Today we are reporting from hanley city centre in stoke on trent. What we find is absolutely disgusting.

    please share this video as much as possible.

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    1. you could get E-coli from that place… you filmed… the amount of bacteria and germs in the summer heat…… at a place like that….. not just the needles… make sure you disinfect your shoes after leaving there…. places like that full of bacteria.🤢🤮🤢🤮

    2. Flytippers cause all this then the crackheads ..use it to sit about ..they should be caught and fined £5.000..then maybe just maybe will stop flytipping ….even dog walkers ..needle through dogs paws …

    3. Such a unhygienic place to even have a hit OMG GROSS !!! BIG DRUG PROBLEM IN THIS COUNTRY all councils need a big clean up project starting NOW around the country or its going to get worse!!! So much waste land surely someone owns these bits of land they should make an effort to keep it clean as well !!

    4. Thats Eastern Euro's leaving all the beer cans everywhere.
      They do the same here in north wales.
      They seem to be drawn to rundown decaying buildings and the remnants of old industry.
      It is definitely a slavic thing.

    5. I don't think you and ST will be getting a job at the Stoke tourist board anytime soon 😉😉 There must be a nice place you can film, even if it's only a short 😂😂

    6. The Muslim caliph Umar, in his battles against the Byzantine Empire, sent small reinforcements in the form of a continuous stream, giving false impression and that a large force would eventually accumulate.

    7. Well if the government want migrants to stay they can get them to clean these places, don't worry about them catching anything they already have every virus going

    8. Bloody Hell Joe mate! My sister, who died, was a smack head in the 90s. She used to have a safety box once you put them in. You can't get them back out, and someone from the drug clinic would collect them. Seriously, you all be careful. Too right you go to council. If that was where I live and if I had children, I would refuse to pay my council tax . Lots of respect, everyone 👏👍

    9. The system break down is all done intentionally to break down the fabric of society and create misery for the ordinary working pleb its happening in most countries, unless the people wake up and do something it will get worse. Voting won't make a difference they are all uniparty and sing from the same hymn sheet. Why do you think the police, drug centres and homeless organisations don't act and allow this to happen if your awake you will know.

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