Live from TVS Maidstone

    With: Neil Buchanan, Tony Gregory, Gaby Roslin, Andrea Arnold
    Our thanks to: Erasure, London Boys, Jason Donovan, Andy Serkis, Martin Richardson, David Taylor, Rachel Wright, Penny Boyd

    **It’s Torture !**
    With: Steve Johnson
    Contestant Co-ordinator: Jane Breach

    Original idea by: John Dale
    Music: Mr Miller & Mr Porter
    Location Cameraman: Keith Hunter
    Picture Editors: Paul Neale, Bill Garner
    Location Directors: Tim Edmunds – Costa Rica, Simon Staffurth – Japan
    Costume: Brandon Everett
    Make-up: Tracey Hall
    Astons: Carol Seaborne
    Chargehand: Peter Smith
    Production Buyer: Barbara Spiller
    Vision Control: John Latter
    Technical Co-ordinator: Martin Mills
    Vision Mixers: Timothy Jeffes, Julie Miller
    Floor Manager: Zandra Watts
    Production Assistants: Amanda Dowding, Sarah Horne
    Senior Cameraman: Trevor Hawkins
    Sound Supervisor: Simon Ingarfield
    Lighting Director: E. G. Knagg
    Graphics: Crawford Wilson
    Research: John Bullivant, Kate Ledwith, Joan Lofts, Robert Muller, Andy Prendergast
    Music Associate: Tim Byrne
    Design: Philip Murphy
    Associate Producer: Vanessa Hill
    Executive Producer: Janie Grace
    Director: Adrian Edwards
    Producer: Sue Morgan

    TVS Production
    © 1989 Television South plc


    1. Amazing, more Motormouth series 2! It was certainly flowing a lot better than series 1, this was where it started to become a notable threat to the BBC. Pure throwback to No 73, with Andrea skating around the studio. I hadn't actually realised that she'd had any involvement at all with series 2, I assumed she left after series 1 along with Caroline and Julian. Steve was already emerging as a standout star of the show, he had a great energy for it. Gaby was also settling in nicely, and doing a confident job considering that this was her first big break. I always found it strange when people referred to her as a newcomer to TV when The Big Breakfast was starting to take off, as she'd had three years on Motormouth by that point and was absolutely no stranger to kids of the day. How different things may have turned out though, if TVS had won the franchise and Motormouth had continued. We might not have had the Chris and Gaby partnership at all on The Big Breakfast.

    2. Brilliant! It's such a treat to see more of this on Youtube and I hope there will be more episodes yet to come.
      One could only imagine the outrage and moral panic that would go down if It's Torture were to air today. xD

    3. Never liked Motormouth but didn't realise Andrea moved to it from 73. Its funny seeing all these old skool shows and remembering it was the only way bands could get noticed other than the radio hence you'd have big names appearing.

    4. Interesting to see these old Saturday morning shows, they certainly won't ever get repeated or added to streaming services. Do you have any Ghost Train that ran on CITV during the same era as Motormouth?

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