#transeurotrail #bmwr1300gs #offroad #estonia
    Join me today as I try to navigate my way through the Estonian wilderness and around the boggy and sandy sections of the TRANS EURO TRAIL.

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    here here oh come on you oh oh my God come on you heavy Gill what is happening guys welcome to my channel uh today I am just continuing on some of the Tet trials uh I recharged me battery overnight it’s actually just the next day from the previous video and this is the next section of uh tet Trail where I had to leave you yesterday cuz I was running out of battery I wanted to say thanks to my 15 subscribers you guys are legends thanks for the support I appreciate it oh let me know what you want to see more of on this channel I’ll try and accommodate but this this is sort of what I like to do so there will definitely be more of this okay straight straight into the bushes you got to watch these Crossroads Hey cuz there could be someone else on their bike having fun all right these Forest Trails are so good so fun you got to watch out for fallen trees as well though woo oh so I actually realized that yesterday when I switch into Enduro mode my suspension setting was set to the lowest so I was running Offroad with the least amount of suspension that I had whoa look at that what do you reckon crew should we go through let’s give it a go oh God we dipped into that one didn’t we oh well that’s I don’t like the look of that let’s just uh go this way shall we okay uh we’re not doing the T today we’re just riding just riding around in the forest oh I see some bike tracks maybe they were trying to dodge it too a little log easy peasy what gear do you guys ride Offroad in I kind of like second unless I’m going like super super slow just because it’s less uh less grabby of a gear like it doesn’t but I need to go first now it’s less grabby of a gear so it doesn’t just bloody you know do this holy smokes this is dirt bike trails I think oh where am I going put that visor up oh this is definitely a first gear type of O weather oh are we back we’re back back on the trail thank you other dirt bike riders so like I was saying I kind of I prefer second gear most of the time because it’s less janky like first gear you’re doing this a lot you know it wants to grab but then you get second gear when you’re going quick enough and it’s just a bit bit smoother look at these burms how good is thisy oh up down up down up down jump oh my God so what you probably can’t see on camera is that this is all sand which is very fun to ride and is very up and down got to be in attack mode am I still on the T yeah I am oh oh oh bar it down oh whoa whoa who I almost ate just then oh bu it back up I was not uh ready I wasn’t ready for the sand there we go oh bit more mud I wonder if I can get that center strip uh don’t fall off oh god oh I think that might be the end of the road I will not be going in that that’s what I’m saying there’s still so much bloody snow around and we’re going to turn here okay that just digs I don’t want to get bogged one moment technical difficulties let’s just stop that sucker well then yeah I’m definitely not going through that that’s a joke come on you heavy girl oh my goodness am I going to be able to move she is a heavy old thing to maneuver around that’s for sure okay let’s try and go back straight back straight back there we go oh yeah okay let’s let’s get it up on that Ridge there oh hear me breathing where does this trail go yeah well that’s the end of the the video guys I’m not going in here I’ll going and find some other Trails ooh bloody novice okay now that was kind of dodgy where I went oh I really don’t want to fall in to the right got to just oh Jesus oh oh my God ah come on big girl oh yeah oh that was dodgy that was so dodgy I was scared scared for my life that I wasn’t going to get out oh I’ll just uh Park her up here oh man uh twice twice I thought I was going in the drink oh let’s uh let’s see what’s up and left probably nothing it’s probably all a dead end now it’s just too wet up here thank you settle down yeah that’s all wet I don’t want to go through the wet let’s go right watch out for the big ass Branch so yeah I normally like second gear Offroad just because it’s nice and smooth gives you some good power looks like we’re getting buggy again guys take the shortcut oh yeah okay I’m going to turn around now up here thank you okay elephant turn that’s not happening what am I stopping on interesting interesting Theory am I just leading myself further and further into the bog I think I can get there and then turn around let’s see what are you doing Mr stick are you in the ground oh come on you there we go my god did not mean to do that man I’m knacked now okay now we’re talking sort of I did say I don’t like mud and especially with these tires I didn’t come this I did a God have a look at it get off you that way look at that look at that horrible who likes mud weirdos now I think I don’t actually want to go there it looks nasty so maybe I will go back a little and up there cuz I think that’s where I came from anyway let’s go 10 oh man you’re a big girl hey The Blood Hound is a big girl I need better tires that’s for sure