Russian soldiers proved their own worst enemies in newly-unearthed footage from Ukraine which shows them narrowly avoiding harming themselves and each-other on the battlefield. In one video, a Russian soldier stupidly decides to destroy a mine hidden in a wood by shooting it with his rifle, causing a large explosion that knocks him to the ground. In another, a second Russian in a similar piece of forest decides to employ the same tactic but rather than shoot the mine, decides to hit it with a log – with predictable results. In a third, a Russian goes to fire an RPG at Ukrainian lines but fails to realise his comrade is standing behind him, knocking him to the floor with the back-blast from the launch. #russia #ukraine #war

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    Russian soldier hits mine with stick and nearly gets his head blown off
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    1. Смотрю, набежали эксперты из стран-нато. Самые подготовленные к реальной войне. Солдат стран нато Талибан готовил, как всем известно. Могут всё, даже на колесе самолёта дальние перелёты делать.

    2. It is to note that, to avoid discontent among the elites, Putin's cannon fodder is mostly recruited from the far reaches of this vast country where poverty and ignorance run hand in hand. Very few men are recruited from Moscow, Saint Petersburg or other showcase cities.

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