Welcome to another video.

    In this video I continue the Sportster’s engine run in by taking a ride to close to the scene of the infamous 1995 Rettendon Essex Boys Range Rover Murders. Following this we head to the very south bank of Hanningfield Reservoir for a brew and a sausage bap.

    Many thanks and a big shout out to Wickford Superbikes who, seeing me stopped by the roadside, pulled over to check if I had broken down and required assistance.

    Thank you for watching.

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    All music licensed by Soundstripe.com

    [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello guys welcome back to another video yeah still on the sports start the uh news on the diner is uh as usual just more money I’ve uh couple of weeks ago had to buy a uh rightand uh switch gear module so the uh BCM got fitted along with the new voltage regulator and it threw up a code for right hand switch module um so that was another 300 L plus then the obviously the labor that was the last I’ve heard that’s going to be fitted that may or may not solve the issue uh who knows it’s just uh bucket window no bottom at the minute but what can you do anyway happier news we’re uh off for a ride today it was sunny uh about half an hour ago now it’s Cy and uh actually quite chilly I wish have put on my heavier gloves but um we’re still running the engine in and the old uh Sportster um 500 miles they reckon to uh fully run it in after the uh 1200 upgrade so that means uh short Journeys low speed uh you don’t want it overheating getting too hot so this is the ride that we’re doing today just sort of perfect for just not a little mini tour around a few spots and essic and the other reason why I wanted just to get out today as well as clocking up some m is I made myself a uh tank bag for my camera equipment I’ll just tilt you down water held on by magnets I’ve obviously put that routin and strap just in case on the fuel tank test it before I uh used it on the motorway and I’ve got to say i’ I have had it at 60 and it didn’t shift once so quietly confident one of my uh better projects we’re going to uh go to Rendon where I’m going to uh show you near not the exact the scene of the infamous S6 boys Range Rover murders and then we’ll uh head over to hanningfield Reservoir where I’ve got a couple of uh Cumberlands couple of sausages for uh breakfast which you’re going to cook up so as uh the British Airways Captain says sit back enjoy the flight I’ll come back to you shortly [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh shouldn’t have worn some my gloves for this just give you a quick look at this bag that I’ve made so I’ve got a shoulder strap which goes across body that retaining strap that you can see there that will go in there when I don’t need it and I also put on this style of zip so a uh what do you like a full length zp it’s just what I need though camera stuff so guys this is renden and renden is just a small village in essic which has become infamous so the leam behind me in 1995 6th of December to be exact uh very snowy cold evening three drug dealers by the name of Pat T Tony Tucker and Craig Ralf drove down this Lane in a small hours in a Range Rover they were expecting to take delivery of a large Consignment of drugs but what they didn’t realize was it was actually a setup and so somewhere and I’m not going to go hunting for it because it’s private property and I think the locals are getting a bit peeved off two guys were lying and wait for them with shotguns and all three were murdered they were found the following day by the uh local farmer where I’ve just parked here this is the spot where the famous news footage of the Range Rover being brought out on a flat bed with a tar poolin covering it and what they didn’t realize at the time the bodies were still in situ it’s bizarre because it’s become a real like sort of uh weird girlish mean Abra type tourist attraction there’s a massive fascination with the ess6 boys murders I mean there’s been so many films created about it you’ve had the original Essex boys which had sha Bean in it and then you had um I think it was rise of the foot soldier which had Craig fairbrass is one of the drug dealers uh Pat Tate the three guys that were shot as I said they were drug dealers they were well known in the uh local underworld and the two guys that were uh convicted of uh the murders Jack Wes and Michael steel um they both protested their innocence theyve both been released in prison in the last few years but they did both protest their innocence you’re all right no no honestly man I’m doing a bit of video I’ve just stopped it’s the S6 boys spot isn’t it oh that’s that’s so kind of you thanks so much mate really appreciate it do you know what what a nice what a nice Sky actually stopped there wick for super bike so if you’re uh around um ess6 wford super bikes um anyway just to wrap it up one of the con main conspiracy theories was that the murders were in retaliation for the death of Leah bets Leah bets was an 18-year-old girl from nearby uh latchington and she took an ecstasy tablet on her 18th birthday and tragically died now there was a lot in the news at the time and I remember it quite well because I was around that age I was 18 would have been the same age as her and about the dangers of taking ecstasy it was found at the uh Coroner’s inquest that her death Alo she had taken exstasy her death was actually caused by the amount of water that she had taken however they did say that this was a direct result of uh being inhibited by ecstasy now ecstasy at the time was quite a designer sort of re drug for the dance scene and it was one of the side effects was because you could keep going all night basically dancing you uh obviously sweat got hot needed a lot of water so people were paranoid about dehydrating so they did take a lot of water now Leah bets’s uh father he was a former police officer so one of the more ridiculous conspiracy theories was that uh the police had organized the hit I I tend to just stick with the uh the facts however what has also hasn’t helped sort of quell the conspiracy theories is the fact that the two guys Michael St and Jack Holmes who were convicted of murders most of the evidence against them came from their getaway driver Darren Nichols who turned supergrass so there is that as well anyway I’m going to move on cuz I don’t think they like us stop in here look at that it’s mad it’s just like a uh it’s just just a meddle of nowhere and like yeah I think that’s part of the uh the whole morbid fascination with it it’s such like a rural sort of village that everybody you know drives through PS no heat of and yet there you go three [Music] murders right breakfast B time I’m going to lose my mind too much spining and not enough time I want a shamp life kind you love to hate when it’s up in your face I’m only here for the likes do anything I need to make it tap twice I’ll be blowing up your feet catch me going live it means so much if you could like And subscribe [Music] oh oh I’m going to lose my [Music] mind I’m only here for the lights blowing up your feet catch me going live it means so much like And subscribe [Music] hanningfield Reservoir is situated between the ess6 towns of B rii and [Music] Chelmsford holding up to 252 million lers of water it is 11th largest water storage Reservoir in the United Kingdom the reservoir is a designated site of special scientific interest and is also covered by a bird sanctuary [Music] order somewhat unusually the reservoir has no catchment of its own instead relies on Langford water treatment works pumping water from the rivers blackwat and chelmer to fill the reservoir so after a coffee and a sausage Bap it was time to head home before doing so I collected some rubbish left by less considerate persons then rode the short distance home [Music] [Music] [Music] folks finally I’d like to thank you for joining me in this ride and hopefully the next video will be a camping one so until then ride often and ride safe [Music] [Music]


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