Connal Tours European Cycling Adventure. The ABC Tour – Adriatic to the Baltic Cycling Tour.
    Cycle Day 29: Pasewalk (Germany) to Świnoujście (Poland). 81.5km (157vm). Crossing borders. Now in Poland for a couple of nights & arrived at the Baltic. A to B ✅️ An unexpected stunning day. On the map it looked flat, straightish & swampy. Anything but. First the resident stork of Pasewalk perched high on the rampart of the old city wall (15thC). Then it was an unfolding landscape of forests, rolling croplands, and a huge conservation wetland area which is being regenerated. Pathways through it on raised dykes. So much birdlife – swans, geese, heron/crane & lots of others. Bird hides to allow for quiet viewing. Working to remove pasture lands & manmade forests and allow it to return to its natural state. Very clever cattle who have learnt to pump their own water from the stream. Arrived with time to spare before the ferryman left. The sound of seagulls was music to our ears. Hadn’t seen or heard them since Chioggia when we left the Adriatic. Ferry crossing from Kamp to Karnin. More rolling farmlands and neat villages to the border. One village by the name of Neverow – good motto. The border followed a stream, so the crossing was on a bridge. The old border control points (one for each direction) now untended and off to the side with little signage. The border was on the entrance to Świnoujście & only 5 km from our destination. Was wondering if there’d be a noticeable difference in cycling paths once we crossed the border – but no – even wider lanes, red paint on crossings. Found the port with naval vessels & ferries. The beach was in the opposite direction – on the list for tomorrow – have to physically touch the Baltic.
    Day 29 of 7 weeks cycling the 2400km from south coast to north coast in Europe and a little bit extra. for all your cycling touring clothing. 22nd June 2023.

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