1. All conversion kits are deathtraps, these motors and ecu’s aren’t even in the same category as proper motors from Bosch, shimano, brose, Yamaha etc. and cannot perform anyway near them in terms of how they deliver the power. Putting that power on something not intended for it with cheap flimsy wheels and fork and basic brakes is asking for trouble. People see the motor torque and power of these conversions from bafang etc and assume it must be better than a 250w 85nm Bosch performance cx for example. As someone who rides a lot of proper e-bikes and sadly deals with a lot of conversions, I can safely say they are terrible.

    2. How fast in mph? American market mine does 39mph for 1,999$ which is overpriced for a build but great for market. 60 V. What do you suggest? Some over priced product i assume…

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