Workington in Cumbria is the whitest place in England, with 98.5% of the population identifying as white British.

    But that could change very soon.

    Cumbria is getting more diverse and this people in Workington are exactly the sort of people that right-wing politicians are opening to exploit, by appealing to their worst instincts.

    Ed Campbell went up to find out what they make of it all.

    Reporter: Ed Campbell
    Camera: Harry Aisnworth

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    1. The thing is, if we hold a British flag up we get told to take it down in case it offends other Religions, its a British Christian Constitution and just look what these Islamist's are doing to our values, they took our Easter lights down and put there Ramadan ones up in Oxford St, they are going into our Churches and holding a Islamic flag up and shouting threats, they are trying to bring down our way of life, look what happened to Sweden with the immigration, nice peaceful place and now its out of control with violence and they have had enough, this Multicultural will not work, everywhere you look the trouble is with Islam

    2. The English people have an unquestionable right to remain the overwhelming majority in their homeland without needing to constantly justify it 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

    3. Remember, its only white countries that need more diversity (aka more non white people) – every single non-white nation is allowed to maintain their ethnic conposition without question.

    4. "There's a lot of old people who are set in their ways." You mean the generations that fought and saw their brothers die to defend your island from invasion aren't pleased with it being invaded? Over a million children graped in the Rotherham report. This is just scab labour for megacorps, nothing else. 2/3rds of English are stuck as diaspora with no right of return. So if they really NEEDED migrants then they would allow their people to return home. So it's not about needing migrants. It's about needing non whites to genocide the indigenous population.

    5. Totally agree with these valid points and not wanting to be ethnically cleansed in my own country, I swear the only people who despise the white working class more than the tories is the middle class liberals like Joe and its “journalists”

    6. the girls who look like they haven't washed in a week love diversity lol until it gets out of hand a gets them in the ass ( literally) like what happened in Germany

    7. Things that weren't a part of Britain before Mass immigration.

      Housing shortage, Rents through the roof.

      Waiting lists for doctors, dentists, A&E, FGM, Honor killing, The Burka, Romanian OCG, Albanian OCG, Pakistani grooming gangs, Romanian female beggars outside every Fing Shop in every town

      Call to pray on loud speakers, Nigerian,Bulgarian £50million benefit cheats, 17 little girl blown up in Manchester, 7-7-05 ETC,ETC westminster bridge, Etc, Money laundering in plain sight, Car wash, Nail Bar, Sweet shops, Fake turk Barbers. I could go on and on and on. all this in just 25 years I don't recognise my country anymore.

    8. BREXIT LEADER: You need to thank us for taking the UK out of Europe to reduce immigration. We now need a tough policy like Denmark.
      RATIONAL EU SUPPORTER: Denmark is in the EU. So that proves you lied to us. Perhaps you had other motives you didn't tell the voters?

    9. The ultimate problem is British people dont have enough kids!! That's why immigration is high.

      Encourage people to have families, give them more support. Stop bringing in completely different cultures and calling it a strength.

    10. Britain being white is not extreme, I have no problem with legal immigration if you come here to work, pay taxes and fit in with our culture, if you don't work, break the law or come here illegally you should be deported. there is no reason to flee to the UK if you feel unsafe in your own nation how many safe nations does a person have to cross to get here from an Africa or the Middle East? We are always being told how safe the UAE, Saudi, and Oman are why don't the billionaire Muslim leaders help there own? Imagine going to a town in Nigeria and saying it is extreme because it is majority black. Why is it controversial to say Britain should be majority European?

    11. Isint it a tad unfair that so many legal immigrants have had to pay large cash amounts, show bank proof of earnings, give personal data to be scrutinised and back ground checks before they are allowed to come here, yet many illegal immigrants regardless of where they come from are allowed in and to walk freely among those who live here without undergoing any checks.

    12. If you're worried about losing your job to some guy who just jumped off a dinghy you're a bit of a dropout yourself!
      Big picture here is that the western world is run on a FIAT monetary system that requires growth to function correctly which means women must be having at least 2.1 babies. This no longer happens so we might shrink, go into economic decline, become weaker and ultimately invaded for our land (Romans, Vikings, China Russia etc.). Luckily we attract new arrivals who have constantly integrated into our culture we had the Irish, Africans, Indians, Eastern Europeans all doing fine. Are there tensions? Sure but we manage them.
      We'll be fine with these North Africans they just want work and a safe place to raise kids like any other humans. Are there some bad eggs? Sure there always is but we know how to handle that. The only problem is when some want to change the culture.
      There's no point trying to make any country have one skin colour because in a few hundred years everyone will be roughly the same shade and the sooner that happens the better because racism sucks.

    13. With the amount of people we have in the UK already, there is absolutely no need to suppoort immigration. It has become harmful for the nation, especially taking in peoples from Islamic countries that have a negative economic value and send the crime statistics up!

    14. Net immigration was 700,000 people last year. It was 50,000 around like 10 years ago. Meanwhile we are building 150,000 new houses every year, which isn't enough to keep up with the current demand let alone an extra 700,000 people each year, and people wonder why house prices are going through the roof. 🤦‍♂️

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