Today we visit the midland hotel in derby which is housing illegal migrants.
    We find hundreds of bikes and only fighting age well dressed men.

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    #migrantcrisis #migrants #audit #vlog #viralvideo #public #photographyisnotacrime #pinac #viral #vlogger #unitedkingdom #britain #migration

    [Music] hello guys welcome back to the channel today we’re in Derby at the Derby Station Hotel uh this is the migrant hotel that we’re filming we’ve got a close shop there guys so I’m pretty sure we’re allowed to walk through here and this looks like a bit of a public car park as well but we have a mother load of bikes here look at this oh my word we’ll take a look at the oel and Men uh but yeah look at all these crazy ain’t it bloody Helly bloody hell Al yeah Salvation Army in alfreds donate these bikes they do so uh in your yeah there you go more bikes uh obviously had new beds and stuff here as you can see uh but yeah this is the otalia and it’s above here it is so uh it’s quite a big one it is I think maybe yeah this is definitely part of the hotel here I think we’ve got Security on us already so uh yeah he’s just shut the door he’s not he’s not going to say anything to us he isn’t got a little ponytail on the go let’s just go and have a look at the signs on the Wind Soo there you are Ciro there you are there he is he’s not going to bother bother us today non-residents are not allowed in this Hotel there you go look at all that there no E Scooters no e bikes allowed I think he’s just got to make sure we’re not coming in um which is fair enough uh it’s quite covered up this one is and I’m just going to get in there you just see uh some delivery that they’ve had uh I can’t really make out oh baby milk lots of baby milk and that little I’m not sure how good you are going to be able to see guys but there you go anyway give what guys just watching and seeing what we’re doing um yeah let’s just have a quick walk around here let’s see sort of just shows you how big the place is sort of thing I just take a walk around the car park I can see obviously they’re all migrants that are ranging around just over there um just down there too um yeah look at all these bikes some of these are quite decent as well good tires on them too but yeah let’s get the zoom out guys and let’s have a look on the zoom so here we are on the zoom camera guys um just let’s get a shot of the old security guard there he’s not going to come out and bother us maybe all security guards should take note of what he’s doing you are securing the premises not the car park um in my opinion anyway maybe you guys think different and we just uh there we are we just uh have a look through the Windows like we usually do we are what I’ve noticed is there’s no women fighting age men again guys fighting age man are we got another security guard turned up there this there another migrant security guard been given a badge probably hasn’t even done any training as we usually find he got no badge on it in the minute doors covered up the blinds are dropped which is typical of a m all the L you see it’s all covered up guys like STS just said Cloak and Dagger very Cloak and Dagger this one is yeah it is very cloak and daggy we are just zooming in on the old windows up there there we are migrants there guys migrants let’s what phone is he on very nice phone cig Adidas tops are you happy that you paid for them there we are Captain mud m m manod I meant Manon there we are what the hell is that on his head sorry guys I’m just taking the piss a little bit uh there’s the other security guard radioing through I think that’s what he looked like he was doing there that’s all that stuff on on there I think we videoed that on the doors already but that’s another copy or whatever there don’t know if I can just focus on that a little bit so if I walk a bit closer maybe I can get a shot of what’s on that in there don’t know what it is guys maybe you can make it out nice new clothes another one all dressed in white so this is also part of the station the Derby Station Hotel guys just on here and oh my God look at this look at this and we only just noticed this oh my Lord look at all these bikes got to be 100 of them here 100 bikes here easy more there do you need a bike can you afford a bike that one specialized that is look at all these bikes here crazy we almost missed this we did we almost missed this we are we got security here oh she’s locking the door slamming it let’s got a picture of here they are in there anyway guys security are in there but they’re not coming out to us um yeah the Derby Midland Hotel again there’s another security guard plenty of security a’t there plenty of security has he got his badge on I don’t see a badge anywhere I think it might be on his arm but he’s looking there so that’s between the hotel she’s taking a picture of me here just in there she’s taking a picture of me is she at work you at work I want a copy of that I want a copy of that you’re breaking gdpr you’re breaking gdpr taking a picture of me guys yeah we’re going to leave she’s just taking a picture of me she’s Bound by a gdpr to not be taking pictures of memb of the public video I don’t I’m a member of the public so she she’s not she’s working I’ve Just Seen A I’ve just work I’m not moving until she’s deleted that picture deleted but you need now now don’t talk to me like that mate I’ll talk to you anyway I want when your workers are taking pictures of me go and get it to delete it now I’m not moving until I see that with my own eyes and I video it being deleted that’s fair enough guys you need to leave no not until that’s delet until she comes back and delet until she comes back and deletes it we’re not we’re not moving we the minions they think they can do what they want don’t they you can’t take pictures members of the public you’re bound by gdpr you should know this until until she comes out and deletes it that’s what I mean if they haven’t done the training they don’t know about gdpr do they we are unbelievable lessers guys look at all this all this yeah Salvation Army is it Salvation Army in alfreds that ating all their stuff so I’m waiting until they’ll probably ring the police but I’ll tell the police that we will leave it’s not a problem that we don’t about leaving it’s the fact that if she’s taking pictures of me she’s Bound by a gdpr and he says she’s a member of the public now we know she’s working we’ve just seen her working so all less is the hotel here as well all less see if we can get a shot over there I don’t know what you’ve seen guys until I look back at it myself so just down here they’ve got a laundry service laundry as well look at that laundry service for them these ones are cashing in aren’t they I don’t know what the be stands for guys maybe you can tell me these are obviously the workers cars aren’t they and then we’ve got all this over here this hotel is bigger because it’s across the road as well uh there you are all that tissue there Jesus I know they’ve got wiped their horses but bloody hell there was a time where tissue was hard to get out of yeah must have have pallets of deliveries May a shit all around here as well ain’t it crazy absolutely not yeah and I think that’s part of the hotel as well so this is way way bigger than I thought I’m not 100% sure about that guy so don’t take me away for it that’s part of the hotel but yeah they probably rang the place just have a look at some bins now uh cardboard is compacted recycled and removed from site free of charge I look like a bit of a weirdo going through bins don’t I yeah I’m not too certain about that sort of place I think that might be somewhere different to be fair um private does help I can e Sirens so I wonder if them sirens are for us so we’re walking back through now guys I’m leaving their land now um the sirens have gone off in the distance so I don’t think that’s for us that’s a blood electric B there we saw him riding past us and he’d had he got a delivery bag on you don’t have to take me word for it but uh that’s what we saw um but I obviously I can’t prove that so don’t take me word for that um but yeah so you’ve got over this side and then we’ve got over that side too you right mate right yeah sound no speaky English no what just almost ran me over he has Jesus that’s gu plate bit dangerous you just almost ran me over then mate right yeah you just almost ran me over what do you mean you just almost hit me with your car go on video mate you did on videoing and and you just almost ran me over now I’m now I’m going to say I did I did it you did you almost just s me with your car yeah just try more problems yeah yeah let’s follow him anyway doing his uh deliveries to him he’s probably one of them I just think you an asshole mate anyway wait till that gets sent to the police just almost ran me over nutcase learn Drive the English way sorry guys sorry sorry but look he came in like that and I was just walking here and he come here like that Bloody nut case but anyway as I was saying that’s part of the hotel which is that Hotel so now you get a size of it and how big it is there that we’ve already filmed and then that as well how many of them is they must be loads so this is the other side of the Derby middling guys um bloody hell it is a big place a it and it’s funny how we’re right next to the train station ain’t that funny so when they moving moving them about up the up and down the country which is generally what they do into different hotels I think that’s why they pick the train stations and then it goes on undetected don’t it there we are guys more migrants going in very nice clothes for migrants aren’t they very nice clothes more fighting age men where are the women there is no women where are they on this one crazy still videoing us guys look at them watching us staring Us staring matters what you watching us for your Pates Pate security guard what’s he say on there oh I’m videoing I’m videoing cuz I’m Mr security guard PIV that’s what you are you’ve been watching this for the last 20 minutes p8 and you you’re a p8 as well aren’t you’ve been watching me wife as well aren’t you Mr Pate there you are guys PV security guards Mr Manor start with the show you’ll be asshole Sal not bad sorry guys don’t like it when people film your wife cuz at the end of the day we were in there so they’re not filming us they’re filming my wife that’s standing across [Music] there which is there there you anyway guys that’s the Derby Station Hotel in Derby right next to the train station if you have a like this video do give it a thumbs up and we will see you on the next [Music] one


