Interesting exchange at the self checkouts!
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    1. This is just the exit from the checkout area. there are other gates if you haven’t bought anything. What many people fail to realise is that the majority of ‘theft’ is accidental because people have become too complacent with contactless payment. Contactless takes a few seconds to process and MANY times per day in just ONE store contactless fails and people don’t wait for their receipt they just walk off not realising they haven’t actually paid.

      On a side note, Costco have always had a policy to check people’s receipts and shopping bags on exit and no one kicks up a fuss then.

    2. The self scan was supposed to be quicker, easier and cost less to run with less staff,

      It turned out to be longer, more stress and requires more humans to "check the bagging area"

      And now we are getting locked in 🤣🤣🤣 bring back standard checkout

    3. There’s plenty of other ways out and in case of emergency, this barrier just pushes open. This is a non-issue. If you didn’t buy anything, that’s fine; just don’t sneak out through the unsupervised gate and take the other way out.

      Plus, while entering a shop and not buying anything can happen occasionally, it’s a very rare thing for most people, making this even more of a non-issue.

    4. There are other exits, you don't have to go through self checkout area, that said I have sometimes just pushed the barrier when I realise I put the receipt in my bag and cant be bothered to get it out. I suppose its meant to be a deterrent against the rise in shoplifting although the supermarkets bring it on themselves by putting self service checkouts to save money on staff. I think its half baked, criminals will tailgate or have a small value receipt anyway.

    5. Who still shops at Sainsburys in 2024 anyway? same or lesser quality as other stores but double the price. Can't even make the excuse "oh but I prefer this brand" when the same brand is available down the road for 1/2 the price!

    6. Why is this there? is the bigger question. Laxed laws on punishment for shoplifting leading to rampant theft most likely. The store has to defend itself to remain profitable. When it remains unprofitable for too long the store will close. Then the same people who voted for liberal morons who value criminals more then honest citizens, while also feeling insulted by the increased controls that appeared as a result, will sit in ashes of communities they ignorantly destroyed wondering what happened. Is happening in many blue states in the US right now. It is all by design.

    7. My Asda doesnt use this method.. but we use the self scanning "guns" as we go around the store.. get to self checkout, till reads the gun, pay etc .. However, occassionally you are stopped and an Asda employee politely tells you they need to do a "security scan".. Goes through your shopping (in your bags !) scanning random items… Isnt that tabntamount to the same thing ?

    8. I always thought the shop security had to wait until a suspected thief steps outside the establishment before apprehending the suspect. Before such time any attempt to apprehend the suspected thief is speculative, because whilst in the shop and having picked up an item, whether in a suspicious manner or not, there is no direct evidence of theft up to and including when the suspected thief exits the shop. Any such suspicion by shop security and staff before that point could be dealt with by a request that the suspect leave the shop empty handed.🤷‍♂️

    9. It isn't reasonable, neither are the vast majority of the legislative rules. As opposed to ensuring all citizens are to be properly nourished and educated in genuinely valid and useful ways, we instead have an ever growing plethora of ways to be fined and or imprisoned. It is profitable to have enough rules to catch us all out.

    10. They have these gates in my local Sainsbury's. Previously I've either pushed them open (and enjoyed the jaunty tune they play) or just gone out of the "entrance" to the self-scan checkouts. Most of the time the staff have been too busy chatting to notice. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    11. They have these in my local Sainsbury's too.
      I only biter with receipts if whatever I buy has some sort of Guarantee/Warranty that I might need to claim against, otherwise they're of no use to me at all. I'll be pushing through those ridiculous barriers next time I go to Sainsbury's, and I won't be stopping for their Staff!

    12. I live in France and Castorama have a similar setup. The crazy thing is when you pay (by card) you have the option of declining a receipt; so what then. The contract is over once you've paid, so where is the obligation??. In the UK especially in B&Q (same group as Castorama) when security want to see my receipt, I make them walk with me to do so, they have zero call on my time. Yes they may have said this was their intention when I entered the store, unfortunately they didn't declare their full terms of service i.e. how long it would take, or whether dopey joe might take longer to do the same thing.