watch me just go okay okay traction traction traction is good traction is nice I like traction I don’t know oh my God what the hell note to self don’t do Estonian tat in Spring cuz it ain’t nice it is wet and buggy and shite oh well at least the East Trail is anyway bloody hell I need to wait I don’t know what a few months before I come back here oh that was horrific okay now this is a big burm I did that sitting down I should have been standing anyway see if I remember oh God if I remember how to get back oh yeah I almost crossed myself over there got to take it easy a bit oh got to watch out for the stumps with my cylinder heads oh over the branch ah oh yeah I was in the wrong spot for that turn let’s do this think I need my visor up oh yeah first gear for this one aw some Roots off camera you try and hit those as straight as possible cuz they will just rip the back tire out from underneath you if you’re not careful watch out for the tree stumps you probably can’t see them on the camera but there’s little tree stumps everywhere that you’re having to look out for on this bit anyway this isn’t actually a part of the T tree tree like that you got to hit it straight otherwise you might get skew wiffi all right let’s carry on this direction and see where that takes us ooh a tree tree tree we can we can take it you ready oh yeah just got to unweight that front tire a little bit looks like we’re coming back up to a main road got to be careful of main roads it could be lots of people go this way yeah so when I’m riding Offroad I actually like to keep my tire pressure indicator here it’s just early detection isn’t it you know if I’m starting to get a flat tire I know I thought that was a hedgehog it was not so I’m still also running this bike in uh let’s see where are we there you go I think you should be able to see that 7 80 km so I want to get that to 1,000 um and I’ve got the bike booked in for a service tomorrow so it shouldn’t be too hard bloody 220 K is that right 780 quick maths quick maths 220 about that anyway that shouldn’t be too hard I should achieve that today although it is is already uh 6:20 and I don’t want to be out after dark but luckily it gets dark here at the moment at around 9:30 so that’s good oh look at that I’ve joined back up with the TCH let’s see can I continue oh my God that is sand Galore let’s have a look o oh wow Sandy boy oh not Sandy anymore anyway we’ll still check it out I’d rather be doing the te than that easy two track but if it’s muddy I would not it looks like it’s going to be muddy again frig freaking heck yeah I’m just I’m not interested am I not interested in doing muddy buggy oh yeah I meant to do that oh there we go and okay do you like this technique guys it’s the here here technique oh yeah elephant turn oh let’s see if we can’t get back through this Sandy section little bit sand I want to go right as well there we go there we go nice thing with sand a lot of people say just uh more power like I say more power is needed if you can’t get out more power which it will get you out of a sticky situations most of the time but it’s not like it’s not the technique you should use you need you need to distribute your weight properly like the bike’s going one way you go the other way you know just then I had to take dabs everyone needs to take a dab every now and then don’t be afraid of dabbing but the thing that scares everyone with sand riding is the bike’s doing this and sometimes you just need to let the bike do it the bike is going to dance let the bike dance like it wants to stay upright the bike does not feel comfortable on its side it wants to be upright if you just keep constant power or neat power don’t just blast the throttle the bike will do this little Wiggly you know finding all the ruts and whatnot soft sand hard sand soft sand all that and you just let the bike do it be light on the handlebars be light on your feet move your body you know shift your body weight when the bike’s doing this doing that and you’ll be all right you’ll get there I’m going to go right let’s see where this Trail gets me anywhere good or just more mud I think if it goes down it’s just going to be more mud isn’t it we’ll see looks like a few people have been down here o o sand oh now we going now we going oh go this way the other thing is when you when you are riding Offroad you want you want the weight to be in your feet you don’t want to be resting on your hands you want to be sort of in an attack position but look let’s be honest we’re not like Graham Jaris or something we don’t need to be attacking constantly you can bloody mellow out oh uh I was not prepared I was not at all prepared I’m going to check that out because she’s a brand new bike and I want to make sure I can actually get up there anyway the weight’s in your feet when you’re riding Offroad nice and light on the handlebars handle bars uh to give suggestions to the bike but the bike’s going to kind of go where it wants to go now normally I’d just book it up this hill no worries but because I’m on a brand new BMW that’s 25 Grand there right I don’t want to bin it get off that trail so what I’m doing is I’m looking like key points where there’s big rocks like there’s a big rock here but this