Greetings YouTube! Hit that subscribe button and join me as I depart from Reims and head into Italy. True to form, the weather’s not being kind to me as I tick off those French miles… Will my fortunes turn around as I enter Italy? Only one way to find out – set the Nav 6 for sunshine and aim for the Mont Blanc tunnel! Did someone mention it was closed for maintenance…?



    1. I've watched all your vlogs. Loved the Wild Atlantic Way trip (I'm biased as I'm from Dublin!) and enjoyed the Morocco videos too. France seems to get more rain than Ireland!!! Hope the weather improved for you once you got to Italy. Looking forward to seeing Sicily. Been to Pisa years ago on a Honda CX500 Turbo – a little disappointing I have to say. Loved Rome though and stayed a few days there in a camp site on the outskirts of the city. You definitely need to spend a few days in Rome as there are so many sights to visit.

    2. I think ill copy this route in may altho i might do some a roads in france just to break up it up a bit – you might have mentioned before but do you lock up the bike at night and if so what with? Looks like another top ride tho 🎉

    3. Fantastic infrastructure, beautiful scenery 👌 Would be interesting to hear the total cost of fuel ⛽️ Toll , Food and accommodation.
      Noticed you keep receipts and l find Food prices quite expensive in petrol stations.
      Fantastic Journey 👍

    4. This is great, Ep.1 just appeared, so I am now following you, I’m planning a similar route in the near future, I’m interested in what you’ve packed, the essentials obviously but I’m always over packing, what decisions did you make re clothing etc. ride safe and thanks for a really interesting episode, looking forward to the next one. Angus

    5. Hi Steve , good to see you making full use of the Harley Davidson suit before you get wet, I’m sure blue sky will be just around the corner
      Regards Peter

    6. Another great day on the bike and don’t take it the wrong way uneventful. I mean No biblical rainfall , broken mic’s , stuck in sand etc 👍 .
      Good touch sharing your thoughts out loud.
      How’s the hand getting on switching the camera on and off all the time ? Should look at getting a GoPro remote for the handle bars ..
      keep up the good work Steve 👍

    7. New to the channel Loving the first two videos ! 8;47 same services I stopped when driving to the south of Italy every year

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