June 1974 – The Nypro Chemical works exploded with such force that the entire plant was reduced to rubble and twisted metal. The sound was heard up to 60km away and metal parts were found over 30km distant. For years it ranked as Britain’s biggest explosion…. Find out what went wrong in this video.

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    Although focused primarily on disasters, this channel is all about the interesting, the strange, the unsolved, the tragic. Our world has a varied history full of terrible tragedies, bizarre tales, unexplained events, and extravagant people. I hope you enjoy some of the fascinating stories we have here.

    #History #Disasters


    1. Mr. Ballen got me hooked on story telling. Your channel and Scary Interesting are my 2 favorites now. The stories of the African dictators are incredible and horrific. And the Darian Gap story was amazing. There have been other epic journeys I’d love to hear you cover. The 1908 New York to Paris automobile race was probably the most insane race ever ran.
      Keep up the amazing work.

      Cheers from Minnesota.

    2. At 00:57, whose brain also went: 'Men's wear' in mr. Humphries' fake deep voice?
      Or is it just my ADHD-brain that is still not willing to settle down even if it's 3 in the morning?

    3. Good narration and deep research. Top channel Sir. Thank you and well done. These videos are really good. Best wishes from Wellington, New Zealand.

    4. Not sad at the end of 1970s polyester leisure suits, but I am sad at the demise of the 28 people in the control room that day. They wouldn't have even known what was coming.

    5. Lincolnshire is NOT in "the north of England". Midlands maybe. East Anglia, maybe. But not the north.
      Also, you keep pronouncing some words like you are a southerner (when your accent says you clearly are not) – "glarse" instead of glass. "Arfternoon" instead of afternoon. "Plarnt" instead of plant. "Parssed" instead of passed. "Disarster" instead of disaster. Weirdly though, you pronounced "staff" correctly. Don't be ashamed of where you are from !

    6. I was 9 years old when the Northridge earthquake hit Los Angeles.

      I had a premonition of sorts the night before when I asked my Dad if California was so known for earthquakes, why hadn’t we experienced a major one at home?

      4 something the next morning our ceilings were split.

    7. Leslie Brennan lived near my grandad in Clee – she swore up and down that it was true, and in fact it was a real struggle to get her to speak about it afterwards as so many people called her a crank!

    8. …so why NO MENTION of the actual TOWN (of which Flixborough is more or less a 'suburb') SCUNTHORPE (population of 80000)! And the fact that Normanby Park Steel Works was less than 2 miles away, let alone the MASSIVE Appleby-Frodingham Steel works just a little further down the road, and that the blast wave caused MASSIVE ISSUES at both facilities for weeks afterwards…..?

    9. My dad said he recalled sitting in the back garden of his house in Hatfield near Doncaster on a warm saturday afternoon and heard the “Boom” of the explosion

    10. Another excellent video from you! There was another BASF plant explosion in the 1990's in Cincinnati, Ohio USA. I worked with a fellow whose father lost a leg in the explosion.

    11. We in my city I live in,
      Was subject to a hexain explosion in a plant I subcontracted to many times as an insulator .
      The plant was out of town near the river, and there were no homes nearby.
      Some were killed, and others badly burned.
      Men I knew and work with.😢

    12. I was at home in Hull, Saturdays afternoon listening to football with my dad. He came back in from the yard saying he'd just heard this explosion. We were 20 miles away! Across the river Humber! Some people in management at that place Seriously Effed Upp.

    13. When I watched this channels video on Bophal i remembered the account of the premonition that woman had and I always thought it was about bophal so I misremembered it but I can still visualise the clip of her talking about it.

    14. I'm skeptical of the claim that they don't know how the pipe failed by fatigue. That they couldn't replicate the vibrations doesn't mean that they don't know what happened. They do know what happened. They put in a bypass line that wasn't properly supported. Simply building a scaffolding and resting pipe on the scaffolding is not proper engineering.

      If they had done the calculations and created proper support for the bypass line, the line would not have failed. This disaster is an example of not doing simple engineering on a temporary modification. They just assumed that the inadequate support of scaffolding and the flexibility of the bellows joints would solve any problems in that line. That assumption was wrong and fatal.

      There was nothing wrong with running a bypass while the fifth reactor was being repaired. The problem was that the bypass was not properly engineered.

    15. I drove past the site of the explosion on what was then I think the A18 ( now the new M180) one year after the disaster. About 2 miles from the epicentre you could still see scorched trees beside the road and damaged buildings. This was the middle of the Cold War. It rather put the scale of a nuke into context for me and brought home the risks associated with chemical plants.Scary!

    16. "Reality is an ILLUSION, albeit a Very Persistent One!" – a wise man once said.
      It's also borne out in Christianity by the saying that this world is but shadows and dreams (forgot where, though). If only people would ACT on that, and make this shared dream as PLEASANT as possible!

    17. flixborough is north of scunthorpe in the lincolshire district the site still has some of the original buildings that survived the devistation & is now a small industrial complex housing several buisnesses its not quite in the north its classed as the midlands

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