1. Theo trying to give a little message.But I think you're gonna lie about making gave job cancer because I don't believe there won't be it even though you're making a skit out of there, but it's still terrible.You suck videos of wish.I never seen this video first time.They were seeing you all

    2. Your better off dab it stright 🙂 you can also fill your vape cartridges!
      I found out the cannaclear disstillit is thicker then the medical marijuana dispensarys disstillit and the dispensary vape pens are shitty quality!
      I compaired them both my canna clear lasted 2 weeks thats perfect disstillit

      Now the medical marijuana dispensary vape pen onley lasted for 2 days ! Not even 2 like a day and half it lasted shitty !

      So your better off makeing your own vape cartridges from home

      The cannaclear won the best quality bett !

      Ill let you on a secret thca and delta 8 have the same side effects

      Delta 8 is pycoative effects !
      Thca is converted into thc when you light it up ! So it becomes reglar thc when burned try the golden ticket

      Rosin has to be decarbed for like 4 days or 2 weeks till you can turn it into disstillit facts so thats a wast of time especially if the cartriges harden up because your not supose to vape rosin onley disstillit form !
      Its too thick has fats inside it
      If your trying to make rosin carts try .2 or .3 rosin and use a full grame disstillit infuse them both your welcome!

      Ive. Ben a expert for a long time

      Rosin is onley good for dabbing basically

      Please do not use terpines in your disstillit or rosin your idiots !

      Rosin allready has terpines insid it its just going to make your vape cartridge turn black when its almost gone facts

    3. I've been a medical professional for 14 years, and I've never seen a tube connecting the abdomen to the mouth like that.

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