Grant Cardone, a real estate investor and motivational speaker, returned to VladTV and revealed he has been acquitted of all charges related to a ‘frivolous’ lawsuit accusing him of fraud, misrepresentation, and over-promotion. The lawsuit filed against Cardone by investor Luis Pino sought reparation for $10,000 initially invested in two of Cardone’s funds. Cardone pointed out that the suit was more about damaging his reputation rather than seeking justice. He further stated that there was no evidence, financial or otherwise, acknowledging Pino’s claims. After investing over $1,000,000 and three years in fighting the suit, Cardone declared that he decided not to settle as it would amount to ‘tapping out’, despite the fact he could have refrained from costly lawyer expenses by complying with Pino’s request initially. Ultimately, the court dismissed the lawsuit with prejudice, forbidding any relaunching of the same lawsuit. Grant Cardone detailed the lawsuit and a variety of other topics that can be heard in the full interview above.


    1. – Realize the critical impact of interest rates on the economy, inflation, and personal finance decisions, including mortgages and investments. 34:02

      – Acknowledge the emerging banking crisis and its potential impact on personal and business finances. 36:41

      – Recognize the risks associated with keeping money in banks and consider real estate as an alternative place to store wealth. 37:07

      – Prepare for a significant real estate opportunity in rental properties over the next 24 months due to market conditions. 37:21

      – Be cautious of investing in Airbnb due to potential legal restrictions and market oversaturation risks. 40:07

      – Understand the difference between gambling and investing; long-term investing versus short-term speculation. 41:25

      – Consider holding investments for the long term to build multigenerational wealth. 41:37

      – Recognize the difference between personal residences and investment properties in your financial strategy. 42:23

      – Challenge and defend against misinformation or actions that could tarnish your reputation, especially in public domains. 44:57

      – Optimize your health through personalized diets, regular exercise, sleep, and possibly supplements for longevity. 45:54

      – Evaluate the environmental impact and personal health effects of your diet, emphasizing the importance of quality over convenience. 48:07

      – Distinguish between necessities and luxuries in your spending to prioritize financial health and stability. 57:05

      Recognize the importance of self-awareness and honesty in personal and professional growth. 1:22:09

      Prepare thoroughly for interviews to facilitate easy and engaging conversations. 1:22:31

      Learn from successful individuals to apply their insights to your own life and work. 1:27:53

      Focus on creating passive income for financial stability and independence. 1:38:25

      Consider the value of physical assets like real estate for long-term wealth accumulation. 1:31:03

      Evaluate the importance of offering value and education before expecting financial transactions from your audience. 1:40:22

      Stay focused on your purpose, mission, and the well-being of your loved ones during challenging times. 1:41:27

    2. Grant just went up in my respect scale because he understands that his name, his reputation, and the burden it puts on his family to carry that cross in the future is worth way more than 1'052,000. He's got the right personal value system – Respect!!!

    3. anything that promotes people to be self-sufficient, help their families, make more money is messed with by the Mainstream Media, and who controls the MSM?, Since the 1970s, the CIA, via Project Mockingbird. They start wars in diff countries and their next one is in the USA to destroy the middle class & poor class. Wonder why so many food processing plants have mysteriously been set up fire, 1000s destroyed, since 2020?

    4. The reason Scientology has a bad rap in the Media is because it was taken over by the same forces who hate it. Since the 1970s, scientology was infiltrated and taken over by the IRS, CIA, and they established the RTC, Religious Technology Center, to control and purge people who were very good at doing scientology processes to remove negative traumatic experiences. The cia controls scientology today, David Miscavige is a frontman, and they are altering the original works to make it ineffective. cia controls the news, and also scientology.

    5. Grant Cardone legally (but unethically) convinces people to give him their money as an investment with only a guarantee of below savings account interest rates. AKA you'd make more money letting your money sit in the bank than to let him use your money for his real estate investments.

      He's a good speaker and definitely brandishes the ego of the top 1% of wealthy individuals, but he's really only good as a idea suggestion rather than to learn from.

    6. This dude mentioned that Anthony Faucci and the other politicians are destroying the world "Creating Renters!" But he's promoting not buying a house and renting for the rest of your life. But he owns a 40mil dollar house 😂 🤡 Lastly, he mentioned owning a plane and not knowing how much it's worth or how much it cost??? Lol

    7. Omg.😖 Did he just say 80-90% of mortgages in this country are about 3-4.5%????😫
      What’s sad is that not only does he think y’all will believe him—a whole bunch of you will.😫😡

    8. Jesus Christ!! Not only is Grant halfway stoned, he’s LITERALLY MAKING SH-T UP AS HE GOES!! MOST US rentals have better amenities with LOWER costs than the average home?? Please do provide those stats, white-trash-dude-who-couldn’t-pass-my-UC Berkeley-statistics-class (A, thank you☺️) since he’s referencing US stats.
      He’s calling De Santis a genius??
      Is no one watching how many times he drunkenly or stonedly couldn’t find words, couldn’t put thoughts together, stalled with droopy eyes??
      Then would wipe his mouth or nose.🙄

    9. How old is the host?? I’ve lived thru multiple economies, several worse than this, for damn sure!! If Trump had these stats, he’d be crowing every day about everything being the best in HISTORY!! Biden’s statistics are so much better than Trump’s! Almost everything is doing historically well, ESPECIALLY compared to the rest of the world! Sorry eggs are expensive and slimeballs like Cardone are trying to get you to spend TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS in their courses and property they bought at a lower rate than showing you to invest in!! HE’S ALWAYS SELLING YOU GUYS!! Stop buying!!

    10. Damn! He doesn’t know what the F he’s talking about. The 8Os were all about Reaganomics.
      He needs better drugs bc he can’t keep his fingers off his nose, he makes NO sense, he keeps contradicting himself!!!😂😂

    11. I don't understand why someone would spend over a million and a half dollars to fight a $20,000 lawsuit I don't I don't believe it I just don't believe it it makes no sense business-wise common Sense wise and another thing why doesn't he have a team of lawyers on retainer he must obviously he does with the amount of business adventures he's involved in so I don't know what's going on here I don't believe this story don't like these over aggressive type of dudes but I do agree with some of what he's saying is

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