I’ve been exploring my home city of Brighton to find what I consider the city’s most dangerous cycle lanes. These are just my opinions and suspect there are more out there to uncover.

    My Socials: –
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    #cyclelane #cyclinglife #bike lane


    1. Ayy always a good day when u upload, IV been going up the upper drive everyday for like 4 years to get to school and now collage and honestly it's kinda weird how it stops but the drivers nearly always let me through and even when they try to overtake me there, sure it's close but not so close they're gonna hit you, maybe im just used to navigating tight traffic but it doesn't really bother me that much

    2. I always take it extra careful for the first one, the way it spits you out into traffic is ridiculous. I just didn't use that bit of the cycle lane today, better off in the road the whole way. The way things are i doubt we'll see improvments anytime soon, it's odd they don't enforce cyclelanes though – they're usually chomping at the bit to rinse everyone at the first opportunity.

    3. I agree and would add the cycle lane in Church street which goes down the hill when the Traffic follows a one way system up the hill. I have seen many a cyclist nearly wiped out crossing the junction with Spring Gardens

    4. I live on Elm Grove and I received a letter from the council stating that they're looking at changing it from double yellow lines to red ones. So no stopping along that section. Hopefully this will make It safer for us cyclists.

    5. Living in Lincolnshire without infrastructure most enjoy …we are seriously lacking cycle lanes even footpaths between villages on busy A roads it doesn't encourage people to ditch the car …however looking at your problems…with cycle lanes ..looks just as dangerous…there needs to be more awareness…maybe like speed awareness course to get messages across…

    6. Like yourself, I'm frequently traveling the the length of the A23 from the mini-roundabout junction with Carden Avenue (Now THERE's a road in dire need of resurfacing😣) into town. Whilst mostly smooth, there's a few sections where the cycle lane surface has deteriorated to the extent I'm sure it's highly liable to catch out the unwary. The section between Clermont & Cumberland Roads that you reviewed, I'd agree is poorly conceived at best. On the southbound side, is sharing a narrow pavement with busy entrance to the "Growing Up Green" day nursery really the best idea they could come up with?🤷🏻‍♂ And as for the NCN20 once it turns sharply right up Argyle St? Were the planners all ex-Pac Man maze designers from that point onwards to the seafront?🤪😂
      Happy to discuss further over a 🍺down The Longman👍🏻

    7. The road between Elm Grove and Sainsbury's is the most dangerous lane I have been on! Also the lanes to Sussex uni from the keep is pretty awful and need a lot of maintenance.

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