1. I live in an area with single track roads with passing places. These cycling groups are a pain in the derrière to say the least. Uphill, strung out, taking ages, cars have to wait for the whole fkn lot to climb. When on the level they just keep on going. I won’t use the H word but I certainly don’t like them. To think that they all drive cars too!

    2. These cyclists are ignorance and arrogance personified, about time stringent laws were brought in just as motorists have to or should adhere to

    3. Its funny how hard Lycra wearing pussies think they are when they get into a pack. News flash morons – you are still Lycra wearing pussies.

    4. I'm a lane-holding cyclist of the highest order and will jaw with any numbskull driver that wants to give me an argument. But JFC unless you're actually ready to fight, DON'T TOUCH THE VEHICLE!! That's as good as a shove. I won't condone the driver's actions and he can F the F off if he doesn't like cyclists in the lane but that cyclist bought himself that reaction.

    5. Far too many people are full of their self importance, this is what happens when they meet. I’m a
      <Roadie, MTB’er, driver, motorbiker>
      Make good decisions, consider others. Don’t be a twat.

    6. And what if the car driver had damaged the bicycle…smashed a light or mudguard etc….The cyclist caused criminal damage to the car…..

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