m making my own track [Music] [Music] Finish Line’s just up ahead this is the final stretch finish Neopets poker sheesh you know it does have carding Champion crowned won by 12 seconds on the end Michael oh made it to fifth from sixth car through uh four races in a row was outside the points probably unfortunate here we go another 20 for me with a win and a fastest lap double race win double fastest lap maximum of 40 points two rounds in a row two in a row yeah two in a row 42 I ran a 42269 on that last lap holy [ __ ] nice by the way holy [ __ ] all right well I win I am the cart One champion but we still have a round left to run and Cars road is now down to six the same score as he had when he was seventh and second in points mid queep needs to eat and this is the only way to feed her family we have an invitation from Keenan himself arob bow oh congratulations you have a new email just in general okay so fourth round success optar Victorious truspy gu arz at yeah at Donington Park National oh formula rookie Euro okay all right let’s see so from Andrew fantastic work out there smiley face that makes it three in a row right keep it up anything you need just mention it all right so from arobo from Keenan invitation Road TD brand Showdown allow me to introduce ourselves I’m John Burt Bentley that’s an N yeah Bentley manager of arobo copied in is Hunter stew our renowned race engineer we participate in the annual Road TD Brands Showdown and would love for you to come and drive for us your success in your career has earned our respect and we think you’ll be the perfect driver for us in this event hope to see you at the track I think that’s a road car race because there are some just Road car events in this game but that’s not that doesn’t take place until late February so uh we’ll have to wait till next year and then from Rockford Ren sport hunter stew son of chicken stew uh my favorite System of a Down song anyways uh from Rock friend sport allow me to introduce ourselves John oh it’s John Bentley again he’s manager of both teams holy [ __ ] okay copy is Ronnie Marshall or participate in the annual McLaren F1 track masters three-hour trophy that sounds terrifying love for you to come out and drive for us okay same exact email template just different uh race engineer and different event and different team unlocked our first endurance race ooh cuz we’re now the mathematical cart One champion but they’re still around left to run however I’m going to do something here um we have a round left but it’s also been 4 hours since I started uh this let’s play so what I’m going to do is I’m going to take a break going to eat some food and when I come back we’re going to play more project cars cuz guess what stream part two is going to be more project cars baby so uh next time on Project CARS we’re we’re going to we’re going to finish the uh the cart championship


    1. So, its a community supported game, its said to be one of the best racing game to ever exist and promised to be nothing we seen before.

      And it failed very hard….. Not even the sequel can save it….. Lol

      Ambition outweighed the talent of Ian Bell

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