[Music] for the slow speed you’ve got parking up manual handling SL them to a figure of eight slow and control ride and a U-turn for the high speed you’ve got a controlled stop an emergency stop and an avoidance exercise they have to stop you from escaping yeah yeah uh don’t need that right mate instructions first of all so whilst on the motorcycle maneuvering area regard it as you would do the public road y so make sure you carry out all necessary safety checks and avoid contact with any of the mark C yep first exercise make down the bottom end two boxes formed by the green cone you got the box on the left just the other side of the yellow cone to the Box on the right ride down Park forwards into one of those two boxes it doesn’t matter which one it’s your choice once you po the bike up switch it off and then place it onto its stand okay thank you very much next is the manual handling exercise when you’re ready take the bike off its stand wheel it backwards out of that space then we it backwards into the other space just here place it back onto its stand please [Music] thank thank you very much jump back on have a seat still breathing aren’t you yeah sorry man just I’m a nervous face right mate next exercise is the slow control and steering exercise you are in the Green Bay just here y I would like you to ride across as this yellow line chose enter between the first and the second of the yellow cones then continue through all the yellow cones in the slem until you get to the two blue cones at the end of the line at the blue cones R in a figure of eight for two complete circuits don’t worry if you lose count once you’ve done two full circuits I’ll then wave at you and I will direct you to where I need you next yeah happy with those instructions happy deep breath I will leave you to it compose yourself go when you’re ready on is this little cool [Music] that’s fine mate thank you very much I got winded didn’t yeah I don’t know you saw that didn’t you I was like it nearly blew me into fence R next is the slow ride exercise we would like to demonstrate your ability to ride as in slow moving traffic yeah when you’re ready just go nice and slow in a straight line stop to the left of the blue cono so ignore the Box oh okay for this one stop in between the white line and the blue con okay go whenever you’re ready sorry in between the white line and the blue cones right yeah because you’re doing your U-turn next if you’re at the side of the blue cones you can go straight down and start your U-turn but that’s fine thank you very much next is the U-turn exercise so I’d like you to ride the bike in U-turn in between these two white lines then pull up on that side just remember to regard it as you would do the public road yep go when you’re ready Ry next I’ll try and talk quick before it gets too Wy yeah controlled stop exercise i’ like to ride a course as the red line shows here enter the Bend top right hand corner between the blue and the red cones on your way around the bend aim to achieve a speed of 30 km hour roughly 20 mph exit top left which is straight in front of us again between the red and the blue cones once you’ve come out the bend ride a straight line through the middle of the red and yellow cones and bring the bike to a normal stop Under full control stop with the front wheel of the bike inside the blue box just here formed by the four blue cones no speed requirement on this exercise to so speed isn’t record okay so you want me to go this way right that way around that’s it so you go into the bend there round that way out the bend through the middle of the red and yellow ones and then the front wheel inside the box here when you come to a stop here but there’s no speed limit no speed requirement now that’s fine go when you’re ready okay sorry thank you Ivan now I need you to turn the bike around again for me now go around to the left no way yeah that way around yeah just so you can use a little bit more room right up to the blue cones so you know the one where you did your figure of eight yeah just stop at the side of the top one cuz I need to clean the speed device out all right perfect that’s fine lovely mate thank you right I’ll explain the next exercise going to pop it in neutral a sec then feel free then I’ve got to go over and sort the speed device out and I’ll give you the thumbs up when you can go okay so the next one is the emergency stop exercise once again you go in as this red line shows so the bend is exactly the same enter top right aim for 30 km 20 mph on the bend exit the bend in the top left hand corner now on this occasion as you pass the speed measuring device which is where the red and yellow cones are a block just there y you need to be traveling a minimum of 50 km an hour which is 32 mph as you pass through those I’ll give you the signal to stop as in an emergency signal will be when I give you that signal stop as quickly and safely as possible yep so just wait there until I give you the thumbs up mate then you can go here we go know this turn me around again Ian I’ll meet you just here this [Music] time Perfect Mate thank you very much your speed was 51 km an hour so perfect speed mate okay next is the avoidance exercise this time you go in as the Green Line chose once again the bend is exactly the same enter top right a for 30 km 20 mph exit top left and once again as you pass through the speed measuring device you’re required to travel a minimum of 50 km an hour which is 32 mph y before steing the course as Green Line CHS round and through the blue cones yeah so you’re going through the red and yellow ones where the speed is round through the two blue cones then get the bike back into line with these two blue cones here before bringing it to a normal stop please go when you’re ready sorry you mean like I need to go over the blue all that means so when you’re coming down you’ve got to do your swerve then get back in line go through the cones that way you can stop it before in after that bit is not important on this okay yeah so as long as you’re in line to go through them that’s all the matters mate cool ready y ready you [Music] are than you head over to the gates mate I’ll come and let you out in a second I’m going to grab the speed device there so I’ll meet you over there in about a minute all [Music] right


    1. I don’t understand, how can you do it on a mt 07 by yourself. You had mt07 with learner badge on. ? I thought we had to go through the training schools for the bigger bikes ?

    2. Thanks for posting a live account of your Mod 1, Ivan. It's really helpful as i'm doing my Mod 1 next month. Congratulations on passing!

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