1. After watching the video on Day 2, I have to notice that your video is better. Mostly because you focused on the road, bikes, landscapes and Daren focus himself on the girl. Excellent montage, I can hardly wait for the next video.

    2. Hi man,
      Can you tell me something about the tent you are using?
      I am considering to buy one of those.

      And oh, by the way. Once I did trip in the Czech rep.
      It was around 90 km, with full backpack and it was more then 2000 m uphill.

    3. Hi Mikael
      Very well done videos! Enjoy your tour and keep posting more videos 🙂
      How is the Kona Sutra so far? I am thinking to get one and I am curious what your feedback is after using it for few months.
      Thank you!

    4. Personal thoughts: I think a lot of people think that cycling should only be all fun…but not so, it is work, especially going up hills. Perhaps this is the reason such that as I reside in San Diego, I don't see many cyclists, especially women here in San Diego…cycling is too hard to do. I ride my bike for fun AND to get the physical work out which keeps my weight at bay (since I like to eat) and my body and psyche working well.

    5. 12%! Puts things in perspective. In the US it is uncommon that there is a % grade sign, and on dirt roads you are on your own. You are really earning your freerides! Also, I have two friends here who are also watching both versions of this ride, a father and son, and we discuss them.

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