This full-length, award-winning documentary unearths the shattering truth that millions of people worldwide are injured by prescribed psychiatric medications. Interweaving stories of harm with expert testimony, the film reveals how a profit-driven industry hides the risks of long-term use. This untold story is a compelling call to examine the consequences of medicating normal human suffering.

    Featuring Experts:
    -Anna Lembke, MD, Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University Medical School, Author, “Dopamine Nation”
    -Peter Gøtzsche, Danish physician and medical researcher, Co-founder of the Cochrane Collaboration, Director, Institute for Scientific Freedom
    -David Cohen, PhD., researcher, Professor and Associate Dean for Research and Development at Luskin School of Social Work, University of California Los Angeles, Co-author, “Your Drug May Be Your Problem”
    -Robert Whitaker, Science Journalist, Author, “Mad in America” and “Anatomy of an Epidemic.”
    -Allen Frances M.D., Psychiatrist, Professor and Chairman Emeritus of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University School of Medicine, co-chair of DSM-IV Task Force, Author, “Saving Normal”
    -Mary Vieten, PhD., Psychologist, Executive Director of Warfighter ADVANCE, Chairman of the Board of Directors for the International Society for Ethical Psychology & Psychiatry, ISEPP
    -Ellen Vora, M.D., psychiatrist and author, “The Anatomy of Anxiety”

    For more information, visit

    “Medicando La Normalidad”
    Este documental narra la estremecedora verdad de millones de personas en el mundo que son víctimas de la prescripción desmedida de medicamentos psiquiátricos. Los testimonios de las víctimas y de los expertos demuestran cómo las industrias ocultan los riesgos de su uso a largo plazo y convierten el sufrimiento natural del ser humano en una enfermedad mental. Para más información, visite

    Den prisbelønnede dokumentarfilm afdækker en grum sandhed: millioner af mennesker verden over tager skade af lægeordineret psykofarmaka. Udsagn fra både ofre og eksperter viser, hvordan en profitorienteret medicinalbranche skjuler risici ved langvarig brug. Historien fortælles for første gang og er en indtrængende appel til at se på konsekvenserne af at medicinere normal, menneskelig lidelse. Find mere information på

    “La normalité sous ordonnance”
    Ce documentaire primé révèle une vérité fracassante. Des millions de personnes de par le monde sont victimes des médicaments psychotropes sous ordonnance. Les témoignages de victimes et d’experts démontrent que cette industrie privilégie ses profits au détriment de la santé des patients en dissimulant les risques de ses produits et en transformant une souffrance humaine normale en maladie mentale. En savoir plus:

    “La normalità su prescrizione medica”
    Questo premiato documentario rivela una sconvolgente verità: milioni di persone nel mondo soffrono a causa di psicofarmaci prescritti. Dando la parola a vittime ed esperti, svela come un’industria guidata dal profitto nasconda i rischi legati all’uso a lungo termine. Questa storia inedita è un appello pressante a esaminare le conseguenze della medicalizzazione della normale sofferenza umana. Per ulteriori informazioni, visita

    “Auf Rezept Normalität”
    Der preisgekrönte Dokumentarfilm enthüllt eine grausame Wahrheit: Millionen von Menschen weltweit werden durch ärztlich verordnete Psychopharmaka geschädigt. Aussagen von Opfern und Experten zeigen, wie eine profitorientierte Industrie die Risiken der Langzeiteinnahme verheimlicht. Ein eindringlicher Appell, die Folgen der medikamentösen Behandlung normalen menschlichen Leidens zu untersuchen. Mehr Informationen unter:


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    2. Trauma comes from many places. My husband and I were always depressed as kids and teenagers, we both became heroin addicts. We also took every anti depressant and anti psychotic they gave us, including benzodiazepine from klonapin, Ativan, Xanax and Valium and we were also given Ambien and Soma. They were all high doses and large quantities. We slept all day, and when we were awake we were in a stupor. We were slowing going insane, the Prozac would make him want to impulsive hurt himself and burn his arms with cigarettes. I had friends on benzos who would drive their cars into walls and total their trucks, I’d sleep walk on Ambien and walk around naked and binge eat at night. Our parents would call the doctors and beg us to help. We both gained 100 lbs. from the medication and I think we were violent and unstable on the SSRIs and the benzos made us angry. After rock bottom we finally got on methadone and stopped all the antidepressants and benzos. 25 years later we are clean went back to college, graduated from UC California, have a kid who gives us purpose, but guess what we are still depressed and anxious people and that’s ok, we always were but this time when we have anxiety we try other things to calm down like deep breathing, guided meditation and use exercise, pet therapy, and the sun and socializing with a family member or a friend for a dose of happiness. We also are prescribed benzodiazepines for panic attacks but we are only use if we need them and that’s usually twice a year, they are there for emergencies only. That’s the things these drugs can help people but doctors don’t explain they should be used as a last resort and not every day in high doses. One of the doctors that used to prescribe to my friends was shut down for over prescribing, unfortunately some😢from our family hung himself after that same doctor took him off pain pills and benzos instead of weaning him off slowly, he’s been in facility for years without any brain function, it’s so sad. I wish he would’ve called me before he tried to commit suicide. I wish this doctor would’ve been held accountable criminally and not just shut down. If a doctor prescribes you medication ask yourself if it’s really making your life better or helping the condition you have or are you abusing it and making your life worse. Ask questions and realize it’s never too late to reclaim your health and life!❤

    3. Well and let's not forget that politicians in this country are bought and paid for by anyone and everyone with a big checkbook. Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Agriculture, it's ALL the same. Please please please please please please do not blindly follow or believe anything that any politician or government authority says in this country- most likely it's been bought and paid for 100,000% by a big business dollar. Always always questioned any so-called authority, always seek further information, always think for yourselves. I don't believe a single authority in this country has your best interests at heart because there's just too much money baked into the system at every level. You are your own best advocate in this country. Wherever there's a dollar to be made there's a potential for a harmful practice to take place. Staying informed and being aware and learning to think critically and evaluate for ourselves are the best skills that will help us going forward in life in a nation dominated by giant corporate interests at every turn, and navigating the minefield of laws that are created to protect them.

