I went to this local cycling event, Arvon Kuntoajo, on 1.7.2017. This time I decided to go fast and maybe have some competition with other cyclists. But as it turns out, other cyclist were much more slower, so there was no competition. The fast group of road cyclist were definetly stronger riders than I am. And they were riding as a group, which makes them even faster. But still I was able to go much faster than they.

    Organizer: Kälviän Tarmo http://www.kalviantarmo.fi

    Thanks for watching! Please subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/saukki86?sub_confirmation=1

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    #saukki #velomobile


    1. Hi very interesting video I subscribed, from your videos seems that is really hard to manage the velomobile to face steeper uphills so can you tell me with what crankset is equipped you model? I suggest they would have to put 3 crown gears like mountain bikes so you can use very low gears so that you can go trough the steeper uphills at decent speeds

    2. Congrats you smoked “em” all!!! I really enjoyed watching this video, I’m just getting into riding recumbent cycles (KMX)and I’m looking into the world of possibilities !!! This makes me want get a Velomoble really really bad , I’d get a kick out of smoking some hardcore cyclists with there $ 10,000 CF bikes with CF wheels 😆😆😆😆👍, You look like you hardly broke a sweat 😆!

    3. You have a fast bike, but you’re also fast!, holy cow, 160kms in 3.5 hours! I also ride a quest velomobile, and i did 100kms in that time. I thought i was fast!😜. You make great video’s. Thanx!!👍

    4. This is a really nice video, I watched it a few times 😀
      I see that you had problems with getting onto the larges cog on your gears. Did you really needed the lowest gear? Or were you also on the middle chainwheel in the front at the time in this video?
      I am working on building a velomobile and your videos are very good inspiration and also they give a good insight into how the Quest is built 🙂

    5. a fair competioin is only when the sport instruments are the same….thats why th UCI has banned recumbents bikes. …..a quest or any other bike with a fairing is very expensive so not everybody can use it…..in the 1930 some races are banned gear shifting, because not much people had the money for it. The UCI s Job is to garantie a fair competition between sport guys, so the best athlet will win and not the athlet with the best material.

    6. Concerning uphills, I read an article recently about how to climb. In the past, my legs would go sour and I would have to back off (in glass fibre Quest). The article stated that the trick is to make sure you get an excess of air into your lungs, so what I do now is steer with one hand, try to relax my back and put one hand to the side, so I can breathe in deep and do "Trumpet-breathing" out (hard out, and use your belly to breathe too). The interesting thing is that now, my heart rate goes up a lot quicker and I can climb steadier and longer. Also, for me this is making about a 20-25% difference in speed. (from avg. 15,4 to 19,1 km/h on my reference hill). Compared to a friend with a normal bike, the weight of my bike is partially compensated by the fact that it's so much easier to deliver the power, and the fact that it's not possible to "open up" your chest on a fast racer with really low handle bars.

    7. Imagine an off road velomobile… or at least one with a bit of suspensions to not have so much difficulty with imperfections in the road.

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