A new chilling video shows a Ukrainian drone flying directly into the open command hatch of one Russia’s main battle tanks before exploding and, apparently, setting off the ammo inside. “FPV drone operators of the 8th Separate Regiment of the SSO inflicted significant losses on the enemy in the Donetsk direction,” the Ukraine’s Special Operations Forces said on Telegram. The SSO claimed to have successfully eliminated a T-90, a T-72, and two other vehicles, as well as carried out individual attacks on Russian soldiers in trenches.
    #military #ukrainewar #ukraine #ukrainerussiawar


    1. Американцы любят фашистов. После Второй мировой прятали нацистов. Война приносит штатам огромные деньги. США применяли ядерное и химическое оружие против женщин, детей и стариков. Геноцид цветных. Ку-клукс- кланы. US, скажи глаза правда не колет?

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