Hi all and welcome to my channel! My name is Elizabeth and in this video you will see me on my 7th day of my bikepacking trip to Berlin, all the way from the Netherlands. Today I arrive in Tangermünde where my grandparents are waiting for me! And where I will have my rest day tomorrow. But first I am enjoying today’s route, because it is beautiful! The gray sky turned into a beautiful blue sky and the sun made everything shine! It was stunning.

    Thank you all for watching this video and if you’re new on this channel don’t forget to subscribe and check out my other videos! And if you liked this video, please give it a thumbs up! See you in the next one.


    1. Halo Elizabeth, nice to watch your video again. I have question for you. I saw your grandmother live in campervan. Do They really live there?

    2. Cycled the same stretch behind the dyke last summer. Indeed one of the few places that has this abundance of wild flowers. You spotted the deer but the clip also shows a heavy rain cloud coming your way. Had the same experience: one moment plenty of sunshine and then the clouds start to come again and it is all over. But despite all this I still had a lot of fun cycling this part of the route to Berlin.

    3. Not boring at all! 🌞 As a hiker and farm girl, I also love that landscape! Are you shooting these views with a GoPro or on your phone? Really nice! Also, did your grandmom teach you to crochet? I was lucky to learn sewing from my great-grandmom, grandmom, mom and aunt! 😂

    4. Found it straightaway.I'm looking at your editing techniques now as I am on the verge of getting a Go Pro 11.Got my Trek FX3 back so will start making videos about cycling in eastern England and then take a trip to Holland.You have in part inspired that but unlike you will probably spend most of the time in the pub!!!!

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