Half a century old and at a luxury spa/castle/hotel in Hungary close to the Romanian and Ukrainian borders. A break from the norm as a gift for my 50th birthday, i replace mud and wood with suds and suits. In this video I come to terms with what it means to be 50 and what the future might hold. I ask the important questions concerning what our ambitions should be and also look at what lessons i have learned from life which would be useful for young whipper-snappers. Like I listened to one single piece of advice in my youth and that’s why I’m now a renowned archaeo-anthropologist-Ambassador-field zoologist-corporate board director, etc, etc.
    You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. At least there’s nice scenery and architecture at the Borostyan Med Hotel in Nyiradony near Debrecen, Hungary.

    Filmed with a Panasonic Lumix FZ300/FZ330 with a Polaroid UV lens.
    On location in the Carpathian Mountains


    #hungarytravel #castle #50plus

    Keywords: europe travel, hungary, romania, ukraine, castle hotel, Borostyan Med Hotel, debrecen, thermal spa, mineral spa, 50, 50 plus, half century, getting old, bucket list, hindsight, carpathian adventure, stuffed lion, chandelier, successful life, happy life, future plans, where to stay in hungary, unusual holiday locations, 50 is the new 40, 50 is the new 30, red deer, lush woodland, bad roads, edward o’toole


    1. Happy Birthday… I got ten on you so enjoy this decade will bring wisdom and knowledge and the observer. It will go fast since time has sped up. Time for self…. cheers

    2. Happy Birthday OB ! La Mulți Ani! I turned 61 this year I have no regrets (despite 2 divorces, 2 redundancies, moving country of abode and being Baptised into Orthodoxy ) but there are many things I would do differently. 30 of my 40 years of work was working as a means to an an end , to provide for my family but what they needed more from me was me not what I could earn. This is my message that success is not about what I have and own but it is about what happiness have I created . It took me the last 10 years to realise this and adjust my life accordingly.

    3. Turning 50 is a bit of a strange one. For most blokes it really is a time when we stop trying to prove ourselves to the world, but instead start proving ourselves to ourself. Hope you had a great birthday all the same

    4. I celebrated my sixty eight birthday three days ago and i am now six years older than my father who died at the age of sixty two.
      I still do ALL the things i
      did when I was twenty eight ; i now simply put more thought to the things i do…

    5. happy birthday, well done for reaching the half century club, I feel movement is the key, young ones around you and new experiences keeps you going.

    6. I'm only thirty six, but my son was just born last year. So in many ways, it feels for me like life has just started over again. As far as what I've accomplished, I emigrated from my country of birth, got married, started a family, and own my home & a new vehicle. By many social and cultural metrics, I've lead a successful life. But I'm still left with a feeling that there's more yet to wring out of life. Or that I could have accomplished more, done more, personally.

      That bit of advice about the journey being more meaningful than the destination is spot on, and something every young person should really ponder.

      Hope you and yours had a great time, and here's to many more birthdays to come. Skål!

    7. Glad to see you. Many happy returns of the day !❤ In 2013 I read a book, which I got as a gift from my daughter. It's name is The Beggar King and the Secret of Happiness. I loved this book not only because it is indeed lovely but because my life took such a dramatic turn in 2005 when I turned 40, so much like the author's, Joel Ben Izzy. And I decided I have to translate and publish this book in romanian. I just had to… Nobody believed such thing was possible for I was not an accredited translator. I have never done anything like that before. But, along with my daughter we did it. We got in touch with the author, asked for his permission. He was delighted by the ideea. As his publisher sugested we found a romanian editting house which gave us the chance to translate the book. A very " unorthodox " approach, as you can see… Since I was a kid I knew someday I would translate a book. I just knew… Maybe this was my little gift to the world . I'm sure that if you found and read the book you would love it too.

    8. Welcome to 50, my friend! I too turned 50 this year and you’re exactly right. I’m just glad you’re still here with us as a fellow man of the wilds! You’ve been a great tour guide along life’s journey. Much respect and love.

    9. Appreciate the philosophy. Alternate time lines, what could have been and what could be, decisions, decisions! I sometimes think about asking some oldens the question: what's it all about? but I'm afraid of the answer.

    10. Happy belated birthday! Wanted to comment earlier but couldn't find my specs- lol! Still asking myself these questions almost every day at 50 plus a few . . . .I appreciate your thoughts as I find this decade confounding in so many ways. Just happy to find you on the tube again!

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