Short video about bike trip thru central Crimea, Ukaine. Mangup, Tepe Kermen, Süyren stornghold, Shuldan, Balaklava, Sevastopol go pro hd helmet mount gopro 1080 p
Короткое видео о велопоездке по центральному Крыму,Украина. Бахчисарай – Мангуп – Балаклава – Севастополь. Из Бахчисарая через Тепе-Кермен,
Сюйренская крепость, монастырь Шулдан, Мангуп-кале, Чернореченский каньон в Балаклаву и Севастополь.
music: Luke Janela Owls And Vultures
Welcome! (-:
Привет! Музыка: Luke Janela. На youtube есть его канал.
беру шмотки и рулю в Крым!!!
В Крым летом конечно-же тоже можно (((-: Но только по-ближе к морю. Или совсем в горы. В тень.
that is sick!!! I wanna go there??? But I don't speak russian, so I'm probably fucked.
By the way maytoff can you tell me the song you used in that video?
что песня в этом видео?
Hi!This is LukeJanela's music "owls and vultures". You can find his chanel on youtube. By the way you may speak in Crimea ukrainian instead russian (((-:
@maytoff i know that Crimea is in the Ukraine, but I thought that there are more people speaking russian than in any other part of the Ukraine, right? Don't the russians have a naval base in crimea or something? I don't know but I really have to go to see this place next summer!!!
Alles ist richtig.Russisch ist mehr aktuell. Wirst du Reise wirklich planen, kann ich dir mit info helfen.Aber Suedkuste von Crimea ist noch attraktiver.Besonder fuer all-mountain. Guk auf Tarachtash Strecke auf vimeo / 14606461
That vimeo video looked awesome!!! Lots of singletrack! I loved it…I have a good friend in Sewastopol so I was planning to go over there someday. But after seeing all these awesome trails I really try to make it there next summer…
We should definitely stay in contact!!!
do you have facebook or something?
Люблю эти места=)
круто снято