Hello everyone. So I am cycling in New Forest, UK, in this episode and in this one I decided to explore the north side of A31 dual carriage way and also the north side of New Forest National Park that I’ve been to only once a couple of years back. This ride was a training ride for the coming cycling event. So hop on and join me for the ride. I hope you will enjoy it and thanks for watching my videos. It means the world to me. Look out for Shorts I publish every now and again as well please.

    Stay tuned for the cycling event reveal and the videos from the event.

    I’m sorry if the video is a bit bumpy and shaky at the times. I was hand helding the camera and due to that the camera was shaking at the times. Hope you enjoy it anyway.

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    hi I hope you can hear me I don’t have a microphone but it’s pretty quiet in here so hopefully you should be able to hear me uh well so I am out in New Forest on my road bike um currently 23k in hoping to do 60 or DEC maybe today we’ll see how it goes and how I feel really I don’t know yet weather is gorgeous as you can see above me there is blue sky with little white clouds it’s pretty sunny pretty warm little bit of wind 21° would you believe this 21° at the end of April in UK unbelievable isn’t it yeah so that is me my cycling Adventures just cruising at the moment on pretty Flat Road actually but I’ve just done a nice FY climb from uh going from uh um anadian war memorial uh Crossing M27 underneath and then going into North side of the Forest right now uh I cycled here here just once so I’m going to see what this road going to be like I haven’t been here for quite a few years actually so yeah we shall uh we shall see really so yeah I hope you are all going to have a good day and um I shall catch you later folks taada there you go enjoy some views in North End of New Forest that’s the road currently cycling on and yeah some more views there’s big puddles here and there it’s been a bit of a rain last few days so yeah Forest is still a bit wet I’ve just uh not a long time ago I climbed the um gravel truck up towards Canadian war memorial and from there I switched back to the tarmac oh hold on there’s some wild wildlife here let me show you there you go moo hello moo oh no that’s uh that’s donkeys actually hello buddy donkey that’s donkeys donkeys donkeys donkeys right I shall uh catch you later guys oh by the way I’ve got a big news I’m preparing for a major cycling event happening next weekend prob when you see this video the event is going to already happen so yeah there you go right got some cars going past me so I need to put my phone off see you later check out this folks there’s literally a huge donkey family and some cows just having a leure afternoon in here look at that that donkey there he rolling oh he stopped rolling well nevertheless enjoy the donkeys G nice oh look at him he was rolling again he’s having fun out there with all the rolls oh another one check them guys rolling like crazy oh he’s now having a little stretch that is so fun and over there there’s a little car park but I’m not going in there I’m going that way so yeah um so yeah I am prepping for a major cycling event happening at the beginning of may stay tuned um and I might reveal the news of what that is at the end of this video or in one of my shorts I haven’t yet decided but yeah stay tuned guys take care and see you later check out this Forest that looks very interesting isn’t it look at that view of that Forest look at those trees that is one amazing forest though there’s a village in here I think there’s like houses around not really sure what village that is oh my God check out this guys you need to see that can you see a little Tower behind the trees can you see it I think you can can you look at that that is one amazing view I might uh do another video of that when I’m coming back this way that’s a sign right so far I am enjoying this right I hope you’re also enjoying that check hi those trees though that looks like really old old Forest though I think would you say right I’m going to junction ahead of me so to decide which way I’m going to go right take care so I’m just having a little break on my right I am 35k in I just went down massive downhill so I’m going to have to climb it back up now on my way back that’s going to be hurting but well hey how it happens and I need some training for this coming cycling event so um yeah doing that climb now will benefit towards my training and towards that cycling event happening on the first weekend of May um I may or may not publish this video before that event so we shall see it might be that you see it before or it might be that you see this video after the event and then you’ll obviously see the videos from the event as well after this video but we’ll see how this goes okay so yeah stay tuned that is my reble currently having a bit of a rest I’ve just had something to eat something to drink just having a bit of a rest as well cuz I’ve got another 35k ahead of me to get back home so yeah wish me luck guys I’m in this random parking lot in some random Village somewhere in New Forest I might pinpoint on the map later where this was cuz I’m not entirely sure I was kind of going sort of random roads I’m definitely on the north side of New Forest but where exactly I am I don’t quite know but we shall check that on the map later and I probably post it here in the video at some point so stay tuned for this major cycling event and I shall see you later bye um I just stopped here cuz I wanted to show you this I recorded a little video as I was sign cycling past this building before on my outward Journey but I thought as I’m coming back the same way I’ll just stop by and I’ll just show you that that is a pretty nice building not sure what what this is might be a hotel maybe or something I see if I can Google Map it later so I um I might be able to tell you what it is if I can find it on Google Maps but well nevertheless it looks really nice and just look at those trees as well very nice trees and yeah I came from there so I’m now going that way right my people join me for the ride I shall catch you later right I’m going to end this video here I’m currently 60k in another 10K to go so it’s going to be 70k in total for today there was some Punchy climbs and R and about halfway through the weather the weather turn turned really bad so it’s become really windy I’ve had nasty head wind for about 20K uh yeah that’s got me tired a bit I must admit but there’s not much left now so I’m feeling very much accomplished and uh yeah that was a good exercise towards prepping for that major cycling event happening on the first weekend of May which I will review reveal probably on the day of the event actually just to give you a bit of a surprise so yeah stay tuned if you like the video give me a thumbs up subscribe to my channel to see more videos watch out for the shorts that I post every now and again and yeah I hope you enjoyed the ride as much as I did so take care and I shall see you all later bye-bye

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