Former Labor minister Graham Richardson has pointed out prime ministership “takes a hell of a toll on you” following Scott Morrison’s recent admission.

    The former prime minister revealed he struggled with anxiety during his time in office.

    “It’s very long hours under extraordinary pressure,” Mr Richardson told Sky News Australia.

    “Only some people can do it and do it for a long time.

    “I mean, gone are the days where Menzies could take six months off and have a cruise to England – that just can’t happen anymore.”


    1. Being a compulsive, or pathological liar must take it's toll.

      Scomo: "It's about keeping Australians safe."

      Albo: "It's about keeping Australians safe."

      Dotton: "It's about keeping Australians safe."


    2. Particularly when you didn't understand why the Australian voters didn't want Bull Shittin , but you still went with disturbing the Banking Royal Commission, Net-Zero 2050, and doing a digital ID bill …

    3. For what it's worth, former PM. Scott Morrison is still the only politician that has replied to my emails in the way of a paper letter signed by him sent to my mail box. Every other politician that i have contacted about certain issues have been either replied to with a very short and no answer to my question by email if they have even bothered to reply or they have forwarded my questions to many other not appropriate ministers for their consideration and response in which none of those other ministers could even bother responding and probably didn't even read my concerns. So all i can say is thanks ex pm Scott Morrison for being the only person with any common decency to acknowledge my questions.

    4. Morrison is one person. Perhaps he should be asking how many millions of Australians feel about the draconian covid restrictions that he financed which the states enforced and how they feel about being injected with the safe and effective. The persistent psychological abuse alone was enough the classify scomo and co. as being unfit to serve.

    5. I guess buying a special "medicine" that has so far dropped over 100k of your own people, must weigh heavy on your mind, but only until Scott checks his bank account.

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