In Infection Free Zone you’ll be able to play anywhere to manage a colony of survivors. Defend your home town, fight from the capital, up to you!

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    1. Once pistols have been equipped to a tower. Even if I take the workers out of the tower they do not take the pistol back to my hq inventory, any way I can do it manually they seem to get stuck. Thanks

    2. I do 4 Squads then send 2 Squads to just find a car. A car is important to find more cars. Most of the time i retire 1 Sqd because building warehouse space can't keep up with the looting.

    3. It’s a bit weird that each ‘day’ in the game is a whole month. Winter comes way too fast. I get not having a full 365 day calendar (way too easy), but they could have abstracted it so that each month lasts at least 10 days (making each season 30 days, like in Rune Factory). One day per month is way too fast.

    4. I have had the army encounter a few times and i wonder, can i kill the apc and keep it to myself?
      ( I tried to kill it with 4 squads armed with mostly pistols)

    5. I'm in year 2 and haven't built a single wall yet. Just get enough squads to defend. the hordes don't even get to touch my buildings yet. Also I'd personally go for weapons and research with a squad first. more weapons is more squads and more research is faster progression

    6. being in huge city is easier to defend. There's more loot, more space for your buildings.

      Just place walls between roads and buildings, it's easy and fast to be safe.
      At the start, we should always pick up the max squad possible. Use the unarmed to scavenge near the HQ and the others to search for vehicles / books.
      Then, 3-4 squads is good.

      This game has just released, there are a lot of updates incoming, there are a lot of meta to be discovered.

      To me, the biggest problem is that wood, metal, and bricks are not infinite ressources. Once you have a big colony, you need a lot of wood to cook. And when you don't have any more trees, you must destroy buildings. Once there are no more buildings, there are no more wood, no more food.

      Maybe the meta actually is to go scavenge outside your area with a lot of vehicles, but it don't seems viable.

    7. The more I play, the more I go everywhere by car. In the latest playthrough, my main gathering method was driving four squads in four cars and just cleaning ah area out while mutually supporting.

      The Pickup, or better yet, the Truck, are amazing.

    8. if you follow this guy's advices your colony wont make the week out
      you can scavange at night for the 1at 3-4 days without gun and you will meanwhile find food, guns and ammo faster. 2nd he is making the food way to important ..all houses can give food, 3rd wood is for no walls, build 3 towers in the middle of your building s that cover each other thats day 2 max day 3.. give them guns then you can lure the hordes in them and masacare them ..4th find cars end 2 squads per car and micor the squads to load the car, cars are mobile wherehouses you can swipe whole square in 1-2 nighs

    9. Finding the right base is certainly a tricky thing; you want a high concentration of buildings (different than most games where you can create buildings without preexisting ones) and they need to be organized in such a way that you have good sightlines) and then a sizable dead zone around that to use as a buffer and to fit all your defenses. The Italy preselected start is a really cool and defendable island; has a lot of buildings in nice rows, already has a brick wall and only 3 narrow entrances, but still a solid amount of loot without having to go super far.

      Zeds travel far slower in water so make no mistake… water is still a very good buffer; like a massive ocean of barbed wire that just doesn't do damage.

      Play around with tower placement… they seem to not be able to shoot over some buildings until you move the tower "close enough" to said building and then will have complete LOS over it; strategically placing them can greatly simplify defense.

      The single biggest difference maker is to prioritize the car and guns early; a single QRF squad loaded with ARs will make your early game so much smoother. If you're ok micro managing your squads, have them drop their loot instead of bringing it all the way back and just have the car squad do all the transporting; this greatly speeds up your looting (the car the game gives you on day 2 like quadruples that squads inventory and obviously makes them much faster). This squad can also quickly zip around and reinforce your other squads and towers at night and can swarm and overwhelm hostiles once you encounter them. Cars are also fast enough to safely kite without taking any damage.

      You don't need to prioritize making food until year 2 if you have at least 4 squads looting and one hauling in a car even if you have like 60 or 70 people; you can easily find enough canned food to get by.

    10. Just started today,I lost about all civillians because of hunger,at first i looted a lot i completely switched my focus on resources ,guns and cars till i realized i have a half fortified with only 7 civillians left,the fact that i need to kind of keep them in a cycle of salvage and build at day and guard at night makes me worried that i have to start over.

    11. I just used my own neighborhood as an HQ as a joke, at first. Then I figured out that the Section 8 Apartments across the street from me work fantastic as a Warehouse/Research/Shelter hub.

    12. Best location is Chinatown Stadium in Vancouver BC… there are 4 police stations of good size… loads of books… and an easy to secure triangle of land with 4 sizable buildings covered by the tall building I'd put the HQ… plenty of room for fields nearby… and sniper cover from the HQ covers most of the whole block… plenty of food and materials… its got to be the best urban location… put the HQ in the tall building on the north side of the circle… you'll see what I mean when you check it out… enjoy…

    13. You can also easily kill hordes with 2 squads in vehicles and have one aggro mobs while the other follows. Cars won’t take damage so long as you don’t stop

    14. I find the place where I live is a big apartment building. I tried to do it in my first play through but discontinued it because I found out every other building near it is also a big apartments and the rest is fields and forests. I restarted and setup at a suburb near my place (also an apartment complex). I use the abandoned buildings as makeshift walls and close the gaps with brick walls to save up space. Now I need lots of farms.

    15. HQ is essentially the ideal bunker/fortress. It's warehouse, shelter, and barracks all combined. And it also increase command limit for squads.
      I realized this and got my second HQ on the other side of my zone asap.
      Now I just need enough assault rifles to arm all my squads.

      I also notice if the building for HQ was too big, it will only be partially adapted. But I can entirely adapt it later when I get enought supply.

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