Following on from yesterday’s vide about EVs not selling, did you know that British Cycling is experiencing a massive slump….?

    While cycle lanes take away car lanes and the government tells us everyone is going biking, the actual facts from industry are quite the opposite.

    The cycling industry is dying on it’s a*rse because no one is buying bikes.

    I didn’t know this, did you?!

    If you want to watch Geoff fix the entire British cycling thing in one go, skip to 11:53 where you’ll find the solution to the problem

    #bike #ev #news #netzero #cycling


    1. do make sure you are subscribed, people are saying they are unsubscribed and didn't realise… also, just check the channel for new content, i'm always filming and uploading even if you aren't getting notifications…

    2. The cycling world is so elitist and certain genres of cyclists are very arrogant even to fellow cyclists. The cycle industry is getting a good kick up the ass after blatant profiteering during the plan…sorry, pandemic

    3. Stealing road space from motorists has gone on for years. A good section of the A52 between Nottingham and Derby has a 24-hour bus lane. No, there are NO 24 hour buses.

    4. I bought a fat bike years ago to accommodate snow riding but soon found the town refused to plow to allow riding. The bike was fitted with studded tires because the town does not mitigate ice; I just do not see a town which wants more cycling but refuses to accommodate bikes and says not to ride them on the road in certain areas, just becoming the king of virtual signalling to get government grants. Besides, here in Canada, the number of clothes you need to suit up with to ride a bike down to the shops to get your bugs and grass for your meals is insane. It is just not sustainable and dangerous when communities do not care if you live.

    5. Yep another indicator that the Government is again on the ball. Empty cycle lanes always a good sign that all is well in the world. Next will be motorcycles, shit we are in terminal decline and it’s accelerating.

    6. It's not just cars not selling I sell consumer electronics and sales have halved in the last month!! I do put this down to lack of confidence and what's going in the world

    7. I did occasionally commute the mile and a bit to my place of work when the Cornish weather permitted, therefore it was only a handful of days per year (and even then I once got drenched on the way home). Thankfully, that has no longer been an issue since I became a pensioner ten years ago. 🧓 When my girls were young, I used to take them cycling quite often, or as often as the weather permitted, our lurcher 🐺 used to come along sometimes as well and she would tow me along until we got clear of the roads. 🤣

    8. The market was floodwd during lockdown as an excuse to go outside. No one needs a bike except the illegal immigrants and they are payed for by tax payers either given by Gov or stolen.

    9. Cycling works when the sun shines and youre not rushing between work, school, and kids clubs… all things that stopped during the plandemic.

    10. as a lycra man (cyclist) why I have not bought a new cycle since 2017 is cause of the prices!. A level entry roadbike now is $2k…. and a "pro" bike is near $10k today. its insane.

    11. All the thieves have bikes, so they can do a ride pass to nick your phone or handbag. An the rest of the thieves are riding e-bikes in gangs on the road endangering other road users.
      Maybe if the unfit for purpose police did their job going after the thieves or just investigated bike crime. People would invest in bikes again.
      An the cycle paths were just another way for councils to waste money, instead of using the money on key services that more people need.

    12. If i get to pay 10p less…old food marked down 30%…all straight in my basket!!!!!
      The last thing i can buy….is a new £2000 bike.
      No electric or gas used thru winter.
      Mold on every curtain and wall.
      Paint chipping.
      I do cycle…its a 1990 off roader…
      When in work my 1700 carbon b was stolen…the police werent interested.

    13. The even bigger problem is like every country, the government spends 4.5B on maintaining the road and receives 28B in fuel tax (not inc all other associated tax revenue). Which means as you get closer to no vehicles on the road it would just result in the road maintenance collapsing and billions lost in funding in other sectors.
      In nothing more than basic maths the idea has already failed.

    14. Well old bikes are really cheap ATM even we're expensive ..just bought a trek with front suspension and hydraulic brakes from £60 bargain

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