1. Don't mind car drivers being fined for stupid and dangerous driving but surely this should apply to all law abiding cyclists ha ha. Nearly knocked over by cyclists on zebra crossing.

    2. @7:00 they REALLY need to fix this and make it more obvious Ped's cant walk there. trhe Number of accidents that have nearly been caused by pedestrians walking there is crazy!

    3. No wonder people don’t like Lycra louts you could have stopped to let merc reverse and for squeezing between cars if you had hit my car doing that you would be levelled

    4. Nice to see you use a bell . It’s totally wrong cyclists can jump red lights and be totally unidentifiable when they can film motorists and report them . Well done in hanging back on red .

    5. a.k.a. " A standard day in any UK city. " It's always entertaining to watch the creature that got to the moon and wrote the plays of Shakespeare being as fick as s**t when it comes to bikes. To me it's essential to be entertained by it instead of angered.

    6. As far as I can see you're an impatient biker/racer and it seems that you have to correct others all the time. I know it is so much harder to bike in London as it is in the Netherlands, but with your attitude you wouldn't be popular here.

    7. Never seen so many walkers on the embankment tunnel bit with no pedestrian access. That was walking dead level. To be fair it's messed up and forces peds to cross a difficult road. I do it every morning and always watch for a walker there. Wag my finger at them. One guy screamed at me like he would legit kill me if he got close enough. Like a walker keep them at a distance.

    8. I would love to share my commute, although due to near misses and actual collisions, the footage would need a lot of attention and swear removal, Oooooiiiiiiiii
      Well made tour of London.

    9. nice vid, love the attitude. such a nice change from that dude who insists on right of way and his experience to never slow down and get out of sticky situation before it materialises. thanks & happy cycling!

    10. You Sir are an extremely skilled rider, and also extremely confident.
      I would lack the intestinal fortitude to ride a bicycle in that much congestion of cars, cyclists, pedestrians, and hazards.
      Greetings from Melbourne, down under.

    11. That yellow box at 2:54 also drives me mental. People stop in it without fail almost every time I cycle past it. It’s funny how people hate on London cyclists but say nothing about the other London vehicles. They’re no better as an average. People in the big city are generally like this regardless of what they use to get around. Blocking bike boxes, cutting people off, reversing into them, failing to give way to pedestrians and cyclists, passing too close, ALSO running red lights. I’ve seen plenty of red light running cars and scooters and even buses here, yet cyclists seem to get all the blame. It’s not an enjoyable experience to cycle on the roads here.

    12. Lol you keep telling me GREEN GREEN and I won’t move. What’s the rush
      & attitude? If someone wants to cycle slow then they can. Road bikers are such k***s

    13. I like this channel but you've been critical of other road users but at 3:50 you crossed a solid white line at the lights.

      Yes cars do pollute but so do electric vehicles…..power stations are needed to generate electric and 2.5 million tonnes of concrete are needed to construct them. Concrete is the worst pollutant of all. 2.5 millions tonnes of concrete is more than 10 million petrol cars will ever cause in pollution. On top of this your synthetic clothing for example. 500g of synthetic produced is more than a petrol car will ever cause in pollution. Anyway.

      I'm a cyclist but good and bad road users amongst everyone. Don't use the channel as a way of criticism of other users. enough YouTube channels do that. Id just like to find a channel of someone enjoying their commute without the constant criticism.

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