We finally left Bulgaria and battled through some arctic conditions to get into Serbia!!


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    We’re Dean & Nala, and we’ve been best friends since December 2018. I was actually cycling around the world when I heard Nala meowing out for me somewhere in the Bosnian mountains. With no intentions of keeping Nala, I knew i had to save the wee kitten and take her to the vet – but I was well aware of the fact that it might be a bit of a challenge considering I only had a bike. However, despite my concerns, Nala quickly climbed out of the front bag on the bike handle and straight onto my shoulder. Since then, we’ve been travelling the world together. So feel free to tag along if you’re interested in following our journey and adventures around the globe ❀️


    BIKING CAT 😻 ‡︎

    BABY NALA ❀️ ‡︎




    #1bike1world #cat #fulltimetravel #travellingbybike #cutecat #adventurecat #catvideos #nala #travellingwithcat


    1. Congratulations on your success in writing Nala’s story. Your encounter with her resonated with me and I have a gut instinct we are going to see this on the big screen. A true love story of serendipity I can only imagine was by providence meant for only you and Nala.

    2. Your Nala reminds me of my Cleo. I got Cleo from an abusive home. It took about a month for her to realize I wasn't going to hurt her. She was only 6 weeks old. It's been 2 years now and I still have her. I love Cleo, she's a great cat and companion.

    3. Love to You both! Real men love cats! I love when Nala kisses your nose and gives you a bit of a nibble. The love of my life Romeo (kitty) did that to me as well…I miss him with all my heart and soul…I know what that means when she does that and it’s truly special. Be safe out there and enjoy but just be careful it’s not worth the risk of loss. Fine line I know.

    4. Looks insanely dangerous to ride on that highway. I'd be on the other side, so I could see and evade oncoming traffic. Seems SUPER unsafe. Woman ahead of him has a helmet, but not on, strapped as luggage. Stupid.

    5. I just happened to see this incredible video and can't stop watching each episode. I live in New Jersey, USA, 1/2 hrs from Philadelphia and wish I was across the ocean meeting Nala now and you. I have 2 rescue cats, Vader and Babyface and they're watching with me. Love what you both do, and won't forget you both!! Always be safe, and as you travel, we're right beside you!!

    6. So, at first, I was like, "What? No shorts?!?" But then I saw the shorts. So yeah, TECHNICALLY, I guess you're still wearing shorts. πŸ˜‰

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