A new multi-million pound cycle lane has “killed” a village by crippling trade, local shopkeepers have claimed.

    Residents and business owners say the bike path in Castleton, Greater Manchester, is putting customers who can no longer park on the road.

    The dedicated space for cyclists on Manchester Road took around 18 months to build as part of a wider £4.4m scheme of road improvements.
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    1. Thoughtful council members would have polled local businesses instead of assuming they knew best. Progressive cram-down of bad ideas on an unwitting public. We have the same in San Francisco. Cars have been demonized, OAPs supposed to ride an ebike instead of driving their car. State of California has demonized oil and gas industry, made natural gas illegal.

    2. so…why/how has this cycle lane killed trade?
      just looks like an average rundown old mining village trying to get by after thatcher killed the industry.

    3. Same old excuse, how petty to blame cycling lanes. Local trading has been dying a slow death for years everywhere due to internet trading and shopping malls. Basically, local traders just can't compete but will keep looking for easy scapegoats instead of finding smarter ways of trading. Good, affordable products always attract customers, and these will find a way to park even if they have to walk a lil bit. Petty moaners don't. Then, how many stores did we see in this clip anyway? Want parking space, join and go to the local council but don´t expect parking right in front of your store, that privilege is gone and good riddance.

    4. Where is the evidence that this cycle lane has "crippled" trade? The film shows shop that have the shutters down so either not opened for business yet, or closed down. Also, the stationery drone shot shows houses. And very few pedestrians visible. I think its a case of trying to blame the cycle lane for a dying high street.

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