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    Four-time trial world champion Adam Raga wanted to make some noise to celebrate International Noise Awareness Day, so he swapped his roaring trial bike for an electric bike — and rode off to the beautiful Valley of Silence in El Bierzo in northern Spain. Why? Because Adam believes living in peace with nature is something to shout about. He really believes that this is the path that technology must follow; to always try and coexist with the environment.

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    1. Thank you Adum, for sharing some of the best talent and peasfull skills I have seen in yrs,If you llisten closly even an old flat tracker can slightly here the moter on the coner( one weel ride around) I'v bin hit by two cars pedaling( to P.T. in the pool 30 mil's from home).I think this byke and back rds will reduse the chanse of high speed society mishap,please help

    2. dumbass nor car we hear you over your old pumps, dirty water, and the fracking going on in your backyard to make your dirty shit fuel! Old school fossil fuel is a thing of the past, like you fucktard

    3. Sublime short.  I love motorcycles…loathe the noise…grew up with 2 strokes assaulting my senses and now carry tinnitus with me wherever I go.  The idea that we can constantly overload any our senses without negative physical or psychological impacts is just absurd.  Would you douse every meal with hot sauce?  Spray cologne on yourself daily with a super soaker?  Of course not, you wouldn't be able to smell or taste anything within a year.  So why do we shatter the calm of our (and our neighbor's) lives with motorcycles loud enough to be heard from miles away?  Sorry, but loud bikes don't save lives…they just make you tired faster, less able to focus and eventually…deaf.

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