Shocking footage shows the risks a dangerous driver who hit speeds of 100mph on the wrong side of the road took while trying to flee from police. Louis Roser failed to stop for officers then put lives at risk driving his uninsured Audi A3 into oncoming traffic on the A390 through Hewas Water in Cornwall.

    The footage shows Roser weaving in and out of traffic, seemingly crashing into a hedge at one stage before resuming his escape but eventually cops stopped him at a roundabout. The three-minute pursuit on October 11 ended when the traffic unit in tow carried out a tactical stop before the car entered St Austell.

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    1. Had he pulled in he would have had a fine of 3 – 400 pounds for no insurance and likely his car seized. Instead he oopts for a far worse sentence because he thought the Police were beneith him, silly boy.

    2. To all those saying the judge is at fault for the light sentence – its worh stating that we (collectively) limit the judge's power on sentencing by electing MPs to make laws. In this case Dangerous Driving carries a max 2 year sentence and with a third off for a guilty plea puts the realistic maximum at the judge's disposal at 18 months – so the sentence is pretty close to the max. Would have been closer if there had been children in the car or if he'd crashed into a "civilian" car or injured someone, been on bail for another offence etc. You can go to the sentencing council website and look for yourself and see what you'd decide given the legal limits to your power. If you think its too light a sentence for something like this then its your local MP you need to lobby to change the law not the judge for following it.

    3. A ban from driving doesn't stop criminals
      driving. They will just get another car with
      cloned plates… prison time is a deterrent!!!
      ones similar to police custody cells. no tvs,
      no devices, no roommates… just four walls
      and real time not half sentences!!!

    4. Lots of jail hungry comments here, one month would have been enough. No comment on the police driving in his tracks and so committing the same dangerous acts.

    5. We have this same problem in America. In some states (like Arkansas) the cops stop the bad guy really quick. In other states (like California) the cops simply escort the bad boy – or even let him go without stopping him.

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