Did you know there was a few years back in the early 1990’s when Thameslink ran services through Central London, and then went down to Croydon, Sutton, Epsom all the way to Guildford.

    Let’s go back to a time when cassette tapes were the only way to listen to music when on the train …

    NB. There is a fabulous photo of a Class 319 at Effingham Junction with the Network SouthEast clock here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Effingham_Junction_station_geograph-3452435-by-Ben-Brooksbank.jpg



    1. If my memory serves me right, Thameslink to Guildford may have started in June 1990 … and lasted two years until June 1992 when it was cut back to West Croydon, which itself only lasted two years until 1994! But if you have any better recollection of dates, please comment away … !

    2. I love when we have those "a-ha!" moments of wistful days gone by. I hope your summer will be a slow and happily memorable one, Mr Marshall. Thanks for a delightful train journey into your personal past.

    3. A stunning video, Geoff. I can appreciate that this would have taken some time positioning the camera, cycling past it, going back to get your camera etc!

      You are an excellent storyteller!

    4. Certainly an interesting time! Still remember Virgin Cross Country serving Cardiff and Swansea with services to basically anywhere! Great to see XC are returning the direct service from Cardiff-Edinburgh

    5. I just love your videos! I was watching it thinking ‘should I be bothered about a train going to Guildford?’ But yes! You make me want to be bothered about a train from the 90s which I never took and never likely to ever take! Thank you so much for the joy you bring.

    6. Magnificent Geoff, how seemingly mundane things in your past can have a huge significance now. What's more, it was accompanied by Tim's wonderful rendition of Take On Me.

    7. Brilliant.
      I was so fortunate because my father worked on the railway. I started travelling in 1990, 14yo travelling to the country.
      So wish I had been looking back. I wish I recorded every trip.
      Thanks for all your amazing videos. You're a legend.
      I remember watching you all station of the underground that was mad.

    8. Fabulous memories of services past. Local stoppers on the ECML are mine. Newcastle to Durham. Darlington to York. York to Doncaster via Selby, then on the ECML. However best of all Cleethorpes to New Holland PIER, prior to the short branch to NHP being closed when the Humber Bridge opened. Few resort stations open directly on to the sea front as Cleethorpes does.

    9. Lovely video. Shame that post covid there is now only one train an hour from Epsom to Guildford instead of two like before. Cutting services makes local places more remote.

    10. I commuted to school in Guildford around the same time (same line). Thanks for the memories and weird to think I may have crossed paths with you in this universe – no alternative needed…

    11. I really loved this Geoff. Your videos are always good, always creative and innovative. In the last couple years however, that level of quality and those touches of brilliance have been ever more present. There has been several videos of yours of late that have really moved me in some way. You seem to have a way of capturing expression, nostalgia, and making the most of what you enjoy that really resonates. I feel drawn in to whatever story you are telling through your art and the way you piece it together.

      Its really quite something and I just want to thank you. I was having a truly awful day today, but I really enjoyed this. It focused my mind and made me realise that its all okay in the grand scheme of things.

      Hope you're well. Cheers.

    12. Thank you Geoff, as a resident of Bookham during the late 80s and early 90s I often travelled to Guildford on the train and remember how annoying it was to have to change at Effingham Junction just one stop down the line from Bookham because trains didn't run all the way to Guildford. Having recently returned to the area its a great improvement that they do now go all the way without having to change! I don't recall Thameslink services though but thanks for a nostalgic trip down memory lane in a section of the rail network I know very well. ❤

    13. It's such a lovely video.

      Trains via Bookham are mostly hourly again, but at least they run to Guildford. There are no trains via Sutton anymore.

      I use to commute from Guildford to Harrow. In the evening there woul be a 20 minute wait at Clapham Junction so I would visit nearby railway stations to kill time.

    14. Yeah people takeing bike frams and wheels when they can. (IDIOTS) can't leave thing's alone 😡. Left mine at Great shelter outside Cambridge before BIG MISTAKE.
      Good video and information tho Geoff

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