right right line looks pretty good right up until you get here where it kind of digs out so you might be going good here then all of a sudden whereas the left side looks a little bit terrible there and then it gets better here but then you’ve got this rock right here as well and I don’t want to hit my cylinder head on that so still maybe the right side’s better right up there I mean straight up the middle could work as well doesn’t look too difficult on camera this probably looks like why you even staring at it but this is a good I don’t know I don’t know what you’ll call it 50% 40% incline maybe that’s way too much 30% I don’t know but it definitely is steeper than what you’re seeing seeing on this camera right now I’ll have another look at it from here I think maybe I stay in this right side and then up the middle okay team we’re going to give this hill a go hopefully I don’t drop my bike it should be reasonably simple but you never know I’m just going to do it in first gear keep decent moment momentum I’ll just get over a bit so decent momentum and I’m going to I’m going to ride on the right hand side until about where that rock is on the right then I’m going to kind of come over into the middle a little bit and I should just blop blop straight up there and keep a decent little bit of momentum so that the rear tire is not spinning trying to get your up there so let’s give it a go and stand up bit of momentum there we go into the center ah easy it in nice and downhill I’m just letting the gear do the work bit of movement ah lovely lovely jubly and that’s how you do a little Hill Climb little bit of forward leaning nice nice uh bit of momentum and look at that you’re in a beautiful campsite I’ll stay here tonight no I won’t I don’t have a tent I will be I will be uh going home got the Dying Light we’ll continue this way this is actually the tent again so let’s see let’s see how far we get before it turns to Mud nice so yeah as I was explaining off-road riding’s all to do with your uh feet you you put the weight in your feet and the handlebars uh for suggestions you say Mr Mr motorcycle would you kindly go in this Direction please and then you wake that down with your feet and force it to go the way you want it to go yeah it’s all all to do with the feet so I’m just rocking side to side can you see my shadow that’s that’s all I’m doing I’m rocking side to side putting weight on the left foot weight on the right foot things like that which you look at that we’re back on the T all right we did it we did it folks and it’s a little bit Sandy which is beautiful I like sand sand is fun to ride mud yuck but sand is fun okay oh and it looks like this Road’s turning to Mud fantastic so the good thing is right here is not like uh clay base it’s a sand base and so I’ve actually got more grip like the bike’s not as easily skew within for me oh this a nice little spot look at that that sign says don’t look at my spot but I’m going to look I’m looking I’m looking at your spot oh and I fell off the bridge oh yeah now this is the T I like nice Forest Trails Sandy base dry no big puddles of mud oh oh yeah hit that directly that’s the other thing if you uh fixate on something you’re most likely going to hit that thing like if you’re like oh my God there’s a stump you’re probably going to aim yourself straight for the bloody stump so try to re redo your brain you want to you want to bloody go you want to look where you want to go so don’t look at the obstacle the the big stump that’s in your way look at the Gap that’s between it look to the left look to the right don’t fixate on that object because then you tend to steer the bike towards that object like I just did I was fixated on it I was oh my God that’s dump and then I went straight over it object fixation is the explanation maybe it might be I might be saying completely wrong word but that’s how I say it anyway I am not a professional so don’t take advice from me it’s just a suggestion yeah I had to accept my fate there there was no way I was dodging those potholes this is stunning though this is a beautiful road so much fun to ride because it’s dry I suppose that’s why it’s so much fun I mean it’s just fast flowing dirt road this one the the small Sandy roads are fun as well tell you what this is really good trail riding I like it this tap Trail this section anyway where those bloody bog holes were no thanks but this this is fun if uh if anyone watching doesn’t like sand like just go to a off-road training school go get some lessons do something watch some YouTube tutorials learn how to ride it because it is some of the most rewarding and fun riding that you can ever do sand riding is just so much fun when you know the technique and you let the bike dance I meant to go left I think so yeah we can go over this Edge can’t we yeah little downhill you can’t see that probably on your on the camera but it is a downhill oh and we got some bogs to the left so I hope we don’t go into that oh oh my goodness a Sandy rightand turn I’m I’m in now aren’t I got no choice I might hug that inside line and see how we go maybe or I’ll just stay on the outside and absolutely kill it well that was fun

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