389 hectare, 17 kilometers of roads, 24 bus stops and 36.000 trees. This is usually the dimension of a small town.
    But instead, 1.4 million funerals took place here. How did the world’s largest park cemetery in Hamburg, Germany came to be and what happens in the future?

    [1] https://www.ndr.de/geschichte/schauplaetze/Friedhof-Ohlsdorf-Hamburgs-Parkfriedhof-im-Wandel-der-Zeit,friedhofohlsdorf174.html
    [2] https://hamburgische-geschichten.de/2021/04/11/ohlsdorf-ein-friedhof-in-bewegten-zeiten/
    [3] https://www.spiegel.de/reise/deutschland/hamburg-135-jahre-friedhof-ohlsdorf-a-839816.html
    [4] https://blog.billiongraves.com/the-7-largest-cemeteries-in-the-world/
    [5] https://www.friedhof-hamburg.de/en/start-en/ohlsdorf-cemetery/getting-there/
    [6] https://www.mopo.de/hamburg/mitten-in-hamburg-das-groesste-mausoleum-des-nordens-verfaellt-37932236/
    [7] https://www.friedhof-hamburg.de/die-friedhoefe/ohlsdorf/ohlsdorf-2050/

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    Roberto Cacciapaglia – Endless Time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyou0I1yesI

    Thanks to Christian Terstegge (https://www.christian-terstegge.de/hamburg/karten_hamburg/index.html) and ARCHIV HAMBURGER NAHVERKEHR (https://www.archiv-hhnv.de/stadtmain/verm95barm.htm) for providing the awesome high resolution historical maps for free.

    Sound Effects from Pixabay

    Satellite Imagery by Google, Landsat / Copernicus, Data SIO, NOAA, U.S. Navy, NGA, GEBCO, IBCAO, U.S. Geological Survey, INEGI, TMap Mobility, Data LDEO-Columbia, NSF, NOAA, GeoBasis-DE/BKG (©2009), Mapa GISrael, Inst. Geogr. Nacional, TerraMetrics, CNES / Airbus, Maxar Technologies, Airbus

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