    1. Our government SUDDENLY has boogo bucks for the illegals but broke when it comes to helping there own people.
      In my opinion, this is money coming from George Soros – Open Soc- iety & Klaus Schwab from world economic forum.
      Not tax payers money but I think they want the citizens to flip there bill, 😲🤔😠👎🏻

    2. Makes me Mad 😡 I can’t believe that they ( government) just can’t say NO to these effing boat Wankerz, I mean it’s only a little island this country and we’re losing land to the sea and getting more and more disrespectful and ungrateful people over here… anyway mate brilliant video and thanks for sharing 😁👍🍺🥓🇬🇧💚🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🙏

    3. dont report that guy hes a very nice delivery guy in our local area.. he works six days a week and is one of the best delivery drivers we have.. he just in a rush to deliver. he is not an ilegal immigrant.. he being paid by the parcel. in the hostels futher in their have been stabbing recently and the hotels are full of ilegals so much so the food courts have to have protection.. people leaving the trains getting rob and attacked at weekends…just waiting to see if the new 500 flats built on derby hospital old (dri)site becomes their new homes…dont seem to be selling much….

    4. £millions in taxpayer's money spent on fighting age men who hate us, sneaked into hotels and military bases around every part or our country, protected and treated better than we who pay the bills!
      Yet our government representatives who are in on this invasion of foreign men won't even talk about it!
      WHY? WHY? WHY?
      Its TERRIFYING!!!

    5. Me and the wife stayed in this hotel 20 years ago and it’s a shame it’s gone this way. There’s a hotel near me that’s full of migrants and I see them walking to the shops in better clothes than me while I work.

    6. Cancel these charities and either walk down, don't get a takeaway and cancel deliveroo etc
      Plenty of books on how to cook various recipes that we like. Cheaper and probably won't get the squists
      Those so called security are not trained or badged.
      Stop paying any charities stop going to Halford and the other companies
      I love paying council tax

    7. I think thse sort of highly informative videos are essemtial to get the word out .not everyomr is media savvy or get out to see things we witness but they have a 💯 right to know and voice opinions. Ot is esse.tial thank you

      Great video
      😢😢uk 🇬🇧

    8. They come over here with fuck all and look at them now greedy ponces, its the tax payer's working there bollocks off so they can live the life of someone special, send them back

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