Part 2 of Jackson exploring France on his brakeless fixed-gear bike. This episode was shot with the legendary rider Jakub Bruch, a very talented fixed gear rider known for his freestyle inspired tricks and smooth style. The footage from this video was filmed for the move “Last Try” (link below). Jakub won the SMCGR #1 rider of the year, and well deserved. He shows off his skill by riding different obstacles in Grenoble, France, showing off his creativity and smooth style. Go give Jakub a follow and watch part 1.

    Go follow Jakub and Pierre:

    Go show Jacob Keen some love:

    Follow Ruff Bike Co for some FGFS stuff coming very soon:

    #fixedgear #fixie #bikelife

    Go watch “Last Try”:

    Go watch Part 1 of fixed gears in Paris:

    Go watch SMCGR Ranking for 2024:

    FOAD Gear:


    1. Big love for Jacob aka crop.t0p … easily one of most entertaining characters on two wheels. He is the epitome of joy on a bike! I believe he will do something amazing on a bike next! This is an origin story.

    2. Interesting his wheels are on deep and deeper Vs – probably coz he's put together from large bones in addition to what he does on his bike.

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