Today we visit st johns church in hanley stoke on trent which is now being turned into a mosque.
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    1. It's about time the building was used again, it was empty for many decades before being used as a restaurant. a business that failed. Perhaps because of the pandemic? Anyway, It's good to see it used by the local community again as a place of worship. The UK is no longer a Christian country, as the last census proved. Churches are empty because people have turned away from the Christian religion in the UK, so why not let those who still wish to pray use them? As for the tombstones, those graves are over 100 years old, and no more burial will be allowed the council may have given permission for the removal of headstones. If not, it needs to be looked at.

    2. Council property is public property, I mean how you think they paid for it?? And why are they selling our properties, Everyone must start challenging the government and local councils, they are our public servants.

    3. Wtf you guys do there?? Where are all your men? Why don't you all go on the streets and protest or do something agsint these things? What happens to men in Europe? Do you know what will happen is Islam takes over? What ottomans were doing to Eastern Europeans, take their women, kids etc. that's why you see turks with blue eyes , from where you think they had those women in their harems?You guys offer your country so easily….

    4. I wouldn't worry too much. A lovely local church was turned into a mosque years ago & is now a nightclub. It costs a lot to maintain these massive old buildings. The building must've been sold by a Christian organisation in the first place, wouldn't they have been responsible for the graves?

    5. Suspect it never came on the market! I'm dure a developer would have xnapped it up for flats but suspect jo one else knew it wss being sold. No respect for our historic buildings, stained glass or Graveyards!

    6. White flight is one of causes of this.

      People are leaving the UK en masse who have skills and money, retirees emigrate to warmer mediterranean parts of Europe (Spain, Greece, Canary Islands) and the Caribbean islands.

      Younger people whom progress to further education away from the area don't return and students who study there don't stay.

      The working class who are not formally educated and unskilled to low skilled are left there.

      There's no money in that area it seems so the city officials will accept migrants for money from federal government.

      It's clearly a rock and a hard place and watching your other videos there is no money in this area whatsoever.

    7. Is this building listed? I would guess this building could catch fire, be left derelict for a few years to become an eyesore and be redeveloped into apartments for a massive profit… handy investment for a pension pot! 😂

    8. The last window may be the War Memorial window. 84 men from Stoke were remembered.. The window showed Christ with 2 figures holding a scroll with the following Inscription –

      Those whom this window commemorates

      Were numbered among those who

      At the call of King and Country

      Left all that was dear to them,

      Endured hardship, faced danger

      And finally pass out of sight of men

      By the path of Duty and self-sacrifice,

      Giving up their lives that others might live in freedom.

      Let those who come after see to it that their names be not forgotten.”

    9. Its disrespectful to turn a church into a mosque?

      Say, O believers, “We believe in Allah and what has been revealed to us; and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and his descendants; and what was given to Moses, Jesus, and other prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them. And to Allah we all submit.” [Surah Al-Baqarah; 2:136]

    10. Far to many,all-around the country.
      Are everyone in parliament today cowards.
      Will none of them fight to robustly sustain at all times our heritage ,customs,our laws and way of life.

      No.Because if they say or do anything-they are scared of being branded RACIST.

      They know what is happening- And they want you to vote for them,again.
      Wake up you people that matter.

    11. The sooner we get rid of a prime minister, the better because he’s bloody useless bloody use it is what it is but it is a bloody people we can sod off Vall enough of him don’t vote for him. I said the vote vote for somebody else and him

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