In this video Chubb and Rusty go on a bike ride through the historic city of Bath before cycling up Prospect Place. This hill tested both Specalised motors but also tested the stamina of the riders, with it’s 25% gradient. Find out how they got on!

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    1. lots of climbing techniques guys. well done. Chubb you should try lower cadence and more power spinning so fast will just increase your heart rate and speed the end of effort. Rusty has the right idea. great vid btw. I am 64 and 16.5 stone and can get up these climbs with the right technique. have a watch at this if you have time I used to do what you did on all the tough hills and now don't panic with the wall infont of me and use the technique to lower my heart rate and take my time and pace myself at low cadence and more power. Hope this helps.

    2. Fair play guys, that is the steepest hill around for miles! Rustys bike fair old pi55ed up there! Amazing! Literally if you can get up that, you can get up anything!! Great editing with the switching between you, it was quite dramatic! If you want to do another good one, with a cracking view, get in the car and head to the quantocks and go up Crowcombe hill. Its not as bad as Prospect place though, I reckon Prospect is the granddaddy of them all!

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