An e-bike shop in Queens, New York, was consumed by “a wall of flames” after a lithium-ion battery exploded, the New York City Fire Department (FDNY) said.

    Sped-up video released by the FDNY shows smoke forming around the battery, before the device eventually explodes and sets the King Electronic Hub store on fire.

    The FDNY said that they received a first call at 9:43 pm, approximately one minute after the incident occurred, from an upstairs tenant who “heard three loud pops and smelled the smoke”.

    They said that the store was closed at the time of the fire and that no member of the public was harmed.

    Local media reported that one firefighter was injured while on duty, and at least two-dozen e-bikes were damaged.

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    1. Common sense alert: looks like they left it charging overnight, unattended. This Could just as easily be the charger, the mains surging, before the battery itself. Regardless, never cheap out on chargers, and dont charge high power batteries unattended.

    2. It's the same with car batteries with up to 10% of new car power units being removed for testing on account of overheating and safety first. EVs are not the way forward, combustion engines will be with us for at least another 100 years and the sooner we grow up and recognise the fact the less poor as a nation we will be for it.

    3. Insurance fraud. You can clearly see they had it plugged in and left unattended! Who does that? Especially a shop owner that deals with them regularly! Overcharge or discharge results in explosions

    4. Apparently I'm not going to die from old age I'm going to die from owning electric bike have a recall on a 2 year battery which I cannot get my money back on because everyone's pointing the finger at the the other person bought it from eBay It's a recall battery and can't get any help I'm getting my money back In other words I'm i'm out $300 for a battery

    5. I’m waiting for insurance companies to not cover battery related fires and see the EV zealots cope. They like to act like gasoline cars catch fire randomly on a regular basis, but if that were the case insurance companies would t allow you to park them in your garage.

    6. Gonna build a temperature controlled container OUTSIDE my house that I'll keep my batteries. Frankly insurance companies should meet consumers half-way and provide subsidies if people purchase such preventative measures.

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