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    As an American I may not know how the public transportation works in London but I am very surprised to hear that no one uses bicycles. Today I am very interested in learning about why nobody cycles in London. If you enjoyed the video feel free to leave a comment, like, or subscribe for more!


    1. I know lots of people who cycled in London (and still do) and I spent many years cycling into London when I went to Uni in South Kensington and working near Oxford Circus. This was in the 80's and 90's (before Boris bikes and cycle superhighways).

    2. Where there's a will, there's a way! Watch (on YT) how major European cities adapt to more sensible and more ecological means of inter- and inner-city transportation: "How to (Quickly) Build a Cycling City – Paris" – Not Just Bikes

    3. He is one of the "Map Men" who have a lot of very informative and entertaining videos, well worth looking at.
      My 'home city' Peterborough invested a lot of funding into new road systems and coordinated cycle paths as it expanded in the 1970s-1990s. The road systems went round the city whilst the cycle ways were like straight spokes providing short routes for people going to work, shop, play, etc. In the city centre they found you could exclude cars but combine buses, delivery vehicles, bikes and people.
      One thing pointed out in the video that are really disliked/dreaded, even by keen cyclists like myself, are BIG multi-lane roundabouts. They are not designed for cyclists who are travelling much slower than cars and don't have a ton of metal around them for protection.

    4. This is probably the most painful to watch Tyler reaction yet. Jeez Louise. And fancy not watching a Jay Foreman video all the way to the end… sacrilegious! Although… also convenient, as it was just before Jay's end of video sponsor's advert. Mmmm. I wonder why that was? A coincidence? Don't tell me Tyler has already actually watched the whole video in advance and therefore knows exactly when to stop it (after cuttig to 30 seconds in as well) before it goes off topic… thus rendering his real-time "reaction" a complete fake. Nah, can't be! {cough}

    5. There’s so many cyclist, they’ve changed parts of the highways code to encourage cycling making it safer. There is and probably always will be a clash with cars but generally we live side by side now.

    6. The tube is the most popular transport method as its so quick. But loads cycle. I wouldnt want to as its so busy. FYI Boris bikes were the idea of the previous labour mayor ken livingstone

    7. Cyclists are everywhere in London. They ignor the traffic lights, they leave their bikes everywhere. I use a blind cane, cyclists are my bane.

    8. So often you interrupted and asked a question. After you restarted the video answered your question. Sorry but I have a policy now. I tell a presenter ten times in a clip to shutup and listen then I give a thumbs down and unsubscribe.

    9. In my local area in Scotland a lot of the disused railway tracks were turned into mixed paths for cycling, walking amnd horse riding. Some of the pavements are mixed use for pedestrians and bikes as well it's fairly popular but most people still have a car if they can afford it. I cycle a lot and to be honest busy country roads are more worrying than town centres as people drive so fast. Lots of cyclists are really inconsiderate sadly but some of us try to not be selfish

    10. Of course people cycle in London how do you think companies like Deliveroo, Just Eat and Uber Eats cyclists get food to customers. Not to mention the Santander Cycles. This video makes no sense.

    11. I have to agree with others here. This is nonsense. One of the reasons I stopped driving in London was the battalions of cyclists weaving through traffic.

    12. There is more to the video, as there are still problems with these schemes (not surprisingly, one of the issues is the posh bods in Kensington and Chelsea have said 'Not having poor people coming thru here on their velocipedes…' – and getting away with it, 'cos they have money and the government don't want to upset them).
      Jay Foreman's series, particularly this one 'Unfinished London' are excellent, and I can fully recommend them as possible future reactions.

    13. I lived in London for years. Cyclists are EVERYWHERE. There is even a Transport for London cycling scheme with cycle parks all over the city. The idea that people don't cycle in London is ridiculous. Admittedly, I haven't watched this entire video yet (I am 1.5 minutes in) but I am already confused about where this is going.
      Bikes are in the news in London. Incidentally, I think God takes care of the environment, I am just commenting on the myth that no-one uses bikes in London. EDIT: Having now watched the video he now admits that there are thousands of cyclists in London every day. So normally I like the "map men" videos (and he is one of them) but this time I think he was trying to make a story out of nothing. Yes, cycling is dangerous in a big city. Are there less cyclists in London than any other big city? I very much doubt it. Using Amsterdam as a comparison is a bit disingenuous. Amsterdam is KNOWN worldwide for cyclists. He should delete his video for misinformation lol. Up to him of course.

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