Full Low Carb Day Macros:
P: 342g C: 313g F: 49g 3,024kcal

Breakfast: P: 110g C: 71g F: 9g 855kcal

Omelette: 1.5cups egg whites + 4.5oz chicken breast (cooked weight) + 28g fat free cheddar cheese + 30g Dijon mustard + 62g Rotel Tomatoes + spices

Oats: 1/2cup egg white + 80g oats + 14g cocoa powder + 2g Espresso powder + Sucralose

Meal 2: P: 62g C: 44g F: 10g 508kcal
6oz Chicken Breast (Cooked Weight) + 62g Rotel Tomatoes + 62g Corn + 61g Black Beans + 30g Lite Sour Cream + Romaine + Bell Pepper + Poblano + 1 Flour Tortilla

Meal 3: P: 62g C: 44g F: 10g 508kcal
6oz Chicken Breast (Cooked Weight) + 62g Rotel Tomatoes + 62g Corn + 61g Black Beans + 30g Lite Sour Cream + Romaine + Bell Pepper + Poblano + 1 Flour Tortilla

Meal 4: P: 62g C: 44g F: 10g 508kcal
6oz Chicken Breast (Cooked Weight) + 62g Rotel Tomatoes + 62g Corn + 61g Black Beans + 30g Lite Sour Cream + Romaine + Bell Pepper + Poblano + 1 Flour Tortilla

Meal 5: P: 47g C: 110g F: 8g
“Egg white French toast” = 8 Slices butter bread + 1cup egg whites + vanilla bean paste + cardamom + cinnamon + sucralose + Walden farms sugar free syrup

Supplements: 2 Animal Pak per day, Type 2 Collagen, Nattokinase, Citrus Bergamot

00:00 Intro
00:05 Omelette Prep
01:13 Oat Prep
02:04 Omelette Toppings
05:24 Oats Step 2 – Add Egg Whites
06:05 Final Omelette Toppings
07:07 Omelette Fold Success
08:06 New Oat Flavorings
10:14 Breakfast Time
10:18 Salad Base Prep
13:54 Salad Dressing Assembly
18:17 How To Season 30lbs Of Chicken
20:53 How To Grill 30lbs Of Chicken
22:53 How To Manage Chicken On The Grill
24:37 30lbs Chicken Cooked
25:10 How To Prep French Toast
26:19 How To Cook French Toast
27:01 French Toast Bon Apetit

#bodybuilding #cooking #food #kitchen #diet #recipe #bodybuildingchef #brennaneggers

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