London Taxi driver shares a POV of working a Saturday, in Central London.

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    1. Another cracking video, music combos are wicked. Love seeing how you interact with customers years of experience keeping the job less stressful. Thanks for your hard work.

    2. Another lovely video Ollie, it brings back great memories of my cabbie days. Makes me want to come back south. However you make it look easy even though we both knows it isn’t always. Be lucky. Suzi x

    3. Hi Ollie, even with your knowledge, how often would you say you pull out the sav nav.. I’m quite astonished how you’re able to remember all them roads you don’t frequent often for instance when you was cutting up Bethnal Green road to go Cephas road.. crazy 🤯

    4. And the quality videos keep coming!Your efforts are really appreciated producing this excellent content,so big thanks again Ollie.👍Your "wrong address" reminds me of when I was doing breakdowns many years ago,and there was a call from a phone box(remember them?!)"I'm near The Swan pub,I've got a red Cortina, and the fan belt has broken"-not a problem, but we couldn't call him back(this was years before mobile phones)and there were 2 "Swans" about 6 miles apart!I did find him and get him on his way,but of course I went to the wrong place first!😆Michael

    5. I remember asking for "Berry St" (EC1?) and the cabbie heading for Quaglinos. Another time asking for Arlington St(?) and the cabbie taking us nowhere near La Caprice – think he went waterloo direction. The latter refused to take more than a fiver (from The City – ok it was back in the day) and simply wound-up his window when I tried to thrust what I normally paid into his hand!

    6. Some of those cut throughs you use, I would never do, you only have to get stuck with some muppet unloading and you've put yourself in a position. I always stick to the bigger lines unless it's really awful and even then I would suggest to the customer when there's alternative but that might be bad also. Takes the pressure off. Great videos 👍

    7. yeah montague place ive had similar experiences they say a road in some area and turns out to be the right road but wrong area lol so i said thats 4 quid as they gave me the wrong place the person said i only pay two quid so after me trying to explain this was the persons mistake i finally said ok give me the two quid so i can get them out of the car as it was busy they gave me a fiver and said keep the change i was speechless lol incase your wondering it was only 70p a mile in them days lol

    8. Another great video very professional, I haven’t been out on the cab for a number of years for various reasons and can’t believe all the road changes. My mind is literally blown, but as soon as you said montagu place I thought of the one in Marylebone 😂. Keep up the good work.

    9. Just goes to show you how honest you actually are! 99% of people would of edited the video with Montagu St misunderstanding! You really are a top bloke and would love to meet you one day Ollie. I would love to be as good as you one day as a cabbie 👍🏻

    10. Another good one at least your mistake wasn't far apart I knew a lorry driver who quite a few years ago went to St Ives in Cornwall instead of St Ives in Cambridgeshire

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