Rishi Sunak has insisted Sir Keir Starmer should spend less time reading Liz Truss’s new book and instead focus on Labour deputy leader Angela Rayner’s tax advice.

    Mr Sunak’s jibe led Labour leader Sir Keir to accuse the “billionaire” Prime Minister of “smearing a working-class woman” as the pair clashed in the Commons.

    Ms Rayner has faced scrutiny about whether she paid the right amount of tax on the 2015 sale of her Stockport council house because of confusion over whether it was her principal residence.

    The Labour MP has said she will “do the right thing and step down” if she is found to have committed a crime in relation to her living situation a decade ago but remains confident she has followed the law at all times.

    Mr Sunak also took aim at his predecessor Ms Truss as he told MPs he had the “conviction” to say her economic policies were “wrong”, adding that Sir Keir failed to do similar during Jeremy Corbyn’s tenure as Labour leader.

    Ian Collins says the “hypocrisy” from Angela Rayner will be her biggest problem.

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    1. Imagine starmer defending working class girls…..
      You'd have to imagine it because he never helped those abused & downtrodden lassie's when he had the chance.
      I.D politics is a sickmans game because you don't have policies that will actually help people.

    2. As someone on low income because of the insane amount pumped into the housing market by successive Tory governments the only option is to use the scheme that is pumping inflation into the housing market.
      CGT doest apply to your primary residence (hint you don't have to live there its a tax thing)

      Just to put house inflation into context prices have gone up since 2010 by 66% while average wages have shrunk by -7% and 50 billion has been pumped into right to buy by government.

      It's a completely broken system that means we're paying out 20 billion a year in housing support to private landlords from yours and my tax

    3. It was Starmer who said that an MP who was the subject of a police investigation should resign immediately. That was when Boris was being investigated but he didn't apply the same principle to himself and now neither will Rayner. Typical Labour hypocrites.

    4. Talk TV, the voice of probity and considered moderation 😂😂😂😂😂😂 I'd put money on there being nothing in this Rayner story – it's just deflection by the Tories.

    5. Cannot stand Starmer!! How can he talk about billionaire Prime Ministers when Rayners worth millions and he's got over 7 million!!!! How much is too much then?

    6. I wonder if TalkTV will be giving as much time and as many hours to the latest Tory scandal involving Tory MP Mark Menzies as they have about Angela Rayner?

    7. Rayner is the walking example of foaming dog fever… taking a knee and well into corruption straight off the council estate. If you think she's "one of the people", think again. She's just another MP who is out for herself, just like 99% of the MPs currently serving in Parliament.

      Time for Reform!

    8. the political right wing and their supporters avoid millions, probably billions in taxes every year using fancy lawyers & accountants and tax havens like the Cayman Islands. it must have taken a great deal of digging to find the possibility that Rayner may not have paid around £1500 in capital gains tax.
      the hypocrisy coming from the right and their majority domination of our media is a joke. we need to clean up the massive tax avoiders first.

    9. A great line there
      " They have got the Momentum" when the reality is Momentum is Labour's 'Militant Tendancy' hiding under a new name , but their true colours will soon become apparent if the weak Starmer becomes PM 😢

    10. Truth is Right To Buy was a Thatcher innovation to patronise the working class council house tenants by allowing them to become owners of their homes – with the various benefits that includes (status, bank loans etc). But it was not the intention the property should be resold for profit thus diminishing the council house stock (or perhaps knowing Thatcher it was!). But Rayner forfeited her right to be a Labour Party member in taking advantage of this Tory scam on council estates

    11. We are all innocent until proven guilty, but the problem for Angela is that she has been far too quick to call for the heads of others in these circumstances ~ how the wheel turns . . .

    12. Wether politicians break the law or not, many are abusing the system for financial gain.
      It’s not as if they are not paid enough to represent the people, it’s public money at the end of the day that they are creaming off and putting in their own pockets.
      Politicians are public servants and should have a responsibility to ensure public money is not abused.

    13. Tories are desperate to find some mud to throw at labour.. unfortunately for them, we all see what a bunch of corrupt, devious bastards they are. If the tories put people on the front bench that were worth listening to, I might vote for them. The best people in the conservative party , like Rory Stewart and Anna Soubrey have left in disgust at the party

    14. Typical kier & labour playing identity politics saying o you're picking on her because shes a working class woman!!!! 😮😂😂😂
      Dont make me laugh!
      Kier should have got on top of this he is such a weak leader.

    15. & the labour/shadow chancellor has had her parliamentary credit card taken away after warnings to stop using it to spend on her personal life🤔🤔🤔 & shes going to be in charge of the money when they get in😮😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

    16. Sunak’s wife is not a politician and was using legal schemes which do not rely on misinformation. It’s the difference between legal avoidance and the accusation of potential illegal evasion.

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