1. I can see the reason to be safe and go directly to tdf, but look at the odds. Now, if he manages to stay on the bike he has a chance to win the giro and tdf and then for sure, he will try the Vuelta.

    2. This is such a ridiculous take. 1, he would instantly lose all goodwill and respect for him, because he’d essentially be a jackal. 2, you’re assuming doing the Giro will harm his TdF chances, when he has built his preparation around the Giro helping his TdF chances. 3, there’s no guarantee at all something wouldn’t go wrong at the Tour anyway, and if it did he’d look not only an asshole, but an idiot. 4, this is probably as good a chance as he’s gonna get to do the Double, why would he pass it up? Besides, like hell the Tour is all that matters. People that have won all 3 GTs are remembered more than people that have won 3 Tours.

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