Short video about bike trip thru central Crimea, Ukaine. Mangup, Tepe Kermen, Süyren stornghold, Shuldan, Balaklava, Sevastopol go pro hd helmet mount gopro 1080 p

    Короткое видео о велопоездке по центральному Крыму,Украина. Бахчисарай – Мангуп – Балаклава – Севастополь. Из Бахчисарая через Тепе-Кермен,
    Сюйренская крепость, монастырь Шулдан, Мангуп-кале, Чернореченский каньон в Балаклаву и Севастополь.

    music: Luke Janela Owls And Vultures


    1. @ArtZaverukha
      В Крым летом конечно-же тоже можно (((-: Но только по-ближе к морю. Или совсем в горы. В тень.

    2. @slomo8888
      Hi!This is LukeJanela's music "owls and vultures". You can find his chanel on youtube. By the way you may speak in Crimea ukrainian instead russian (((-:

    3. @maytoff i know that Crimea is in the Ukraine, but I thought that there are more people speaking russian than in any other part of the Ukraine, right? Don't the russians have a naval base in crimea or something? I don't know but I really have to go to see this place next summer!!!

    4. @slomo8888
      Alles ist richtig.Russisch ist mehr aktuell. Wirst du Reise wirklich planen, kann ich dir mit info helfen.Aber Suedkuste von Crimea ist noch attraktiver.Besonder fuer all-mountain. Guk auf Tarachtash Strecke auf vimeo / 14606461

    5. Hey!
      That vimeo video looked awesome!!! Lots of singletrack! I loved it…I have a good friend in Sewastopol so I was planning to go over there someday. But after seeing all these awesome trails I really try to make it there next summer…
      We should definitely stay in contact!!!
      do you have facebook or something?

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