    13. I find the direct approach is always the best, theyre never suspect i fill my basket with expensive anti pasto items, meats and cheeses, the odd bottle of wine and always walk straight out, same wayi came in and i still haven't been caught. Ive walked through a checkout in a bedding place with an expensive quilt under my arm no bother. Confidence gets you everything..And folk in markets..too easy for picking pockets..easy 💰💰💰

    14. Sainsbury's, along time ago when I was a student working part time, had plain clothes store detectives. In all cases, the staff weren't aware of who they were for obvious reasons.

      A customer would only ever get stopped if the store detective witnessed them taking an item(s), concealing it some way, not pay for it and then confront them as they try and leave the store. At this point, dependency of the Police being in attendance was key to this also.

      As far as having to prove you paid for your shopping, presumption of innocence still applies in criminal law.

    15. Points here.
      1. There is obviously no legal pwer to prevent someone from leaving without a receipt. Or with a receipt and not scanning it for any reason. I dont think sainsbury expects you to feel you are detained by the barriers (or so they would say when you arestuck in that area at closing time and you decide to complain of false imprisonemnt) You can just push them open and leave.
      2. There is nothing stop you from paying for some stuff and not paying for others in your basket as you can still scan your way out. (I expect there is a lot of shoplifting using this method)
      3. As mentioned you sort of bring attention to yourself if youdontscan and push out the barrier. People and securitylook at you like you might be shoplifting which is the incentive to pay, geta receiptand scan to go.
      4. To what extent stores go to to investigate shoplifting i dont know but it is in the m3dia and police are paying attention. with the cctv you can view back to see if the people who dont scan canbe seen to steal in the shop. This builds a case for the police. Cctv canbe circulated people identified and shoplifters convicted.

    16. The only time I've ever seen a barrier like this in a supermarket is in London at a Morrisons near Finsbury Park. The differencr is that they're kept open permanently and don't require you to actually scan the receipt, despite that being what they were originally installed for.

      I think I may have experienced something like this at an Ikea or similar store at some point in the last few years, but don't quite remember.

    17. Are you really siding with vietch…. He's a douchebag that goes looking for trouble and when he finds it, he makes a video on it…. research him

    18. They may not have the power to detain or search but they do have the power to ban you from all their shops if you don't co-operate with the way they want you to behave.

    19. I would think that the receipt would need to transfer to "ticket" status with some kind of peppercorn value as legal tender to validate a controlled exit.
      Like exiting a supermarket car park after purchases, I am not sure that people would want to be inhumanely treated as cars in a car park at the self-check!
      Enter a supermarket car park, purchase items at the manned checkout, validate the parking on the receipt and exit the parking by scanning the "receipt". What happens if I do not purchase items – how do I get out of the car park? Force purchase something to obtain a valid exit ticket!

    20. I had these exact same thoughts when they installed them in my local S.
      There's no mention of the requirement to scan a receipt at any other point in the shop until you reach the 'thief gates'. To me this automatically makes it non-enforceable because it was never made clear a receipt scan is part of the T & C of using their store. This is the equivalent of telling you an item is not for sale after you've already bought it.

      My other thought was, as far as I'm aware, once a sale has been made, any receipt or BOS given to the customer then becomes the customer's property as it's part of the condition of the sale – the shop will have their own copy, most likely digitised on the system. Therefore, there is no law which allows them as an entity to demand access to that BOS – it's yours; just like no one can reasonably demand to see your wallet or phone. Just as you say, they have no right to search your bags and as far as I can tell the same laws means they also cannot search your receipt – they can search their own copy if they wish.

      However, as a private entity they (I believe) are entitled to deny service to a customer. So, even though what they are doing with these gates is not legally enforceable, the loophole is they can just ban you from the store.

    21. It is for actually shoplifting purposes, or does it trigger the CCTV recording marker for the contents to match the purchaser, or just counting how many people use the self-check out. Who can read the minds of these supermarkets where the customers are treated like test subject in a lab.

    22. The whole thing is a rediculous waste of money which, no doubt, is put on to grocery prices to recoup the costs. It's a waste of money because Sainsbury's has this system in the Angel, Islington and many a time when I've pressed 'no' for a reciept, then realising I needed it to exit, I just look for a stray receipt from the bagging area and used this. When I spoke to a staff member about how rediculous it was that I could just find a receipt to exit , and so could a theif, he just laughed in bemused agreement.

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