Russian forces are advancing on the eastern Ukrainian city of Chasiv Yar in the Donetsk region about 3.5 miles from Bakhmut. As Kyiv runs short on manpower and equipment, troops are struggling to hold onto Moscow’s primary target in Ukraine long enough for fresh weaponry from the U.S. to arrive.

    WSJ’s Ben C. Solomon travels to the frontline amid Russia’s bombardment.

    0:00 Chasiv Yar
    0:32 Strategic significance
    2:15 Biggest challenge

    Russia-Ukraine Conflict
    WSJ’s latest news coverage around the 2022-2024 Russia-Ukraine conflict.

    #Russia #Ukraine #WSJ


    1. nothing will help you…we are watching everything….there is nothing to be afraid of soon…there will be nothing to lose…west dont care…and we dont care anymore

    2. Hold on, aren’t they fighting with shovels and the Ukrainian army is pushing all into Krimea because of their more advanced western weapon systems?

    3. So… This MADNESS bloodshed between two slavic people are going on and on… Qui prodest!? Not to Little PEOPLE! They just pay the Bill for all decisions TAKEN BY POLITICIANS… IT always was like that… In human history…

    4. I dont think these Ukraine's need weapons they need this madness to stop people stop dying no body want to used as a pawn everyone want to be the king on the chess board commanding the whole pieces ;Ukraine's are dying no one seems to care sadly fraud zelensky is only concerned how much money is he gonna make; winning Ukraine can not beat tge Russians

    5. US weapons are heading to the front but the only weapon that can make a difference is artillery and there's simply not enough. They might be able to change the dynamic in and around Chasiv Yar, perhaps even Donetsk… but the reality is, they will never have enough artillery to stop the Russians advancing.

      If they are lucky, they will receive at MAX 2.5 million shells over the next 6-8 months. That's 5-8k worth of shells per day, that's without any being destroyed… To stop Russia in Donetsk, they would have to use all of them their, and all the other sectors would still suffer. Then after the 6-8 months, nothing again.

      If Ukraine did make a difference in Donetsk, they would only secure their defence too, perhaps only ever getting a few localised advancements. And if they got really lucky, like making ground back around Avdiivka or even advancing on the town itself, Russia has the manpower and ability to open up a front in the North… Sucking all of Ukraine's surplus manpower and equipment away from that area.

      So the task is impossible… But i imagine they are going to give it a go, the only problem, 6-8 months time they have completely depleted themselves.

      This summer is going to make 2023 look like childs play.

    6. 0:57 – Could you please audio transcribe as opposed to subtitle transcription. This is one of the things that led to Vice News' downfall. The owner didn't want verbal translations because he thought it lent more authenticity like Cannes Film Festival material. This is a news channel often used like a podcast; if you can't understand what your hearing, then your going to lose audience members; it is after all: 2024

    7. Americans blocking footage from Ukraine. CNN keeps saying Ukraine is winning the war. Congress is using the war to rip off American people, Ukraine is so fukkeed. They get only a small fraction from the aid bill. Almost all the money stays in the states and goes to corrupt politicians and local weapons contractors. The propaganda machine is on full force.

    8. People must remember that aid for Ukraine will damage the Russian state-apparatus every time and the Russians have been attacking us in the "grey zone" with their security, intelligence services, troll armies, poisoning of dissidents on our soil, etc.
      Every penny they have to spend on this war is one they cannot spend on attacking us.

    9. Chasiv Yar about to be symbolic and not strategic. And if the AFU has resorted to using border patrol on the frontlines, that should tell you something.

    10. Both the Minsk agreement in 2015 and the peace draft from Istanbul in the spring of 2022 that the parties accepted, NATO opposed. So many dead for nothing. NATO has no justification after 1990 when NATO became an offensive war organization.

    11. What a bout besieged Texas border? I don't care about Ukraine. Why didn't Ukraine sign Minsk agreement? The west wanted Russia to invade. This war was planned and Ukrainians are dying for the West.

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