It’s 11 days after my bike crash and I need to get some miles in my legs. Cresswell is my aim and I attempt to get there at a decent pace. The beach is totally stunning and well worth a visit if you are ever passing by. I love reading your comments 🙂 Please like, comment and subscribe!

    0:00 Angel of the North & cycle route.
    0:36 Tyne Bridge’s.
    1:18 Cresswell and the ‘cliff’ view.
    1:39 Wahoo results.
    1:56 WW2 anti-tank blocks.
    2:08 Drift Cafe Cresswell.
    2:21 Walking and chilling out on the beach.
    3:07 Cycling on the beach!
    3:35 Yogi – the very cute dog!
    4:17 Beach cycling across the horizon!
    4:52 Attempting to pedaling through sand and almost falling off.
    5:20 Setting off home
    5:53 Water and food break – Tunnock’s Caramel !
    6:18 My sandy bike wheels

    I’m not sponsored by anyone… I just like Tunnocks Caramel Wafer bars!

    This ride on Strava.


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