    4. Big pharma are the US the whole government and media in their pockets…How do you change such power of corporate greed and evil?…even your Dr is in on it!

    5. The entire GOP and Democratic party- ALL red and blue politicians are 100% in the pocket of all big business dollars. So just think about that next time you're voting for a mainstream politician. Are those the agendas in the priorities that you truly value,because if not I think you need to reconsider where you put your vote. Both mainstream parties are corporate as hell and are wholly compromised and enthusiastically on their knees in service to the big business agenda in this country and that is just a fact. For any who still doubt that, please continue to do your due diligence and your own research. It's absolutely true.
      All mainstream politicians exist in this country for one purpose only, to protect big business profits at any cost. It's about generating massive profits and the cost in human lives or well-being is immaterial to these large industries, meaning it's immaterial to the two corporate political parties whom they securely hold through their campaign donations, favors, fancy lobbyists and many bribes.

    6. I survived the psychiatric system but I know everyone's path is different. Long term use of SSRI's made me worse! I no longer take any of those pills but instead have found marijuana useful and healing. I don't take nsaids anymore.

    7. My doctor could have un-alived me when I wanted to get off of Effexor (for some reason, he had me ramped up to over TWICE the average max daily dose for adults, when I checked the white-paper that comes w/ the med, or you can find it online) – I wanted to come off of it, he said "good luck," and I researched my butt off to find the process, methods, and supplements to help me avoid issues and side effects of withdrawing from this medication, which has been known to be harder to withdraw from than h*roin.

      I used supplements (about 5-6), a painstaking daily taper method where I had to open the capsules and count the beads inside to make sure I was decreasing by as little as 1-2 beads each week (number of beads depends on the week of my withdraw protocol, at one stage I was able to remove way more beads…complicated, I don't even remember it) – and I didn't have any side effects (lasting ones, that is!). I had brain zaps while withdrawing and shortly thereafter, but I came out of it UNSCATHED.

      I was a truly lucky case. Truly stinkin' lucky.

      Many things could have gone wrong, and I finally recalled seeing a placard in his office saying "Dr XYZ – [State Appreviation] top prescriber"

      Note: I'm only not revealing his name because I don't want to deal with being sued…NOT because I care for his wellbeing and continuation as a psychiatrist (MD).

    8. I was wrongly prescribed anti anxiety medication because it was easier for the doctors than try to help me diagnose my serious and painful GI issues that caused me to lose too much weight and sleep. The anti anxiety had long lasting, painful side effects even though I was only on it for a year. I actually had zero vitamin D in my blood test. Once I corrected that imbalance, I recovered. Getting off of the anti anxiety meds was a truly horrible experience.

    9. I was right where Dave is now. Hang in there sir. It's slow but it gets better. Getting this info out there is so important. I only hope that pharm. Companies will be held to account. They behave worse than the Nazis did. Thank You to everyone who shared their pain with us. You are stronger for doing it even if you can't feel it right now. ❤

    10. Unfortunately there is willing, systematic destruction. Just try and see the big picture. Is it as if a mastermind would play around with people s lives. The education system was built to prepare self-sufficient, narrow-minded idiots called doctors, which are not able to think INDEPENDENTLY, according with all they learned. They just follow protocols like robots. You don t need a medical school to follow protocols… you need a medical school to THINK. On the other hand they destroyed systematically the moral grounds of humanity. So now we have generations of people with almost no, or no conscience… they do not know what is the WEIGHT of DO NOT HARM. Many doctors should have a designed area in the cemeteries with the inscription: „victims of my well educated ignorance”.
      In the same time HATS OFF for the doctors who are still connected to their OWN mind, who think for the benefit of their patients and who still HELP people like the good doctors from this video.

    11. Well if it makes you feel weird stop taking it, the only drug I could not stop is benzos, but I don't want to stop, they made me feel normal, same as alcohol, but I am a addict I seek these drugs to make me feel normal, or at least able to cope with depression, anxiety, hopelessness, sleep, big sleep problems, I am in AA for 30 years, I do my best but I have bad backpain too for which I take pregablin and helps me to sleep! These people probably have mental problems, its very common, the psychiatrists are there to give medications, they over- medicate, kickbacks I think, I have begun to find mine manipulative and don't talk to them about trauma. because they hardly understand it, or narcissm!,🎉🎉🎉

    12. My sister-in-law put herself to "sleep" by overmedication on Benzos. Criminal. This movie will help change the tide. We need to get off the meds. Vitamin D, exercise and strong relationships can help with depression.

    13. Great film. I have put in 20 mg paroxetine and 2 mg klonopin and then ritalin. Became hyperactive, then eventually mania and the psychosis and ended up running to a rehab in another country where i was clod turkyied and have been suffering terribly for 7 months lost my company everything and my personality was completely changed they destroyed im life. Im getting better slowly

    14. Then people wonder why the mass killings at schools and such occurred. Yet they blame a tool, when the timing of the tragedies happened just when these drugs started being prescribed like candy. Drug even says "may have sue-e-side tendencies" – translation also means homee-sideal tendencies. The problem is psychotropic drugs. Always has been.

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