1. ST AUDITS 🙏 I supported the Salvation Army Donation centres locally thinking the supported the 🇬🇧🇬🇧 poorer people and the homeless but this will stop immediately, you 2 guys really are appreciated for the updates on this disgusting betrayal against the 🇬🇧🇬🇧 citizens, This #CORRUPTGOVERNMENT 😟 Needs driven out 👍 and 🇬🇧🇬🇧 given back to the 🇬🇧🇬🇧 people………..#STOPTHEBOATS

    2. well, it seems basically impossible to get the police to show up for actual crimes, I guess you now have to say "there's a couple of white men filming a migrant hotel across the road" and they will appear in 2 minutes.

    3. I paid my tax & ni for over 25 years until I was made redundant so I needed help from the government & it took them a month to give me a pitence and tried to make me go for jobs I had no interest in all because I was a English citizen

    4. I bet you British public let your country take Refugees from Gaza and say nothing as usual so bare the Nightmare 😱 consequences. But unfortunately you will keep saying Nevermind 😊

    5. Gotta love how migrants and immigrants are provided bikes, phones, upto 13 benefits, cushy hotels and other buildings to live as comfortably as possible with food, CHEFS and security paid for by OUR TAXES while our homeless are given a tent if their lucky and, like our poor, live of donations and food banks!

    6. Fgs this boils my piss .. Now Sunak is taking off the disabled and ill ,forcing them into work at a cost to there health and wellbeing so we can pay for these invaders … very very angry 😠 😡 👿 😤

    7. So many angry racists in the comments puts a smile on my face 😂😂😂😂 they really think the downfall of this country is because of foreigners but fail to realise without stealing from foreingers and bringing them in for work in the 50s and onwards this country would be finished.

    8. Glad u have high lighted this, as alot of our british people are living on the streets, as they have no where else…Yet just look at all this, so very unfair indeed…Soon the btitish will be foreign in our own country…

    9. Old people as well cant afford to heat their homes, and yes we have long waiting hospital lists…The goverment let more and more of these people in, yet sod us the british…

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